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=== The Rise of the Vampyri (30-35) ===
=== The Rise of the Vampyri (30-34) ===
==== Souvenir ====
{{Souvenir Dossier on Victor Samson}}
{{Souvenir|Dossier on Victor Samson}}
==== {{UL|Take out the Council's supplies to cripple their plan}} ====
==== {{UL|Take out the Council's supplies to cripple their plan}} ====

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{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The dark confines of the city sewers press in.  The Rise of the Vampyri must end here and now, or all of humanity's future will be in peril.|Primary=Arrest Progenitor & his guards|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=With your defeat of the vampyr Progenitor, you have ended the Rise of the Vampyri.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=The dark confines of the city sewers press in.  The Rise of the Vampyri must end here and now, or all of humanity's future will be in peril.|Primary=Arrest Progenitor & his guards|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=With your defeat of the vampyr Progenitor, you have ended the Rise of the Vampyri.}}
{{EdNote|note=Mission completion only requires the defeat of the enemies in the Vampyr Progenitor's room. Defeating the Vampyr Guardians is optional.}}


Latest revision as of 22:22, 23 August 2024

Merit Rewards: This activity awards 42 Reward Merits.

The Rise of the Vampyri (30-35)


Dossier on Victor Samson

You've kept this Council dossier on Victor Sampson, the young soldier who would undergo the hideous transformation that almost began:

The Rise of the Vampyri

When you started the case, it seemed like the same old rigmarole: the Council was planning some sort of major strike. You made a pre-emptive strike against a supply base to disrupt their plans. During the attack, you found a memo indicating that the Council was preparing a new batch of its deadly vampyr troops.

You raided the base mentioned in the memo, and found dozens of dossiers on candidates for the vampyr transformation.

Acting on this information, you captured a number of vampyr candidates before they could be transformed. At their training base, you found troubling hints that the Council was trying to produce a new type of vampyr.

You went to the facility where they were testing this process, and learned that the Council was using a front company named Alderwise Genetics to do their genetic research for them.

You arrived at Alderwise Genetics too late. The Council had anticipated your move, and to keep their connection to Alderwise a secret, they had raided the company. They killed the researchers and made off with almost all the research data. You did, however, salvage two important files. From these files, you learned that the Council had created a new kind of vampyr that could reproduce, and that all of the research data had been transferred to a single base.

With no other clues, you hit the streets. One by one the clues fell in place, and soon you knew that the location of the base where the research data had been taken.

You struck the base and not only found the genetic data, but also learned the current location of the vampyr Progenitor.

In the end, the Rise of the Vampyri was brought to an end in the sewers of Paragon City. In a final decisive battle you defeated the vampyr Progenitor and his guards before they could escape to South America.

The vampyr Progenitor survived the battle, and is under observation at a SERAPH facility.

Take out the Council's supplies to cripple their plan


There's good evidence that the Council is planning some kind of major strike soon. Happily, my network of contacts has given me a good idea of where they're massing the supplies for this attack. If you can take out those supplies, it will cripple their plan. While you're there, keep your eyes open. Anything you can learn about the Council's new plan will help.

With any luck, we can stop this Council strike before it starts.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Arrest supply master & his men
    • 10 crates to destroy, Seek clues

You destroyed the stockpiled munitions, defeated the base commander, and found an interesting memo.

Notable NPCs



You search through the files.

Council memo

To: Base Archon Zane:
RE: Vampyri candidates

I understand that you've picked the next round of candidates for the vampyr transformation process. When you send those dossiers to Nosferatu, please prepare copies for me, so that I can have proper equipment and accommodations ready for our next group of vampyri. As I understand, it should be quite a large number. Send the records to Base 80-05 in Kings Row.

Archon Wilder


So, the Council is preparing another wave of vampyri to unleash upon the city. That's not good. I can only hope that you were able to slow them down by destroying those munitions.

