Talk:List of Slash Commands
Revision as of 23:19, 12 April 2011 by imported>StarGeek (→Missing Commands: new section)
Going Rogue Revisions
Although I've normally only updated the list on the official forums, I plan to start revising this list when Going Rogue beta starts, and have something published after the open beta launch. - Obsidius 16:27, 23 October 2009 (UTC)
Missing Commands
Here's the commands still not on the list that are on the /CmdList. Note that the help commands have changed. I believe that /helpwindow is the new command to bring up the help window and all the others are for the help channel. User:StarGeek/sig 23:19, 12 April 2011 (UTC)
playernotelocal Opens note window for a given local playername. (requires a valid name) helpwindow Show help window emailsend Send message <player names> <subject> <body> <influence> emailsendattachment Send message <player names> <subject> <body> <influence> lfg_request_event_list Request LFG system event list lfg_queue_for_events Queue for events in LFG system lfg_remove_from_queue Remove me or my team / league from LFG queue lfg_event_response Accept / reject offer to join event arena_score Open the arena score window if you are in an Arena match. Does nothing if you aren't in an Arena match. get_global_silent Gets the global name without reporting results to chat window gmail_claim Claim Attachments on a Global Email gmail_return Claim Attachments on a Global Email clearAttributeView Clear the attribute target get_rated_arena_stats Get your arena stats. get_all_arena_stats Get your arena stats. account_certification_claim claims certification account_certification_refund refunds the price of certification to player account_certification_delete hides certification from player account_certification_test Set point at which a certification command will fail (1-8). incarnate_equip Equips the specified Incarnate Ability. Does nothing if you don't have it or its slot is locked. Also does nothing if you or your teammates are in combat, if the currently equipped IA is recharging, or if it's been less than five minutes since that slot was last equipped. [slot name] [abil name] incarnate_unequip Unequips the specified Incarnate Ability. Does nothing if you don't have it or its slot is locked. Also does nothing if you or your teammates are in combat, if the currently equipped IA is recharging, or if it's been less than five minutes since that slot was last equipped. [slot name] [abil name] incarnate_unequip_by_slot Unequips whatever ability is in the specified Incarnate slot. Does nothing if the slot is locked or empty. Also does nothing if you or your teammates are in combat, if the currently equipped IA is recharging, or if it's been less than five minutes since that slot was last equipped. [slot name] incarnate_unequip_all Unequips all equipped Incarnate Abilities. sethelperstatus Sets your helper status. 0 = off, 1 = help me!, 2 = mentor league_chat Send message to league channel. league Send message to league channel. lc Send message to league channel. h Help/guide chat channel help Help/guide chat channel hc Help/guide chat channel helpchat Help/guide chat channel guide Help/guide chat channel levelingpact Invite player to join your leveling pact. teamMoveToLeague Create a new league. tmtl Create a new league. league_invite Invite player to join league. li Invite player to join league. leaveLeague Leave your current team and league. leagueWithdrawTeam Withdraw your team from current league. leagueToggleTeamLock Lock your team from league swap league_kick Kick player from league. lk Kick player from league. league_make_leader Change the team leader. lml Change the team leader. league_teamswap Swap the teams of 2 players league_teammove Move selected player to selected team