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=== Contact Introduced By ===
=== Contact Introduced By ===
Warzone Agent Eckman can be introduced by nearly any contact once a hero gains the appropriate level. The introduction will be through a mission.
Warzone Agent Eckman can be introduced by nearly any contact once a hero gains the appropriate level. The introduction will be through a mission.
=== New Contact(s) ===

=== Information ===
=== Information ===

Revision as of 20:16, 27 December 2009


Warzone Agent Eckman
Warzone Agent Eckman
Zone Bloody Bay
Coordinates (1185, 91, -2239)[Copy]
Level Range 15-25
Introduced By None
Introduces None
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Warzone Agent Eckman is a hero contact in the Freedom Base neighborhood of Bloody Bay at coordinates (1185, 91, -2239.5)[Copy] .


Contact Introduced By

Warzone Agent Eckman can be introduced by nearly any contact once a hero gains the appropriate level. The introduction will be through a mission.


Longbow Warzone Agent

Agent Eckman coordinates hero activities in the Bloody Bay warzone. Speak with Agent Eckman if you are willing to help with Longbow efforts in the area.

All missions received from Agent Eckman will bring you into conflict with other players!

Initial Contact

Greetings, Character! I've been expecting you! We've got a bit of a situation here. To be blunt, Bloody Bay is a bloody mess. There's all kinds of heroes and villains fighting each other here over the meteors scattered around the area. Worse yet, Arachnos Operatives are trying to sabotage Longbow's efforts to put things in order! If you're up for it, I'll set you up with some missions on behalf of Longbow. I'll warn you now though: Arachnos has been recruiting villains from the Rogue Islands to do their dirty work as well, so this'll be no cakewalk!


  • At ease, Character!
  • Ready to fight the good fight?
  • Good to see you, Character!

Too Busy

I'll need your undivided attention for the tasks at hand, Character.

No More Missions

On behalf of Longbow, I'd like to thank you for your assistance in Bloody Bay!



Patrol Bloody Bay


Longbow needs to be appraised of the current state of affairs. I need someone to perform a recon patrol through Bloody Bay.

PvP Mission: This mission will bring you into direct conflict with villains.

Watch out for villains from the Rogue Isles. Many of them lurk around Bloody Bay itching to take down an unsuspecting hero.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Patrol Bloody Bay
    • Patrol 6 locations



You've contributed to the effort against the Villains by completing a patrol in a PvP zone.


Excellent work! I'll report your findings to Longbow command at once.

Temporary Power

Completing this mission awards the Hyper Stealth temporary power.


Toggle: Self Stealth Self +Defense, -Speed

You blend into your environment and can only be seen at very close range. Even if discovered, you are hard to see and have a bonus to Defense to melee and ranged attacks. If, however, you attack while using this power, you will be discovered and will lose your Stealth and some of your Defense bonus. While Stealthy, your movement is Slowed. Hyper Stealth has a total of 30 minutes usage time.

Defuse bombs to debuff villain damage

Defeat all Arachnos & defuse bombs


One of our command posts has been developing a suppression field device which weakens the offensive capabilities of villains in Bloody Bay. Unfortunately, we've recently received word that Arachnos has invaded the command post and are planning to blow it up! We need a hero to stop the Arachnos invaders and defuse the bombs! Are you that hero?

The timer is ticking on those bombs! You have 60 minutes to complete this mission!

PvP Mission: This mission will bring you into direct conflict with villains.

If you manage to save the command post, we'll be able to activate the suppression field and weaken the villains offensive capabilities on Bloody Bay!

Mission Objective(s)

You hear gunfire off in the distance. The Arachnos invaders are nearby!

  • Defeat all Arachnos & defuse bombs - 60 minutes timed
    • 3 bombs to disarm

You defeated the Arachnos invaders and defused the bombs!





Your success in PvP missions has been noticed by the media. You are being called a Vigilante.


Excellent work! The suppression field device has been activated!

Rescue officer to debuff villain resistance

Rescue officer, defeat all Arachnos


One of our Longbow communications officers has acquired some tactical intelligence on villain activities within the zone. Unfortunately, he has been kidnapped by Arachnos before he could deliver the intel to us! Head over to the Arachnos base, rescue our communications officer, and defeat the operatives responsible!

It's only a matter of time before Arachnos finds what our communications officer knows. You have 60 minutes to complete the mission!

PvP Mission: This mission will bring you into direct conflict with villains.

If you rescue the communications officer, we'll be able to provide valuable information on villain activities to all heroes in Bloody Bay!

Mission Objective(s)

Somewhere within this Arachnos base is the Longbow communications officer. Find him!

  • Rescue officer, defeat all Arachnos - 60 minutes timed

You rescued the communications officer!






Excellent work! We'll communicate the intel to all the heroes in Bloody Bay!

Defend listening post to buff hero damage

Defeat Arachnos invaders, recover equipment


A team of Longbow Agents have set up a new listening post complete with hi-tech equipment designed to analyze villain weakpoints in Bloody Bay. Unfortunately, Arachnos Operatives have discovered the post and are attacking it right now! Defend the listening post from the Arachnos assault!

It's only a matter of time before Arachnos takes complete control of the post. You have 60 minutes to complete the mission.

PvP Mission: This mission will bring you into direct conflict with villains.

If the listening post equipment survives, we'll be able to relay the villain weakpoints to all heroes in Bloody Bay!

Mission Objective(s)

Arachnos operatives are swarming the warehouse. Defeat them and protect the equipment!

  • Defeat Arachnos invaders, recover equipment - 60 minutes timed
    • 3 equipment crates to recover

You saved the listening post!

Notable NPCs

  • Arachnos Commander (type varies)




Arachnos has put you at the top of their hit list.
Freedom Corps has made your capture a number one priority.


Nice work! I'm downloading the villain analysis from the listening post equipment right now. This should give us a temporary edge on the villains in Bloody Bay!

Recover Technology to buff hero resistance

Defeat all Arachnos, recover compound


One of Longbow's researchers has developed a new ablative compound which can be applied to uniforms to temporarily enhance it's protective capabilities. Unfortunately, Arachnos has intercepted the shipment! Head over to the Arachnos base and recover the shipment.

Arachnos will be sending the compound to the Rogue Isles to reverse-engineer it. You have 60 minutes to complete this mission.

PvP Mission: This mission will bring you into direct conflict with villains.

If we recover the compound, we can use it to enhance the uniforms of all heroes fighting in Bloody Bay!

Mission Objective(s)

The Arachnos base is a beehive of activity. Find the stolen compound before it's too late.

  • Defeat all Arachnos, recover compound - 60 minutes timed

You found the compound!

Ablative Compound

This ablative compound can be used to reinforce uniforms, providing additional resistance to damage.

Notable NPCs

  • Arachnos Commander (type varies)






Excellent work! We'll distribute the compound right away!