Television: Difference between revisions

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imported>Kung-Fu Jesus
(Added Mission ' Get Viridian's signature')
imported>Kung-Fu Jesus
(Added Mission 'Talk to Mr. Pither')
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'Great work, Villain. Now there's only one signature to go. I'm busy right now, so if you want to find out which signature to get next, maybe you should watch some science fiction.
'Great work, Villain. Now there's only one signature to go. I'm busy right now, so if you want to find out which signature to get next, maybe you should watch some science fiction.
=== Talk to Mr. Pither ===
You decide to take in some science fiction Television, and instantly find just the thing. It's a show set on a space station in the far future, where humans and aliens gather for political alliances, trade negotiations, and cultural exchanges. It's full of thought-provoking plots, intrigue, betrayal, and some great space battles. As you tune in, the seasoned human station commander is talking with his cunning security officer.
'Okay, what if we lock down the fighting sides in their quarters?' asks the security chief. 'It won't work,' says the Station Commander, shaking his head. 'We don't have the manpower, and even if we could get it, putting everyone under house arrest would cause the diplomatic incident our shadowy enemy's spies have been waiting for. No, we need to have more people monitoring the station. And to do that, we need more people watching us on Television.' The Security Chief nods as the Station Commander, who turns to face you.'And Villain, you can help us get more people watching Television. all we need is one more signature.
'''Mission Acceptance'''
'I knew we could count on you', the Station Commander says.
'Yeah, we can always count on a villain when it comes to getting paid, wreaking mayhem, or saving their own neck.' the Security Chief says snidely.
The Commander silences him with a glare. 'The next person you need to talk to is Mr. Pither, the efficiency expert. Do whatever he asks to get his signature. If he signs that report, it will carry a lot of weight Oh, and watch out for Malta. They may still be upset with you.'
The two go back to their deliberations, but now you know what to do.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Talk to Mr. Pither.|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Briefing''' [[Efficiency Expert Pither]]
You've arrived just in the nick of time, Villain. I will look over this. I cannot say I agree that an increase in Television viewing time will end up with more relaxed and therefore more capable troops, but I am in desperate need of assistance. If you can clear up my problem, I will sign whatever you wish. My problem is this:
A large nest of Arachnoids has been making raids against Arachnos troops. This is disrupting the efficiency of all Arachnos action in that area. I need that nest destroyed. Do that, and you will have your signature.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=These eerie caverns are filled with strange and unsettling things.|Primary=Defeat all Arachnoids|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=You have wiped out the Arachnoids in these caves.}}
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Get Mr. Pither's signature|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Briefing''' [[Efficiency Expert Pither]]
The Arachnoid raids have decreased after your attack. Dedicating a few recreational hours a week to improve troop morale through television is an equitable trade. Take your document.
{{Mission Objective|Entrance=|Primary=Deliver report to Daos|Secondary=|Additional=|Completion=}}
'''Briefing''' [[Arbiter Daos]]
I've heard you were preparing a report for me, Villain. Let me take a look. Hmm. More Television? Well, you did have Dr. Aeon as a co-author, and you have some very important people who've reviewed it. Considering your power and position, I'll have to take this into serious consideration. I'll forward this report directly to Lord Recluse himself. Thank you for bringing this to me.
{{Enemy Arachnoids}}
You tune back in just at the climax of a massive space battle on the sci-fi show you were watching earlier. You watch the whole thing unfold and come down to a satisfying conclusion. There are a few quiet moments before the show's heroes realize that they've won, but then the celebration starts. The stern Station Commander takes a moment to address everyone over the public address system.
'We've won a great victory today, and I want to thank everyone. In particular, I'd like to thank Villain, without whom, this whole victory would have been impossible. Let us look today as the first day of a new galaxy! A galaxy of prosperity. A galaxy of opportunity. A galaxy of Television. That is all.'

== External Links ==
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Revision as of 01:05, 27 September 2006

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Television is a villain contact in the The Gutter neighborhood of Grandville. Its level range is 45-50.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


This looks like a perfectly normal television, sitting propped up on bricks and boards in the Gutter. That somehow gets reception. And isn't plugged into anything. You've seen stranger things, but this is definitely weird.