Investigate base 80-05


According to the memo you found in Archon Zane's supply base, the Council is preparing a new batch of vampyri. Perhaps we should investigate this base 80-05 mentioned in the memo. We need to stop that transformation process if at all possible. The vampyri are some of the Council's deadliest soldiers.

The vampyri may look like monsters, but they're really augmented human beings, just like the Cor Leonis. Their leader is Nosferatu, a brilliant scientist who first proved his methods by testing them on himself. He's only begun working under the Council's leadership recently, but I expect they're pushing him to new heights of mad experimentation. The Center isn't ever satisfied with what he's got; he always seems to want more.

Mission Objective(s)

You slipped through security without a hitch. The Council has no idea what they're in for.

  • Arrest base leader & his men
    • Seek data on vampyri

You captured the base commander and found files on the vampyr candidates.

Vampyr candidate files

These computer files list the identities of several Council soldiers who have volunteered for the vampyri program. Dossiers on each man reveal a common thread of sociopathic tendencies and a willingness to endure pain. You also note that a number of candidates are being gathered at another base.



Notable NPCs


These files you found list every soldier scheduled to be turned into a vampyr! With these, we may be able to capture a number of these men before the transformation takes place.

Arrest the vampyr candidates


I have a good lead on the base where those vampyr candidates are being trained prior to the transformation process. The more of these men we can capture, the bigger a problem we can make for the Council. Will you go over there and arrest the vampyr candidates?

We've never been able to learn much about the process that turns Council soldiers into vampyri. Anything you can learn will be of great value.

Mission Objective(s)

This base is Spartan and dim. It looks like a place only a vampyr could feel comfortable calling home.

  • Arrest all soldiers in base
    • 2 files to find

You arrested the vampyr candidates and found some interesting information.

Training logs

These training logs contain detailed information on the training regimen for candidates for the Council's vampyr transformation process. Performance logs, Cor Leonis alteration compatibility, drug resistance, medical health, and physical fitness have been all carefully monitored and recorded during the brutal training regimen. Recent candidates also seem to have undergone genetic profiling. Cryptic comments about each man's genetic suitability litter the margins of the pages.

Research records

This hefty stack of files contains copies of papers written by Council scientists working on improvements to the Council's vampyri. Each one reads like a madman's medical text. Tissue grafting, nerve alterations, implantations of multiple adrenal glands, and skin strengthening agents are discussed at length. The last few papers in the file refer to recombinant genetic work, which, it is hoped, will result in a new, stronger generation of vampyri.

Notable NPCs




From the look of these files you found, it seems the Council has been bolstering the ranks of the vampyri for quite some time. In fact, it looks like they're getting read to field test some kind of new, improved vampyr. If it weren't for you, we might not have known about these new vampyri until they were upon us! Thanks to you, we may still have a chance to stop them.

Investigate vampyr transformation process


According to these files you found in the vampyr training base, it seems the Council is planning to radically alter their vampyr creation process. They plan to start using some kind of induced genetic mutation to turn men into vampyri with little surgical augmentation. If they can do that, they can step up their vampyr production a hundred fold. I have a lead on the facility where they're testing this process. If you can find out a little more about the process, we may have a chance to stop their research.

If we're lucky, you'll discover that they're a long way from actually using this new vampyr transformation process.

Mission Objective(s)

From the fresh paint and gleaming metal, it looks like this base was only recently commissioned.

  • Investigate vampyr alterations
    • 3 clues to find

You have gained valuable information about the Council's new vampyr program.

You found some samples of artificial DNA.

Artificial vampyr DNA

This refrigerated DNA is no doubt a part of the Council's attempt to streamline their vampyr transformation process by altering human beings at a genetic level. The vials containing the samples all come from a company called Alderwise Genetics.

You found some files on the Council's attempts at making new vampyri.

Failed experiments

These documents and photographs tell a terrible story. Mutations, disfigurements, and deaths: the end results of the Council's attempt at genetically engineering a new type of vampyr soldier. Dozens of men have died in these tests already, but the volunteers keep coming. The later tests, however, have been showing some moderate success. Here and there in the photographs, you note civilian researchers participating in the experiments. All of them wear lab coats bearing the words Alderwise Genetics.

