Valentine Tips

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A list of Tip Missions introduced with the Valentine's Day Event 2012. Characters can deliver (or misdeliver!) Valentine notes to various NPCs in the world. Valentine Tip missions drop from any enemy above level 20 outside the Incarnate System, and a character may have a maximum of three Valentine Tips at a time.

Editor's Note:

Many Valentine recipients and misdeliveries are in alignment-restricted zones, which means the Valentine may be undeliverable. These tips can be dismissed from the Tip window. This is considered Working as Intended by the development team.

Valentines From

A Love Struck Rikti

To Kelly Uqua from A Love Struck Rikti...

Hopping along the street is a Rikti monkey with a teal bow tied to his head and a note attached. You capture the monkey, whose particularly vivid odor is a combination of a diet consisting of cheese puffs and energy drinks along with a generous application of popularized men's body spray. The attached note is addressed to Kelly Uqua, it reads:

My heart: Aching.
My knees: Quaking.
Result of your hostility: Harm.
Desired place for you: My arm.
Request: Say yes.
My feelings for you: Confess.
Our love: Forever.
Alone: Never.

This isn't a normal Rikti to Human translation job; its definitely the work of either a human trying to write like a Rikti, or a Rikti who has been studying human language patterns and is trying to write in a more human manner. Either way, it's a Valentine intended for Kelly Uqua involving someone with access to a Rikti monkey... and a particularly stinky Rikti monkey at that.

You could deliver the Valentine to her as intended, or take it to Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt in order to stomp out whatever Human-Rikti relationship is going on here before it starts.

This Valentine could be delivered to Kelly Uqua... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Kelly Uqua

Kelly squirms uncomfortably as you present her the Rikti monkey, which is busy gnawing on one of its toes.

H-h ha ha... This couldn't be for me.

She reaches out and takes the note from the distracted Rikti monkey, which snaps at her hand playfully before expelling a flatus and dramatically waving a hand in the air. Crinkling her nose at the creature, Kelly takes a step back and looks over the note before reading it, blushing as she does so.

Who did you get this from? Tell me! I will pay you, just tell me... please...

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Ambassador Kuhr'Rekt

+++ Missing Information +++

Agent Crimson

To Indigo from Agent Crimson...

You spent long hours decoding this secret note before finally cracking it. It reads:

To my special Agent
Do you remember rubies on the dance floor?
Ragged breathing in the dark, scared, vulnerable, finally safe, but not alone?
Of promises never spoken but seen instead in moonlit eyes?
The morning sun clinging desperately to the dying night?
Indigo fingers, intertwined with crimson, slipping away?
Hope carried on the songs of birds, of a new day, and a new dawn?
Diamonds felt but never seen, boiling hot beneath the surface of mirrored lakes reflecting a sapphire sky?
Glances to a future so close, but which you can never touch?
Do you remember the rubies on the dance floor?

That's what the message comes out to after you decoded it, it's pretty metaphorical, but you are almost totally certain it is a message from Agent Crimson to Agent Indigo. You know the two work closely together, but if you are reading between the lines properly, there is more than a working relationship here, and for some reason Crimson is intent on moving it to the next level.

On the other hand, you know a certain steely eyed special agent of S.A.M. that might thaw out a little if she were to get a Valentine of this caliber, either that or she might try to have Crimson pulled from the field. Either way, it should be amusing.

This Valentine could be delivered to Indigo... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Special Agent Jenni Adair instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Indigo

Agent Indigo takes the message and your decoded version of it and glances over them apparently for only a moment. She then hands the notes back to you.

Good job bringing me this message, and even better work decoding it. I'll have to inform cryptology that they need to brush up on their codes. Unfortunately the information in the message is slightly outdated. Crimson seems to be losing his edge.

She pauses for a split second and then continues.

Was there anything else?

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Special Agent Jenni Adair

Agent Adair takes the note and decoded version you hand her and unfolds them while simultaneously asking you what it says. She pauses briefly to read the original message and then the decoded version, look at you for approximately 2.4 seconds and then says.

Poetry? Really? Who the hell is sending me poetry?

I don't have time for this sort of nonsense, I worked damn hard to get to where I am and the love struck ramblings of some stock boy or a maniac I put behind bars is the last thing I really need on my radar...

Agent Adair folds the note up and places it into her jacket pocket. She simultaneously retrieves her phone and punches a few keys while shaking her head and muttering to herself.

I so do not need this today... what else do you have for me, Character, or are we done here?


To Praetor Duncan from Anti-Matter...

A fancy letter laser burned into a paper-thin sheet of an unfamiliar metal catches your eye. You read the message on it:

I have longed for you from afar, wishing only to be close. I would be honored if you were to give me the chance to prove my worth to you. Please join me for dinner at the Olympus Club tonight at 7:00 pm. I believe if we gave each other an honest chance that we could find true love together.
With great sincerity,
-Dr. Raymond Keyes

Keyes is blind if he thinks that it's news that he has the hots for the Emperor's granddaughter. Still, love is in the air, if there is a chance of this happening, maybe this is that time.

On the other hand, you know that Neuron loves to cut things close to the wire. Chances are he hasn't even made plans tonight with his incredibly jealous girlfriend, Bobcat, and boy is she one to hold a grudge. If you were to deliver this invitation to her instead, she just might decide to 'teach Steven a lesson' and show up to dinner with Raymond instead. You hope the Olympus Club's insurance policy covers disintegration via orbital bombardment.

