Maria Jenkins

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Maria Jenkins is a hero contact in the Poseidon Square neighborhood of Peregrine Island. Her level range is 45-50.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)


Former Heroine

In the early days of the Statesman's costumed career, he worked with a woman called Madame Danger. Maria Jenkins, as she called in her other identity, was his closest friend and confidant for many years. Slowly her powers began to fade with time but she was aging quite slowly. When she met Statesman in the 1930's she appeared to be in her mid twenties. Although she is retired, Maria certainly does not look over a hundred years of age. Maria has been out of the limelight for some time, but was one of the first to realize that Statesman was missing. This frightening conclusion has caused her to become more actively involved in things.

Initial Contact


  • Inspirations
  • Level 50 Technology Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
  • Level 50 Magic Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
  • Level 50 Science Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
  • Level 50 Mutation Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)
  • Level 50 Natural Single Origin Enhancements (?% base costs)

Badge Mission

Story Arc

Find the dead scanner


I'm sure you're aware of the great threat that Praetorian Earth poses to our dimension. Portal Corporation has been doing everything it can to combat that threat. Through the efforts of our hero liaisons, several of the Praetorians were incarcerated; however an extradimensional event at the Zig recently freed the lot of them. That fact makes me all the more nervous about the following development:

Recently we asked some heroes to plant data scanners on a pack of war wolves on Praetorian Earth. The scanners' primary purpose was to keep us appraised of the Praetorians' efforts to enter our dimension, but they have also been providing us with valuable information on troop movements, technological advances, and shifts of power within the Praetorian world itself. One of the scanners stopped transmitting just this morning. I need you to get to Praetorian Earth and fix that scanner.

When the scanner went dead, it was somewhere in the abandoned graveyard I'm sending you to.

Mission Objective(s)

As you step into this abandoned graveyard on Praetorian Earth, you feel certain you're being watched.

  • Find the dead scanner

You found the data scanner.

The Wolf's Remains

This Praetorian war wolf, one of Shadowhunter's minions, was brutally slaughtered by Chimera's ninjas. The Portal Corporation data scanner lie among the bones, now entirely defunct. It seems clear that this wolf was butchered and the scanner deactivated in order to lure you to Praetorian Earth. The thought makes you a little sick.

Notable NPCs


  • After you defeat Chimera, there will be three ambushes by Chimera's minions.


Chimera butchered that war wolf, just to lay a trap for you. I have to admit, that turns my stomach. I guess it shows us the kind of villains we're dealing with. Don't go too far. I have a feeling that the Praetorians will require more of your attention. And soon.

Check on the scanners


You remember those data scanners we planted on Praetorian Earth? The last time we spoke I was worried because one of the had gone dead; now, they're all dead! We've stopped receiving any signals from the scanners whatsoever. This doesn't sit right with me. It could be that the Praetorians eliminated the scanners because they're about to begin work on something they don't want us to observe. Plans for an invasion, perhaps? I wouldn't be surprised. I need you to go back to Shadowhunter's forest and check on those scanners. See if you can confirm my suspicions.

If the Praetorians are plotting something. I need you to learn everything you can.

Mission Objective(s)

Something moves in the underbrush. You're not alone here.

  • Defeat all wolves in area

When you defeated Shadowhunter, he spat out, 'Your foul machines have been given to the metallic abominations.

Notable NPCs

Shadowhunter's Story

When you defeated Shadowhunter, he spat:

'Though it pained me, I have culled the infected creatures from my pack. My brothers will not serve as your spies! Your foul machines were given to the metallic abominations, the ones called Siege and Nightstar. They may do with them as the wish. I have no interest in the trappings of artificiality.'


So, the scanners were given to Siege and Nightstar. I think we'd better stay on this course. I'm afraid it's leading us toward something big.

Bring back the missing scanners


We've found the location of a storage facility operated by Siege and Nightstar. There's a good chance our missing data scanners may be there. I think it's important that we track down those data scanners; I don't want to see Portal Corporation tech in the hands of the Praetorians. I need you to infiltrate that facility and bring back the missing scanners. Can you do that?

Those scanners were built with state of the art technology. There's no telling what Siege and his minions can learn from them.

Mission Objective(s)

Siege's enormous facility is staffed by scores of mechanized men. You'll have to fight your way through them to locate the missing scanners.

  • Defeat Siege and his minions
    • Find the scanners

You learned where the scanners are being stored.

Notable NPCs

Transfer Order

According to this transfer order, found on a computer in Siege's storage facility, Portal Corporation's data scanners have been sent to a lab operated by Neuron and his surgically enhanced lieutenant, Bobcat.


It sounds like the Praetorians are hard at work learning all they can about Portal Corporation's data scanners. They might be trying to reverse engineer them, or even adapt them to some nefarious purpose. We've got to get those scanners back!

Get the data scanners back


From what you learned at Siege's storage facility, it seems that Portal Corporation's data scanners are being held at one of Neuron's labs. Portal Corporation already knows the location of one of those labs. I need you to go to Praetorian Earth and get those data scanners back. While you're there, see if you can find out what the Praetorians hope to gain by studying them.

If you manage to get any of the scanners back, take them over to Tina Macintyre at Portal Corporation.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a sound that strangely resembles a purr.

  • Defeat Bobcat and her minions
    • Find the scanners

You defeated Bobcat and retrieved the data scanners.