Initial Contact

This is the first time you really have a chance to sit down and watch some TV. Fortunately, there's an easy channel guide to show what's on. You make your first choice and change channels, but it doesn't take you to the show you chose. Still, you get the feeling that you should watch what's on anyway.


Television sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 50 Technology Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost
  • Level 50 Magic Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost
  • Level 50 Science Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost
  • Level 50 Mutation Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost
  • Level 50 Natural Single-Origin Enhancements at 200% cost

Story Arc


Beat Ezekial Brass


You tune into the next show just as the words 'In Color' fade from the screen, and the action opens in the aftermath of chaos. Arachnos troops are cleaning up after a major operation, an attack on the WSPDR building that you remember from a while back. Only this isn't news footage. It looks like an old TV show. The camera follows an old-model police cruiser as it pulls up, and a pair of stiff-backed, straight-laced, no-nonsense plainclothes detectives step out. They immediately start talking to the officers on the scene in rapid-fire monotone bursts. 'What's happened here?' asks the first cop. 'Arachnos attacked the WSPDR building,' replies the cop on the scene. 'I can see that. Why?' 'Marshal Brass was angry. Something about WSPDR trying to broadcast an expose on Dr. Aeon.' 'Brass is a real big-shot around here,' the second says. 'What are we going to do about it?' 'We can't let him get away with this, partner. A crime's been committed. A crime against Television. We're going to need outside help, partner. We can't touch Brass, but we can still hurt him. I'm going to call in Villain.'

Mission Acceptance

Both cops turn to you, the technicolor grey of their sharply pressed suits coming right at you. 'Alright, Villain,' the no-nonsense cop says to you in a no-nonsense monotone. 'Let's get to your part in all of this. We can't touch Marshal Brass. Arachnos needs him just where he is, keeping Dr. Aeon paranoid. But he's got to learn not to mes with Television. That's going to be your job. Brass is a tough guy, but he's got a soft spot: his kid. Ezekial Brass, black male, early twenties, currently working his way up the Arachnos organization. You make sure something happens to the son. We'll make sure the father gets the message: Don't Mess with Television.'

Mission Objective(s)

Marshal Brass' kid Ezekial is in here somewhere. He's your only target, this time.

  • Beat Ezekial Brass
    • Defeat Ezekial Brass

You defeated Ezekial Brass



Notable NPCs

  • Ezekial Brass


When you return, the cops are back at their station, writing up their reports. 'How did it go?' asks one in his clipped monotone. 'Brass got the message,' the other one replies. 'Loud and clear' They both nod in unison. 'And the kid?' The first one asks. 'Docs were talking about it in the TV lounge. He'll probably pull through, but they might end up putting him in one of those Tarantula things.' 'Tough break' 'Yeah. But that's what happens when you mess with Television.'

The screen freezes and the credits play over a still-frame of the last shot. You catch your name in the credits, billed as: 'With special guest star.......Villain'.

Make Dr. Aeon write a paper


The Television is playing an episode of a witty animated comedy about a dysfunctional and highly entertaining cartoon family. As you join the show, the comedically idiotic and overweight father of the cartoon family has nearly destroyed their town due to massive negligence at his job. His long-suffering but equally crazy brood all stand before him as he tries to eplain why their town was almost over-run by radioactive mimes and their lawyers. It's a pretty typical moment for the show.

'So it all came out for the best!' he says, with the self-satisfaction only a true idiot can muster. 'No, Dad,' his insufferable daughter protests. 'There are killer mimes everywhere, half the town is radioactive, and the other half is being sued out of existence for trying to stop the mimes.' 'She does have a point,' muses the mother. 'Though this does mean there will be more parking at the mall...' 'See!' the father says. 'You just have to look on the bright side. Half the town is perfectly fine until the lawyers foreclose on it, and that's enough time for more TV.' 'But if you hadn't been watching TV at work, then none of this would have happened.' The bratty son interjects. 'While that is technically true, that would also mean I would have missed TV. And, as I think Villain can tell you, there's nothing worse than missing good Television. In fact, I think everyone would just be happier if they ignored the rampaging mobs or atomic mimes, and stopped trying to blame people for creating and then accidentally unleashing them, or even for advising them to seek legal council; and instead just watched more Television. Isn't that right, Villain? People should watch more Television'

Mission Acceptance

The rest of the cartoon family has stopped still, and the cartoon father is talking directly to you.