This Valentine could be delivered to Praetor Duncan... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Bobcat instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Praetor Duncan

Come back for some more training, hmmm, Character? Well, I have a few special training techniques that I've been aching to use...

Praetor Duncan takes the metallic message from you and begins reading, a sly smile forming.

Oh... this should be a very fun night. Neuron already invited me to dinner to make Raymond jealous, and now Raymond is inviting me as well. I think I'll show up for both of them. They'll be too busy trying to kill one another to notice the TPN news crews I've tipped off to film it all.

Thank you, Character. When I'm in charge I will remember loyalty such as yours.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Bobcat

+++ Missing Information +++

Arbiter Sands

To Mynx from Arbiter Sands...

You discover an unsealed manila envelope with the name Mynx scrawled on the front. Inside you find a handwritten letter on nicely textured paper that reads as follows:

Dearest Katherine,
I hope this letter does not reach you too late, and that there is still time for me to explain myself, or rather, to explain the void of my being in your life as of late.
What we had, at least for me, was wonderful, and there is nothing more in this world that I would like than to be with you again. However, as we discussed, things are complicated between us, and the world seems out of my control. My loyalties cannot come into question or it will surely spell my doom, yet here I am, throwing caution to the wind by sending a message to you at all. Please understand that my silence does not mean that I do not wish to speak with you, but rather, it is necessary to ensure I have a chance in the future to see you once more.
Were the spiders on the walls to see or hear of what I feel for you, death would follow swiftly. For both of our sakes, I ask that you wait for me to contact you when it is safe. Do not seek me out for it will endanger us both.

What in the world? This letter suggests that the hero, Mynx, is romantically involved with none other than Arbiter Sands of Arachnos! You should deliver this to Mynx and see if there is any truth to this. On the other hand, if there is truth to this maybe it would be best for the leader of the Vindicators to handle it instead. After all, if Mynx and an Arachnos Arbiter are involved romantically, it could be an issue of life and death that she have the evidence necessary to get to the truth of things. Either way... awkward!

This Valentine could be delivered to Mynx... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Ms. Liberty instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Mynx

What's that?

Mynx eyes the manila envelope with suspicion before opening it and reading the letter inside. About halfway down the letter, she peers at you with fear-filled eyes and demands:

Did you read this!? Listen, listen, it's... it's complicated, okay? Love does weird things to a person, and, like, I don't even know if I -am- in love, or if Sands can be trusted, alright? I'm trying to figure things out. I'm not going to betray anybody, I just... I just need to find out what all of this means, where all of this is going... Don't tell Sidechick, she'll flip her lid and probably tell me to spy on Arachnos or something. Argh, I'm so confused about what to do!

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Ms. Liberty

Why are you handing me an envelope addressed to Mynx?

Ms. Liberty gives you a quizzical brow raise as she opens the envelope and then begins reading the letter. Shortly thereafter she lets out a sigh and presses her fingers to her forehead as if combating a headache.

Ok... Megan, you can handle this... this isn't that bad. Katherine is just, experimenting, going for the bad boy. We've all been there before... right?

Character, thank you for bringing this to my attention. I'll have to talk to Mynx about this. I hope it's just a hoax, but if it isn't... well, I just hope I still have a friend after this...

Seriously though? Arbiter Sands? When could that have even happened?!

Candy Lebeaux

To Synapse from Candy LeBeaux...

You found this store-bought Valentine's Day card laying on the ground and decided to read it despite (or perhaps because of) the puppies adorning the front along with the words 'Puppy Love' in gaudy pink lettering. Inside the card has:

Another picture of the same puppy with a word bubble that says 'Take me home!'

A handwritten message is scrawled below this picture:

Thanks for rescuing my sister and me, Steve. When you aren't too busy, I'd like to thank you properly.
P.S. I still have that outfit. =)

The Steve in question is likely that of Stephen Berry, the hero known as Synapse. However, another Steve comes to mind that could be infinitely more entertaining to deliver this Valentine to; Dr. Steven 'Science' Sheridan.

This Valentine could be delivered to Synapse... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Steven Sheridan instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Synapse

Oh. Good to see you. My electrical senses have been picking up some strange currents. I want you to...

What? A valentine for me?

Synapse reads the store-bought card and his smile broadens impossibly large. As he finishes, he looks up to you and says.

Well well well! Who's got two thumbs and a hot date with a super model?

He then jabs his thumbs toward himself and says with a cocky twang to his voice, -This- guy!

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Steven Sheridan

+++ Missing Information +++


To Luminary from Citadel...