You found some very interesting records.

Genetic lab work

This is a detailed expenditures report, showing that the Council has been outsourcing a good deal of their research to a private firm called Alderwise Genetics.




You did a great job down there, and there was a lot of good information to be found. It looks like the Council isn't as far along as we'd feared, but they are definitely making progress on their efforts to improve their vampyr creation process.

Look at this! It seems that the council hasn't been working on these new genetic vampyr enhancements on their own. A company called Alderwise Genetics has done a lot of work for them. I'm going to do a bit of research into this company and see what I can find.

Go to Alderwise Genetics and see if you can find evidence that the Council is involved with them?


I did a bit of digging into Alderwise Genetics, that company mentioned in the Council files. It looks like Alderwise got bought out by a private investor about two years ago, after their CEO died in a car accident. After the buy-out, they fired most of their staff and radically changed the direction of their research. From where I stand, it looks like their private investor may have been the Council. I'll bet anything the Council is using Alderwise as a front company to gain them access to genetic research data they couldn't get their hands on any other way. Will you get over to Alderwise Genetics and see if you can find any evidence that the Council is involved with them?

We still need more information. If Alderwise is close to perfecting the Council's new vampyr transformation process, we need to be forewarned.

Mission Objective(s)

The smell of coffee in the air, the inspirational posters tacked to the walls. No one would ever know that this lab is a Council front company.

  • Defeat security chief & his men
    • 2 files to find

You stopped the Council from eliminating the evidence linking them to Alderwise Genetics.

You're just in time to stop the computer from erasing its hard drives!

The Progenitor

These e-mails, documents, presentations, and memos are both fascinating and horrifying. They chronicle Alderwise Genetics' attempts to transform volunteers into vampyri by altering their DNA. After countless setbacks, the researchers concluded that such radical genetic alterations could not transform an adult human. However, if they could alter the germ-line cells that passed traits from parent to child, they could produce something potentially far more valuable in the long term. They began working to create a vampyr that could breed true. The final documents detail the alterations made to one Victor Samson, who is dubbed 'The Progenitor.'

You're just in time to stop the computer from erasing the last of its data!

Data transfer

While most of this computer's data has been removed, enough remains to inform you that the records were not erased, but transferred to a Council base. Unfortunately, there is no clue to this base's location.



Notable NPCs


A vampyr that breeds true? That's unbelievable! I never guessed the Council's genetic research had gotten this far! If this Progenitor gets away from us, they could hide him in some remote part of the world and ready a vampyr army. I don't know if even the Council realizes the drastic implications of this mad scheme. After all, once the vampyri are no longer converted Council soldiers, who's to say they won't develop their own agenda? We have to stop this. We have to stop this now.

Hit the streets and interrogate a few Council soldiers


I've talked to everyone I know about the Council, the raid on Alderwise Genetics, and this vampyr Progenitor they've created. I wish I had better news. All I was able to find out is that the genetic research data Alderwise generated was transferred to a single Council base. The trouble is, I don't know which one. I need you to hit the streets and interrogate a few Council soldiers. We're working on a clock here. If we don't find that vampyr Progenitor before the Council spirits him away, we'll never be able to eliminate the vampyri for good.

The Council won't give up information easily. I hope you're ready to see this through.

Question soldiers about base

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question soldiers about base
    • Defeat 10 Council

One of the soldiers you defeated gave up the name of the base commander.

Ambush! You will be ambushed by Council soldiers after accepting this mission.

The soldier's story

One of the Council soldiers you defeated told you:

'All right, I'll talk. All I know is that Archon Todesco ordered that hit on Alderwise. If you're looking for info, you'll have to find him.'

Question soldiers about base

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question soldiers about base
    • Defeat 15 Council

On one of the soldiers you defeated, you found a print out detailing patrol routes.