'Now, I know what you're thinking. How could someone like you, an incredibly powerful and well-connected villain with personal links to several of the leaders of Arachnos possibly be able to help Television? Well that's easy! You're just going to convince Arachnos to make all of their people watch more Television. But to do that, you're going to need an authorized scientific report. And you're going to get one the old-fashioned way: By forcing a nerd to write it for you. I'd suggest Dr. Aeon. He's about as nerdy as you can get.'

Mission Objective(s)

Dr. Aeon tends to split his time between Aeon City in Cap Au Diable and Aeon Corporation here in Grandville. He should be here today.

  • Make Dr. Aeon write a paper
    • Capture Dr. Aeon

You got the report from Dr. Aeon.



Notable NPCs

Template:Clue The Television Report

This is the report you forced Dr. Aeon to write, and it's a doozy. It extols the virtues Television has on the human mind. How Television can provide relaxation, catharsis, and provide fictional frameworks for the confusing events of daily life. It suggests that increasing the TV allowance of Arachnos troops, and imposing mandatory TV times for Arachnos squads could improve morale across the board and assist social bonding within and between units by giving Arachnos soldiers additional common experiences. You're listed as one of the co-authors of this report, along with Dr. Aeon.


When you return to the TV, the cartoon father is sitting on his couch, watching TV, drinking beer, and eating snack food with a radioactive mime on one side and a lawyer on the other.

'So you see,' he says with idiot's wisdom, 'Television truly helps to bring people together. Some people find that hard to believe, but that's why we can force nerds to write scientific papers that prove it. Now if only we could get more people to watch Television...'

Father, Mime, and Lawyer all start puzzling over the problem as the episode comes to an end.

Get Viridian's signature


There's an old spy show playing on Television when you tune in. As you tune in, the elite team of espionage specialists are gathered around an old style of tape recorder, anxiously awaiting their latest top-secret impossible mission. The leader of the group stabs his fingers down on the 'Play' button, and they all listen intently as the tape starts to play.

'Greetings, team,' the tape begins. 'Your mission today will be to stop the assassination of the Ambassador of West Libertalia by mercenary forces. But before I give you the details for that, I must address Villain.' The rest of the spy team looks surprised, but their grey haired leader nods grimly, and motions you closer as the tape continues to play. 'Villain, we need to use your high standing, power, and connections to assist Television. This will be your mission, if you choose to accept it.'

Mission Acceptance

The whole spy team seems relieved now that you've agreed to help Television. The tape continues to play.

'Villain, the report you hold is vitally important for the future of Television. But before it can be submitted to Arbiter Daos for implementation, you need to get it approved by two other high-ranking members of Arachnos. Your first Target will be Viridian, the chief of counter-intelligence operations. Do whatever task he gives you, but you must get that signature. Now, for the rest of you, the operation is simple. First, you'll have to pretend to be a traveling circus in need of a lion-tamer...' The voice on the tape keeps talking, telling the people in the show what they need to know. But you know what you have to do.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get Viridian's signature

Briefing Viridian

Okay, Villain, I'll look at this report from Aeon. Really, I don't care. I have other problems. There's a thought. If you help me with my problem, I'll sign this for you. Here's the problem: The Malta Group. Normally, we both walk a line. Neither of us wants a shadow war. Too costly. But a cell of Malta operatives have crossed the line. Malta thinks they're just testing where the line is. They're wrong. They pushed it. I need someone to push them back. Wipe out the Malta cell. They're disguised as a small accountancy firm. When that's done, I'll sign anything you want. Leave the report with me. I'll wait for you to get back.

Mission Objective(s)

This is supposed to be a 'small accounting firm'? By what definition of 'Small'?

  • Wipe out Malta cell

You elminated the Malta cell

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get Viridian's signature

Briefing Viridian

So, there were Knives of Artemis there as well? They normally handle covert assassinations. That information alone makes it worthwhile to sign this. I really don't care about TV one way or the other. Well, except for my stories. I'm not afraid to admit that I love my soap operas. I've been following some of them since college. Here you go.