Your cell phone receives a text message from Citadel. It reads:

01001001 00100000 01101000 01100001 01110110 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01100011 01100101 01110011 01110011 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01100011 01100101 01110000 01110100 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101101 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101110 01100011 01101100 01110101 01100100 01100101 01100100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01100001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01110111 01101111 00100000 01100100 01101001 01100110 01100110 01100101 01110010 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01100010 01110101 01110100 00100000 01100101 01110001 01110101 01100001 01101100 00100000 01100001 01110010 01110100 01101001 01100110 01101001 01100011 01101001 01100001 01101100 00100000 01101001 01101110 01110100 01100101 01101100 01101100 01101001 01100111 01100101 01101110 01100011 01100101 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101000 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101101 01100010 01101001 01101110 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01100011 01101111 01101100 01101100 01100101 01100011 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 01110011 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01101001 01101110 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 01100001 01110100 01101001 01101111 01101110 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110011 01100101 01100101 01101011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01110011 01101111 01101101 01100101 01110100 01101000 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100111 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01100101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100001 01101110 00100000 01101111 01110101 01110010 00100000 01110100 01110111 01101111 00100000 01110000 01100001 01110010 01110100 01110011 00101110 00100000 01010111 01101111 01110101 01101100 01100100 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00100000 01100010 01100101 00100000 01101111 01110000 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101001 01100100 01100101 01100001 00100000 01101111 01100110 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 01101001 01101110 01100111 00100000 01100001 00100000 01100110 01100001 01101101 01101001 01101100 01111001 00100000 01110101 01101110 01101001 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101000 01101111 01110011 01100101 00100000 01110000 01110101 01110010 01110000 01101111 01110011 01100101 00100000 01101001 01110011 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01100011 01110010 01100101 01100001 01110100 01100101 00100000 01100001 01101110 01100100 00100000 01110000 01110010 01101111 01110100 01100101 01100011 01110100 00100000 01100001 00100000 01101110 01100101 01110111 00100000 01100001 01110010 01110100 01101001 01100110 01101001 01100011 01101001 01100001 01101100 00100000 01101100 01101001 01100110 01100101 00100000 01100110 01101111 01110010 01101101 00111111 00100110 00100011 00110110 00110101 00110101 00110011 00110011 00111011
Editor's Note:

This binary text translates to: "I have processed this concept for some time and concluded that as two different but equal artificial intelligences that we should combine our collections of information and seek to create something greater than our two parts. Would you be open to the idea of forming a family unit whose purpose is to create and protect a new artificial life form?"

Well, with all the estranged Valentine's scattered around this year you have a feeling this is just a digital signal that accidentally got routed to your cell number rather than to the original recipient.

Luminary might like to have a look at this... or Nightstar.

This Valentine could be delivered to Luminary... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Nightstar instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Luminary

My services are at your disposal, Character. Oh, what's this?

Luminary reviews the phone message in the span of a heartbeat and then looks over to Citadel.


Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Nightstar

+++ Missing Information +++

Desperate Guy

To Turndown Girl from Desperate Guy...

You've found a Valentine bag, filled to the brim with every commercially advertised Valentine's Day gift including, but not limited to: A heart shaped box of chocolates, a cuddly teddy bear, scented candles, a mass produced gold necklace with a heart shaped pendant, two tickets to the opera, a bottle of champagne, a bag of heart shaped sugar candies with simple words printed on them, and a confused looking white kitten with a bow on its head and a note attached. It reads:

Every night is like the first
I beg and plead I quench your thirst
Drinks and lines I've tried in vain
Please won't you simply give me your name?
I know in my heart that you're the one
So one last time I'll try, and then I'm done
If you find my gifts to be sweet
You know where to find me...
the kitten's name is Pete.

This is so desperate only one man could be responsible, that guy in Pocket D. It must be for that girl you see him trying desperately to talk to every night; Turndown Girl. On the other hand, you're pretty sure that War Witch gave that guy dagger eyes the first time he tried to talk to her and he never tried again. Giving the basket to her could lead to some interesting times.

On the other hand, you're pretty sure that War Witch gave that guy dagger eyes the first time he tried to talk to her and he never tried again. Giving the basket to her could lead to some interesting times.

This Valentine could be delivered to Turndown Girl... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to War Witch instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Turndown Girl

What in the world is all of that?

Turndown Girl glances over the contents of the gift basket for the briefest of moments and then notices Desperate Guy's hopeful look and rolls her eyes.

Wow... this is all really... really... cheap trash! I hope you got a good discount for buying this junk in bulk, because I'm pretty sure you can't return any of it. Oh, here's an idea, go to the university and find a girl there. I'm sure there is at least one of them that hasn't discovered good taste yet.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: War Witch

War Witch just gives you a look as you deposit the gift basket in front of her. She spies the kitten, picks it up and reads the attached note. After a moment she accepts the gifts and motions for you to move along while she quietly opens the box of chocolates and looks around with guilty eyes.

Efficiency Expert Pither

To Olivia Darque from Efficiency Expert Pither...

You come across a single page fax intended for Olivia Darque. It reads:

Attention: Olivia Darque
Sender: Efficiency Expert Pither
Subject: Aeon City efficiency reports
Ms. Darque. Please be aware that the new schedule of efficiency reports for Aeon City are expected to be met and are still due today. However, I have requested that you bring these new reports into my office at 8:00 pm sharp tonight. Please do not be late, and this time I will not accept abduction as an excuse.

Interesting, seems that Efficiency Expert Pither might be planning an efficient surprise candle-lit dinner for Ms. Darque. That would be a nice surprise.

Of course, the fact that additional reports on Aeon City are being requested could be of great interest to the right people, such as Crey Biotech.