Council patrol routes

On one of the soldiers you defeated, you found a print out detailing patrol routes and recruiting numbers for Archon Todesco's base. While it doesn't have the base's exact location, it mentions enough landmarks for you to realize that the base is somewhere in Independence Port.

Ambush! You will be ambushed by Council soldiers after completing the second part of this mission.

Question soldiers about base

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question soldiers about base
    • Defeat 20 Council

On one of the soldiers you defeated, you found a work order.

Council work order

One of the soldiers you defeated was carrying orders for a clean-up detail to fix the secret entrance to a Council base in Independence Port. The landmarks and location match those you know to be near Archon Todescu's base.


You really did it. Now that we know the location of Todescu's base, we can recover the genetic research data that was taken from Alderwise Genetics. With any luck, that'll get us a lot closer to finding this strange vampyr Progenitor that the Council has created.

Go to Archon Todesco's base and get the data


Now that we know the location of Todesco's base, we should be able to get our hands on that genetic research data the Council took from Alderwise Genetics. I'm also hoping Todesco can tell us more about this vampyr Progenitor the Council has engineered. I need you to get over to that base and get the data. What do you say? You up for it?

Mission Acceptance

I want Todesco behind bars. He can tell us a lot about the Council's new plans for the vampyri.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need Archon Todesco in a paddy wagon. he's one of the few people who may be able to tell us what's become of this vampyr Progenitor.

Mission Objective(s)

Not a speck of dirt mars the floor, and the weapons stacked against the wall are clean and gleaming. Archon Todesco runs a tight base.

  • Arrest Todesco and his men
    • Find genetic data

You have defeated Archon Todesco and secured all the data pertaining to Project Progenitor.

Todesco's story

After his defeat, Archon Todesco told you:

'I never had any intention of letting this obscene genetic research data survive. The vampyri we have were men once, men who underwent their transformation to further our cause of creating a new and better world. But these monsters my superiors sought to create would never have been human. They would have no allegiance, no loyalty to any but their own freakish kind. They were an abomination. I became an archon to lead men into battle for our new world, not to lead monsters in a war to destroy it.

'I know where their loathsome vampyr Progenitor is. He is hiding in the city sewers like an animal, protected in his lair until he can escape to a prepared location in South America. You cannot allow this. You must stop the vampyr Progenitor!'



Notable NPCs

You found the genetic data on the vampyr Progenitor.

Alderwise Genetics' data

You extracted the last trace of Alderwise Genetics' data from a Council computer. Oddly, the computer had been isolated from the base's computer network, so it seems that no copies of the files were ever made.


So, this Archon Todesco was actually trying to stop the vampyr Progenitor? I guess he didn't like the idea of a race of true-breeding vampyri running around, with no allegiance to anything but themselves. Come to think of it, I have to say I agree.

Take the vampyr Progenitor into custody


According to this Archon Todesco you captured, the Council has the vampyr Progenitor secreted away in the sewers. He'll be heavily guarded. But if you can take him into custody, we may never have to face the nightmare of a true-breeding race of vampyri.

Mission Acceptance

There's a lot riding on this one. I know I can count on you to see it through.

Unnecessary Solicitation

If you don't find that vampyr Progenitor quickly, the Council will get him out of the country. Once they manage that, there's a chance we'll never see him again!

Mission Objective(s)

The dark confines of the city sewers press in. The Rise of the Vampyri must end here and now, or all of humanity's future will be in peril.

  • Arrest Progenitor & his guards

With your defeat of the vampyr Progenitor, you have ended the Rise of the Vampyri.

Editor's Note:

Mission completion only requires the defeat of the enemies in the Vampyr Progenitor's room. Defeating the Vampyr Guardians is optional.



Notable NPCs


Well, you've captured the vampyr Progenitor and confiscated all the data on how to make another. All in all, I'd say you've wrapped this up nicely. I'm proud to have worked with you to prevent the rise of an independent species of vampyi. I'd like to think that one day I'll be able to tell future generations about your valiant perseverance. Come to think of it, those future generations may only exist because of you.