Notable NPCs

Data scanners

You retrieved these bullet-sized Portal Corporation data scanners from one of Neuron's labs. Several have been disassembled, others have been augmented with new wires and memory chips. A set of research notes indicates that Neuron's scientists are making progress in their efforts to adapt the devices, but the purpose of this adaptation is unclear. According to the notes, a number of the scanners were sent on to another of Neuron's labs.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take scanners to Tina Macintyre

Briefing Tina Macintyre

Now that we've got an idea of how the data scanners were modified, I should be able to remotely activate the scanners that were sent to Neuron's second lab. Then we can pinpoint its location and send you in to determine his purpose. Right off the bat, I can tell you that his adaptation of our technology is most advanced. I'd say he's up to something pretty serious.

Mission Objective(s)

The sweat on the back of your neck chills you as you step into the climate-controlled lab.

    • Defeat Neuron and his minions

Find the scanners, Seek clues You defeated Neuron and learned that Statesman has been imprisoned.



Notable NPCs

Altered scanners

You retrieved these altered Portal Corporation data scanners from Neuron's lab. The accompanying research notes state that the scanners are beginning to prove effective in the interrogation of Statesman. Although no needle could pierce his skin and no Praetorian technology could unearth his secrets, it seems that Statesman is more vulnerable to technology from his own world. The excited researcher indicates that he has every expectation of breaking Statesman through the use of your world's technology.

Intercepted message

While investigating Neuron's secret lab, you intercepted this message. It is from a clan on Warrior Earth, the home dimension of the ruthless Battle Maiden. It offers the clan's allegiance to Neuron, if the supervillain will help the clan defend itself against Battle Maiden's relentless and often violent recruitment policies. According to the message, Battle Maiden plans to bomb the clan's home if they do not swear to follow her. Rather than accede to this blackmail, the clan has chosen to find itself a new master.


The Praetorians have Statesman captive! How can this be? This is huge, this is colossal! We've got to do everything in our power to rescue Statesman from those fiends. Maybe that message you got from Warrior Earth can help us. I'll look into it directly.

Defend the Warrior clan from Battle Maiden


Statesman is in the hands of the Praetorians, and we have to follow every lead that might help us effect his escape. I'm hoping that the message you intercepted from Warrior Earth can be one such lead. The warrior clan was willing to pledge allegiance to Neuron for help against the conquering Battle Maiden. It could be that if you go to Warrior Earth and defend that clan from Battle Maiden, they might be willing to help you instead.

Battle Maiden's persuasive tactics lean heavily toward the brutal. According to that message, she plans to bomb the clan's village if they don't give in to her demands.

Mission Objective(s)

The sound of steel quickens your heartbeat.

  • Save Warrior clan's village
    • 15 bombs to defuse

You defused the bomb and learned that Kawago, the warrior clan's elder, was kidnapped by Battle Maiden.

Primary Enemies


Template:Clue Defused bomb

You kept this bomb you defused on Warrior Earth. It's possible that Tina Macintyre, the talented Portal scientist, may be able to trace the bomb's dimensional signature.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take defused bomb to Tina

Briefing Tina Macintyre

Back again. Yes, I believe I can trace the dimensional signature of this bomb. It originated on Praetorian Earth, that's to be expected. Oh! It looks like the bomb can be traced to a network of caverns deep within the Praetorians' world. If you're looking for Battle Maiden, I recommend starting there.

Mission Objective(s)

The cavern's air is ice cold; little thought is given to comfort in Battle Maiden's domain.

  • Defeat Battle Maiden & her minions
    • Rescue Kawago

You freed Kawago and learned about a world of shadows.

Primary Enemies


Notable NPCs

Template:Clue The clan elder's story

When you rescued Kawago from Battle Maiden, she told you:

'My people are quick to anger, but I am certain they will forgive you once they realize that you have freed us from Battle Maiden's reign of terror. I'm afraid I cannot aid you in your quest to free your own clan elder, this Statesman. But if you ever need my help, you may call upon me.'


Shadows, huh? The Praetorians are interested in shadows? I suppose we better look into this. It could be that Kawago is right; this could be the lead that helps us free Statesman from the Praetorians.

Mission name


Mission Objective(s)

Primary Enemies

Notable NPCs




Unknown Mission


The Praetorian Black Swan gains her powers from her dimension of origin, some sort of Shadow World. No one at Portal Corporation has yet been able to determine which dimension Black Swan comes from, but we know that that's where she finds her shadow soldiers. If you could shut down Black Swan's portal to Shadow World, you could prevent her army from growing any larger. Maybe you could even cut off her own power supply!

The location of this Shadow World is a mystery Portal Corporation has been trying to plumb for some time.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Black Swan & her guards
    • Destroy the portal

Notable NPCs


Missing Debriefing

Stop Mother Mayhem


On our world, Sister Psyche's one of the nicest women I know. But on Praetorian Earth, her alter-ego is known as Mother Mayhem. Rather than use her psychic powers for good, Mother Mayhem uses them to drive people insane! She triggers the rage center in their brains, turning them into deranged killing machines. I've got an urgent report from Portal Corporation; Mother Mayhem and a slew of her 'patients' have just beamed into a downtown area called Waxahachie Park. You've got to get over there and stop Mother Mayhem! Otherwise, the Waxahachie occupants may wind up dead! You only have 2 hours to deal with the situation.

You'll need to take the Light Rail to get to Waxahachie Park. Remember, Mother Mayhem's minions are really just victims of her evil mind-control. Stop them, but don't do them harm.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all villains in area

Notable NPCs




The police rounded up Mother Mayhem's minions and took them to the asylum. The doctors there hope that after a few weeks away form Mother Mayhem's influence, those poor people may start to regain their sanity. I'd say you did a good thing not just for Paragon City, but for the oppressed people of Praetorian Earth as well.

External Links