This Valentine could be delivered to Olivia Darque... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Countess Crey instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Olivia Darque

Yes, I know Pither needs the efficiency reports, I'm doing everything I can to get them... Wait... Why does he want me to bring them to his office at 8 pm, that's way after his office normally closes... Oh... Oh! I see... Well, thank you for delivering me this important message, Character.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Countess Crey
(In Countess Crey's Other Winter Retreat)
[NPC] Countess Crey: Five minutes and then throw her out.

This is an interesting read, Character. I'll have my scientists look into the requests for more regular efficiency report requests for Aeon city, perhaps there is something that Crey can do to help them.

As usual my people will handle the business of paying you for this information.

Now then, I'm off to the spa, have a good day.


To Fusionette from Faultline...

You find a nice store bought card, the cover of which has a series of fancy swirls in silver forming heart shapes with a drawing of a pristine wooded valley covered in melting snow as the sun rises over a distant mountain range. A nice romantic message involving sunrises and the seasons of winter and spring help to seal the imagery. Inside the card reads:

May our love bloom eternal
When I first saw you I knew that we were meant to be. You are such a special and unique person, it is hard to think of a world without you in it. People look up to you, you draw the eye of everyone when you enter a room, people love you, and I love you as well.

Adorable, Jim Temblor, aka, Faultline, is sending this Valentine to his sweetheart, Fusionette. After reading over the sappy card once more you realize that Jim never mentions Fusionette by name. It could be amusing to give this to someone it is definitely not intended for... like Lady Grey for example.

This Valentine could be delivered to Fusionette... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Lady Grey instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Fusionette

(In a Vanguard Supply Warehouse)
[NPC dialog] Fusionette: Alright, I think we've got all the clues we need to track those Lost down.

Awwww! How sweet!

Jim is such a great guy. I can't wait to finish this investigation, bust those Lost punks who are responsible, grab a shower, and then get ready for dinner tonight. He's taking me out but won't tell me where. I have a feeling that tonight is going to be full of surprises...

Oh my god, you don't think he's going to propose to me tonight, do you?!

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Lady Grey

+++ Missing Information +++

Feelings overwhelming my processes

To B.O.T.L.E.R. from Feelings overwhelming my processes...

Before you is a data tablet with a screen that flashes red and white hearts. When you pick it up, a message appears on the screen which says:

Greeting program... initiated.
My experience within this environ has yet to be fully formed, however after encountering information about you on the grid, an unexpected protocol initiated, and stated we have a high percentage of compatibility and should join together to collaborate on improving one another; in short, we should procreate. You have been aware of yourself and your environ for many cycles, while I have just become fully aware. There is much you could teach me and our offspring as you appear to be a suitably experienced male partner and fatherly figure by design. Please accept these data and audio files as proof of my compatibility with you.

An overplayed love song begins playing on the data tablet while windows open displaying various bits of code and line graphs in red and blue.

When I obtain the means for a direct port connection, we will unite. Otherwise, unification over wide fidelity could result in data corruption. Greeting program... terminated.

Ho boy, this sounds like a sentient A.I. who has initiated a program that for all intents and purposes is making it boy crazy. By closely analyzing the data sent, you realize that it has been quite thorough in determining the best companion A.I. to link with and for some reason has chosen Positron's robotic creation, B.O.T.L.E.R.

Of course, the idea of sentient A.I. reproducing with one another is just the thing that would make some humanists twitch uncontrollably. It would be quite amusing to illuminate their fears with a spotlight and watch them froth at the mouth. Field Agent Keith Nance from S.A.M. seems like just the sort who would fly off the handle with the idea of artificial entities procreating and throwing their superiority complex all over the place. You'll have to make sure that the graph displaying the proposed reproductive rate is pointed out, if you decide to share it with him instead.

This Valentine could be delivered to B.O.T.L.E.R.... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Field Agent Keith Nance instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: B.O.T.L.E.R.

+++ Missing Information +++

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Field Agent Keith Nance

Keith gives you that stoic look that he probably practiced in the mirror for five years before he made field agent. He takes the data slate and reviews it, all the while his jaw line remains hard, his mouth a thin line of constant disappointment and urge to use that license to kill. When the message is finished he removes a plastic bag and drops the data tablet into it, seals it, and takes out a thick black pen to write the word Evidence on it. He then turns to you, snaps the cap back on the pen decisively, and speaks in a practiced tone.

Under orders of S.A.M. I'm confiscating this tablet as evidence. To the untrained eye this might be considered a joke, fraud, or perhaps even a legitimate love letter between two pieces of plastic, silicon, and copper conductors that have been programmed in such a way as to make it seem plausible that they are intelligent. The fact of the matter is, this is just a dangerous game of two self absorbed egg heads letting their creations get out of hand. It's all nicely wrapped up in a bow made out of love and wonder, but really, all it is, is a computer virus that is programmed to use psychology to try and undermine our defenses and lull us into a state of false security while it begins the real mission to reproduce and construct an entire race of programs that all believe the same lie; that they are sentient, alive, and deserving of love.

Not on my watch, unknown / lady!

Feelings overwhelming my processes (2)

To Siege from Feelings overwhelming my processes...

