Category:Sets for improving Teleport

From Unofficial Homecoming Wiki
Revision as of 16:17, 26 April 2021 by AboveTheChemist (talk | contribs) (updating Time & Space set name)
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IO Jaunt.png
Jaunt   (Levels 15-50)
DropIcon-U.png Range
DropIcon-U.png Endurance
DropIcon-U.png Endurance/Range


Set Bonuses

  • 3: Increases maximum Health by 0.75%.


IO Time & Space Manipulation.png
Time & Space Manipulation   (Levels 15-50)
DropIcon-R.png Endurance
DropIcon-M.png Range
DropIcon-RR.png Stealth Unique Proc


Set Bonuses

  • 3: Increases maximum Health by 1.5%.


Pages in category "Sets for improving Teleport"

The following 3 pages are in this category, out of 3 total.