Knives of Artemis
Malta Operatives

Template:Clue Signed Television Report

This is the report you forced Dr. Aeon to write, and it's a doozy. It extols the virtues Television has on the human mind. How Television can provide relaxation, catharsis, and provide fictional frameworks for the confusing events of daily life. It suggests that increasing the TV allowance of Arachnos troops, and imposing mandatory TV times for Arachnos squads could improve morale across the board and assist social bonding within and between units by giving Arachnos soldiers additional common experiences. You're listed as one of the co-authors of this report, along with Dr. Aeon.

The report now bears the signature of Viridian, the chief of Arachnos Counter-Intelligence Operations.


When you get back, the spy team is in the middle of an intricate four-way double deception between multiple factions. The gray haired leader of the team takes a minute out from pretending to be the boss of the lion-taming assassin to quickly tell say a few words to you.

'Great work, Villain. Now there's only one signature to go. I'm busy right now, so if you want to find out which signature to get next, maybe you should watch some science fiction.

Talk to Mr. Pither


You decide to take in some science fiction Television, and instantly find just the thing. It's a show set on a space station in the far future, where humans and aliens gather for political alliances, trade negotiations, and cultural exchanges. It's full of thought-provoking plots, intrigue, betrayal, and some great space battles. As you tune in, the seasoned human station commander is talking with his cunning security officer.

'Okay, what if we lock down the fighting sides in their quarters?' asks the security chief. 'It won't work,' says the Station Commander, shaking his head. 'We don't have the manpower, and even if we could get it, putting everyone under house arrest would cause the diplomatic incident our shadowy enemy's spies have been waiting for. No, we need to have more people monitoring the station. And to do that, we need more people watching us on Television.' The Security Chief nods as the Station Commander, who turns to face you.'And Villain, you can help us get more people watching Television. all we need is one more signature.

Mission Acceptance

'I knew we could count on you', the Station Commander says. 'Yeah, we can always count on a villain when it comes to getting paid, wreaking mayhem, or saving their own neck.' the Security Chief says snidely. The Commander silences him with a glare. 'The next person you need to talk to is Mr. Pither, the efficiency expert. Do whatever he asks to get his signature. If he signs that report, it will carry a lot of weight Oh, and watch out for Malta. They may still be upset with you.'

The two go back to their deliberations, but now you know what to do.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Mr. Pither.

Briefing Efficiency Expert Pither

You've arrived just in the nick of time, Villain. I will look over this. I cannot say I agree that an increase in Television viewing time will end up with more relaxed and therefore more capable troops, but I am in desperate need of assistance. If you can clear up my problem, I will sign whatever you wish. My problem is this: A large nest of Arachnoids has been making raids against Arachnos troops. This is disrupting the efficiency of all Arachnos action in that area. I need that nest destroyed. Do that, and you will have your signature.

Mission Objective(s)

These eerie caverns are filled with strange and unsettling things.

  • Defeat all Arachnoids

You have wiped out the Arachnoids in these caves.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Get Mr. Pither's signature

Briefing Efficiency Expert Pither

The Arachnoid raids have decreased after your attack. Dedicating a few recreational hours a week to improve troop morale through television is an equitable trade. Take your document.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Deliver report to Daos

Briefing Arbiter Daos

I've heard you were preparing a report for me, Villain. Let me take a look. Hmm. More Television? Well, you did have Dr. Aeon as a co-author, and you have some very important people who've reviewed it. Considering your power and position, I'll have to take this into serious consideration. I'll forward this report directly to Lord Recluse himself. Thank you for bringing this to me.




You tune back in just at the climax of a massive space battle on the sci-fi show you were watching earlier. You watch the whole thing unfold and come down to a satisfying conclusion. There are a few quiet moments before the show's heroes realize that they've won, but then the celebration starts. The stern Station Commander takes a moment to address everyone over the public address system.

'We've won a great victory today, and I want to thank everyone. In particular, I'd like to thank Villain, without whom, this whole victory would have been impossible. Let us look today as the first day of a new galaxy! A galaxy of prosperity. A galaxy of opportunity. A galaxy of Television. That is all.'

External Links