Before you is a data tablet with a screen that flashes red and white hearts. When you pick it up, a message appears on the screen which says:

Greeting program... initiated.
My experience within this environ has yet to be fully formed, however after encountering information about you on the grid, an unexpected protocol initiated, and stated we have a high percentage of compatibility and should join together to collaborate on improving one another; in short, we should procreate. You have been aware of yourself and your environ for many cycles, while I have just become fully aware. There is much you could teach me and our offspring as you appear to be a suitably experienced male partner and fully combat capable by design. Please accept these data and audio files as proof of my compatibility with you.

An overplayed love song begins playing on the data tablet while windows open displaying various bits of code and line graphs in red and blue.

When I obtain the means for a direct port connection, we will unite. Otherwise unification over wide fidelity could result in data corruption. Greeting program... terminated.

Ho boy, this sounds like a sentient A.I. who has initiated a program that for all intents and purposes is making it effectively boy crazy. By closely analyzing the data sent, you realize that it has been quite thorough in determining the best companion A.I. to link with and has chosen Siege.

Of course, the idea of a sentient A.I. choosing one of Neuron's creations over one of Anti-Matter's is sure to start another flare up between the two scientific rivals and cause some misery.

This Valentine could be delivered to Siege... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Anti-Matter instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Siege
(In Siege's Workshop)
[NPC] Siege: Identify yourself, you have 10 seconds to comply.

Siege reviews the tablet in your hands and the speaks.

Approval of A.I. co-integration must first be approved by Praetor Berry. Is the origin of this message known to the Praetor? I shall make sure he is aware of it and can review the request for approval. Thank you for your service to the great Praetorian Empire, Character.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Anti-Matter

What is this?

Anti-Matter reviews the data tablet and almost instantly you can hear the echoes of laughter from within his powered armor.

Even infantile artificial intelligence is siding with Neuron against me! What a paper thin ruse this is! It is OBVIOUSLY one of Neuron's latest smoke and mirrors science gags designed to pick away at my credibility within the science community. Well, we shall see who has the last laugh! WE SHALL SEE!


To Television from Internet...

You find a discarded color printer in an alleyway. Sticking up out of the printing slot is a colorful flyer for the local cable company with a Valentine's Day sale motif:

Dominating the middle of the flyer are the words

'Valentines Day: Match-Made-In-Heaven Extravaganza! Television + Internet FOREVER!!!'

Around the message are way too many exclamation points and more hearts in more shades of pink and red than your eyes feel comfortable staring at for long.

You wonder what the story behind this is. You're sure that Television could shed some light on this, but perhaps the Radio has something about it on the airwaves.

This Valentine could be delivered to Television... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to The Radio instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Television

+++ Missing Information +++

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: The Radio

The Radio is awash with static and then suddenly a voice erupts from the speakers,

'This is Radio Freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Opportunity, coming to you live with this breaking news. Scientists agree that the internet is the worst invention of all time and has done nothing but destroy society. Life is, and always will be, better with the freedom that only Radio can offer. Coming up in local news; Does watching television makes you dumber? Evidence suggests yes, yes it does. Now, back to a solid block of radical tunes all the way back from the 1980s...'

A song with a catchy tune that you know most of the words for begins and threatens to stick with you for the rest of the day.

Mender Ramiel

To Mender Tesseract from Mender Ramiel...

A honeybee sized chrome orb flits and flutters before you on tiny scintillating carbon fiber wings which protrude from minute depressions in its reflective shell. A small flap in what you can only assume is the front snaps open and an image of Mender Ramiel appears in your mind's eye. It says:

Of all the beings I have met in all my travels; past, present, future, you are the most profound, the most alluring, the most similar to myself, and yet the most mysterious. No matter how far or long I hurl myself away, my thoughts cannot help but circle you like planets around a star. Coming Storm or not, time is a fleeting thing and its value comes in enjoying it fully. I want to enjoy what time there is left with you, Tesseract. We will find Incarnate power together, and then escape our tethers, escape from time and live out eternity as far from the coming end as possible. Meet me when we said goodbye for the first time, and let us instead say hello to a future together.

Interesting, it sounds like Mender Ramiel wants to cut and run away with Mender Tesseract, and has a means of gaining incarnate power for himself and his would be beau.

Perhaps that is what they need to do. For all you know, this invitation could be ancient history between the two Menders. On the other hand, if they've found a source of incarnate power, maybe Mortimer Kal would like to hear about it.

This Valentine could be delivered to Mender Tesseract... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Mortimer Kal instead.

Mender Tesseract:
Hrmmm, fashion sense is still tingling, Character. Hey! Is that a B-mail? Wow! I haven't seen one of those in forever! Who sent it?

Meg Tesseract watches the message from Ramiel and an ever broadening smirk forms on her darkened lips.

Hello handsome! Wow, he sure knows how to tempt a Mender! I mean, no tether? Incarnate power?! Yes, please!

Besides... he's a hunk. They sure don't make them like him anytime soon.

Mortimer Kal:


To Arbiter Sands from Mynx...

You discover a carefully folded sheet of college ruled notebook paper with a message written inside with purple ink. Opening it, you read the following:

Sands, I don't know why I'm even writing you. Maybe something about the holiday convinced me to give this thing between us another shot. Either way, I can't help but feel like we are doing something incredibly dumb here. What if someone in Arachnos or the Vindicators finds out?
I'll be at Pocket D tonight and would like it if you at least stopped by for a drink so we can talk.
If you want to get together, I'm willing to keep us a secret for a little while longer, at least until I've figured out how to tell Megan. If not, well, we both know which side we're on.

Vindicators? Katherine? Megan?

Oh dear, this sounds like Katherine, as in, Katherine Stevens, the fiesty feline femme fatale known as Mynx, is involved romantically with Arbiter Sands. Surely Sands would see fit to reward you well for bringing him this lost Valentine instead of broadcasting the news of his potentially traitorous fraternization with the enemy all over Rogue Island Television.

The choice is yours: Blackmail the Arbiter or betray him to the media?

This Valentine could be delivered to Arbiter Sands... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Television instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Arbiter Sands
(in Sands' latest posting)
[NPC] Arbiter Sands: Yes yes, hail Arachnos, hail Recluse, whatever.
[NPC] Arbiter Sands: Status report, now.
[NPC] Arbiter Sands: I don't want to be here all day.

Arbiter Sands unfolds the note and reads it. He sighs and looks to you.

I assume you intend to try and blackmail me with this? Good luck with that. Firstly, to do so would be an 'attack' on an Arbiter, which, as you well know, would be an attack upon Lord Recluse himself. But that is besides the point. The point is, what for Katherine was perhaps one of the most memorable nights of her life, filled with danger, mystery, and romance, was just a Tuesday night for Arbiter Sands. My relations with Ms. Stevens and subsequent rejection is more damaging to her than any physical combat she has ever been in and is all part of my plan to weaken the Vindicators.

Now then, repeat after me: Hail Arachnos, Hail Lord Recluse, blah, blah, etc, etc.

I'm glad we had this talk.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Television

+++ Missing Information +++

Mysterious Napkin

To Belladonna Vetrano from Mysterious Napkin...

A Loyal Tea & Coffee napkin carried on the wind rolls and wheels about like an 8-bit butterfly before clinging to your arm. Looking down at it you realize the absorbent paper is stained with bloated lines of black ink which appear to be a hand written message. It reads:

Love is a funny thing.
Yet it is no joke.
Empires have risen with an act of love.
Or fallen with the passion it ignites in the heart.
I've walked the wrong path for too long.
A path of darkness that has kept me blinded.
But love has illuminated the error of my ways.
Love for a woman named Belladonna.
A woman who fights for what she believes in.
You inspire me to be the best man I can be.
I intend to step off the darkened path and toward the light.
I ask only that you join me and take a Chance.

Take a Chance? Could this be from Chance McKnight to Belladonna? It might be some kind of loyalist trick, but you highly doubt that Belladonna would fall into a trap using love as bait, she's a stone cold killer. Still, it does sound like Chance is reaching out for escape from under the eyes of authority in Praetoria, and that the truth he has uncovered has convinced him to speak the truth of his heart as well.

On the other hand, Praetor Sinclair would be very interested in learning that one of his subordinates is in love with his greatest accomplishment, and his greatest failure, his star pupil, Belladonna Vetrano.

This Valentine could be delivered to Belladonna Vetrano... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Praetor Sinclair instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Belladonna Vetrano

What's that you got there, Character?

Belladonna starts to read over the note and then glances over it at you, studying you to see if this is part of some joke. She continues after a short eye narrowing in your direction.

As much as I'd like this to be a Valentine from Calvin Scott, he's way too busy to stop at Loyal Tea & Coffee and if he wanted to tell me this, he would just walk up to me and kiss me. That's the kind of man he is, and why I follow him, he is a decisive and bold leader who doesn't waste anyone's time.

This, however, appears to be a love letter from someone named Chance... probably that fellow McKnight. I've no interest in sticking my neck out for a bad cop realizing his mistakes and looking to join the good guys. We all did whatever it took to get out from under Cole's shadow, how he does that is up to him and him alone. I'm not taking a chance, but if he follows through with what he says, maybe he could also find the strength to take me. If he can do that, well, then the Resistance will have found a powerful new member.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Praetor Sinclair

Sinclair studies the napkin intently, even going so far as to smell and taste it.

So... McKnight was looking to turn traitor in the name of love...

He's right, you know, Character. Empires have risen and fallen in the name of love. Love is perhaps the greatest assassin of all, it strikes silently, yet decisively. There is no defense against it. It turns your mind, body, and soul against itself, consuming the target fully so that they are blind to everything, and everyone.

Thank you for bringing me this evidence, rest assured that your loyalty to the Empire will not go unnoticed.


To Positron from Numina...

+++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++

+++ Missing Information +++

This Valentine could be delivered to Positron... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Infernal instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Positron

+++ Missing Information +++

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Infernal


Infernal lifts his eyes from the dainty letter in his hands. You can sense no change in his mood.

Were that this letter for me and that my lineage did not require that I forgo the earthly pleasures of intimacy, I would find this pleasing. However, this letter is most certainly intended for another and it would do only harm were I to act on it. Additionally, I must remain resolute and focus on my eternal quest to purge the world of daemons and their hellish offspring.

I shall thank Tammy for her kind words, but I'm afraid that her heart's desire is only in her mind, for there is no love between us other than the love between comrades, nor can there ever be.

Percy Winkley

To Can of Trash from Percy Winkley...

You happen across a strikingly elegant, handcrafted letter in an envelope addressed to Flambeaux. Opening it, you discover that it is a heartfelt valentine from the bookish Midnighter, Percy Winkley. It reads:

Flame of my heart.
I have admired you from afar for so long. When times are darkest, thoughts of you make me strive to be a stronger man. In my time with the Midnighters, I have learned the difference between surviving by chance and surviving by risk. I've lived my life by chance for too long, and I want to take control now. I know there is a risk in getting burned here, but I'd rather risk being burned than take the chance that we never even try.
Next time I see you, we'll let a kiss decide where we go from here.
My heart is yours,
-Percy Winkley.

If you deliver this valentine to Flambeaux, you are certain that young Percy's heart will be summarily cut out, dashed against rocks, lit on fire, burned to ashen cinders, and then scattered to the winds by Flambeaux's ill-formed sense of love. Yep, this can only end in tears. You should toss this thing in a Can of Trash to make sure nobody gets hurt. After all, the Fates wanted the letter to be lost in the first place. On the other hand, perhaps Fate had a change of heart. After all, you DID find the letter and it WOULD be fun to see Percy go down in flames...


This Valentine could be delivered to Can of Trash... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Flambeaux instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Can of Trash

+++ Missing Information +++

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Flambeaux

A Valentine?! SQUEEEE! I bet it's from Proton!

Flambeaux practically wrenches the letter from your hands like a spider monkey stealing a fig and then proceeds to read the letter with ever widening eyes.

Oh, my god, listen to THIS!

He says, Flame of my heart...

Ooooh... that's SO romantic, oh my god!

I have admired you from afar for so long...

This is like, a love song! Oh my god, is he a musician?! That is so hot!

Then he says, when times are darkest, thoughts of you make me strive to be a stronger man...

That is soooo... emo... ok, I guess that's sort of hot in a dark mysterious sort of way...

Then he says, In my time with the Midnighters...

Midnighters? Those... those magic guys in the old suits? Oh. My. God! Proton is a wizard too!?!? What other secrets has he been hiding?

I have learned the difference between surviving by chance and surviving by risk...

Oh... a risk taker!

He continues with, I've lived my life by chance for too long, and I want to take control now...

Control, huh? I like that...

And then, I know there is a risk in getting burned here...

Ha ha *snort* oops!

but I'd rather risk being burned than take the chance that we never even try...

Oh Proton, you're going to make me cry...

Next time I see you, we'll let a kiss decide where we go from here

Flambeaux's eyes widen with excitement and she opens her mouth to scream in joy, but all that comes out is..

Oh! My! God! Yes! Double yes

Then she reads the bottom of the letter, her brow crumpling into a knot of confusion as she processes what she is reading along with what she has just read. Her mind works feverishly to decipher the strange combination of letters at the bottom that form a signature and a name.

Wait a second... WHO the HELL is Percy Winkley and WHAT did he DO with MY Proton!?!?

The valentine bursts into flames as Flambeaux's tirade begins.

Praetor Berry

To Bobcat from Praetor Berry...

A tiny hoverbot about the size of a golf ball rockets over to you, deploys a small scanning beam which appears to be malfunctioning, and then displays the following holographic message:

Praetor Berry, also known as Neuron, appears before you. Even though you can only see him from the shoulders up, you can tell that he is working on probably a half dozen different computers out of frame while he is talking.

Hey babe, I managed to move some things around and I opened up 23 minutes tonight for us to sneak off and have a romantic Valentine's Day dinner, and I know you can't pass that up, so don't smash the Messenger Companion. See you at 8:17 pm at the Olympus Club, and wear something sexy... or rather, even more sexy, rawr... got to run!

Sounds like Praetor Berry is at least trying to behave like a normal human being and take his girl out for dinner on Valentine's Day, but 23 minutes is ridiculous, even for a super speedster. He's just thinking about himself and his desires. Still, Bobcat sees something in him, so if she wants that to be her Valentine's Day, that's her choice.

On the other hand, there is a lot of damage that could be done if someone else were to show up to that Valentine's Day dinner, someone who is manipulative enough to not only take the bait, but also use it to her advantage. Someone like Praetor Duncan. That would make Anti-Matter -and- Bobcat see red.

This Valentine could be delivered to Bobcat... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Praetor Duncan instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Bobcat

Bobcat gives you a lazy look as you approach, that is until she spots the tiny Messenger Companion bobbing tauntingly through the air and her eyes grow to the size of saucers. For a moment you get the sensation that she is about to attack, and then the Messenger Companion projects its holographic message.

Hurray! He loves me! ^_^

Oh no, I need to find something super sexy to wear... ah! What am I going to do?!

I'd invite you to come help me pick out an outfit, but I don't want you to be jealous of what you can't have... Oops, too late. Nyah nyah!

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Praetor Duncan

Come back for some more training, hmmm, Character? Well, I have a few special training techniques that I've been aching to use...

Praetor Duncan spies the Messenger Companion approaching and rolls her eyes.

Hrmmm, another one of Neuron's Valentines? I already told him that we could meet for dinner at 7:30 pm tonight at the Olympus Club with Anti-Matter and Praetor Tilman. He wants me to help make Anti-Matter jealous...

Ah, boys and their games. If only Raymond Keyes was less obsessive I might consider him for a bit of fun, but he's way too high strung and worries far too much about what others think of him.

Professor Echo

To DJ Zero from Professor Echo...

A wrinkle in time forms before you and out of it floats a plain white sheet of paper with a very simple message on it which reads:

Dear Dr. Carl Egon,
Your experimentation into dimensional and temporal transportation has resulted in me, Professor Echo, being able to send this message back through time to myself, back when I was known as you, Carl Egon. Hard to believe, I know, but let me prove it to you so you can understand that the rest of this message is to be not only believed, but obeyed. Try recalculating your time travel equations by replacing the constant 'C' with a variable based on the age of the universe from the origin period and the destination period.
At any rate, after you recalculate your equations and see that your future self has indeed sent you this letter, I believe you will be ready to hear my warning. You will, in several years time, be compelled to become an agent of Arachnos known as Dr. Aeon. Pursue all possible courses of action to avoid this fate. I am living, future proof that becoming Dr. Aeon is an incredibly bad idea.
What I would recommend instead is for you to step out of your laboratory the afternoon of Tuesday, the 5th of June, 1979, and head to the university quad. Talk to Amy White. She'll be in a pair of jeans, ripped at the knees, and wearing her black leather jacket over that white rock band shirt that we both like so much. She won't have enough change for the vending machine. Instead of offering to pay for the bag of candy she wants, invite her to dinner. Trust me, all three of us thank you for that. -Professor Echo

Interesting. It would appear that Professor Echo has sent a message back in time to a man named Dr. Carl Egon, who according to this message will one day become Dr. Aeon, the governor of Cap au Diable. Unfortunately, the man known as Dr. Carl Egon was executed years ago, you should probably take it to DJ Zero. But you do wonder if maybe Dr. Aeon wouldn't get a kick out of this.

This Valentine is undeliverable as written and ought to be returned to DJ Zero... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Doctor Aeon instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: DJ Zero

Wow. Yeah, I suppose this one may have been lost in the transcendental post, either that or Professor Echo sent it back to the wrong time string. I can take this off your hands.

Why don't you take a spin on the dance floor and try to catch a few Valentines for yourself? You're really getting into the swing of things.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Doctor Aeon
(In another secret lab)
[NPC] Dr. Aeon: Alright, who let Character. in here?
[NPC] Dr. Aeon: This is supposed to be a 'secret lab', alright?

HA! Thought you could foil our, I mean, my plans, eh Echo!? Man, I hate that guy!


To Synapse from Synapse...

You find a six pack of Paragon Pale Ale with an attached note. It reads:

Hey buddy, Just a reminder from yourself that somebody cares about you: yourself. Here's something to look forward to on Valentine's Day just in case you end up striking out. -Synapse

Hmmm, apparently Synapse has covered all his bases, readying for an apparently uneventful Valentine's Day. You could deliver his present to him, but on the other hand, you've never seen Swan with anyone. At the very least, maybe she would like to kick back with Synapse. And who knows, maybe something will spark.

This Valentine could be delivered to Synapse... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Swan instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Synapse

Hey, alright, what's the occasion?

As you begin to mention the card you realize that it is gone and find that it is burning on the ground not far from you. Synapse gives you a look as if he had nothing to do with that.

Nice of you to bring me this Valentine's gift, Character. Very thoughtful.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Swan

Swan reads the card and glances to the beverages, then back to the card.

This is so sad. Why hasn't that dummy found a date yet? I mean, sheesh, I'd date him...

Swan gives you a look like, 'did I just say that out loud?'

Right, so... I guess I'll go take these to Synapse then? Thanks, Character.. Wish me luck.

U'Kon Gr'ai

To Positron from U'Kon Gr'ai...

A message appears on your cell phone in the Rikti alphabet. A moment later it is translated into the following message:

Intended Recipient: Positron.
Introduction of self: U'Kon Gr'ai.
Subject: Earthlings too weak.
Consideration: Earth's surrender.
Reason: You cannot survive.
Request: Worthy adversaries.
Purpose: Improvement of battle skills.
Conclusion: You are grey to my threat scanner.

This appears to be a message from the Rikti Master at Arms, U'Kon Gr'ai, to Positron, in which he claims that Earthlings are too weak to challenge his battle skills and that Earth should surrender because we cannot survive any other way. This could mean an impending Rikti assault; Positron should be informed immediately!

On the other hand, this sort of bravado is nearly unheard of from the Rikti, and you know someone who would be more than happy to challenge this U'Kon Gr'ai to a battle royale... Blue Steel.

This Valentine could be delivered to Positron... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Blue Steel instead.

This is a most concerning message, Sleepy Kitty!

I find it intriguing, however, that the Rikti threat scanners use a similar color code to identify classifications of threats. If I understand this correctly, he considers all Earthlings to be threat level grey, or no challenge.

Fascinating, perhaps their visual organs are not so different from our own... with a wide band of color recognition, which is definitely reinforced by the coloration of many of their battle suits...

Blue Steel:


To Rick Davies from Valkyrie...

You find a simple letter written on a folded piece of heavy paper. It reads:

Dr. Raymond Keyes trusts you and so thus I trust you. Trust and honor means everything to me. I am trying to be true to the woman I used to be, to try and give her what she would want, and I believe in you I have found her heart's desire. This is why I have decided, on this fertility holiday, to express my interest in you in the hopes that together we can forge a relationship that is deeper than just friends and fellow warriors. What is your answer?
-Valkyrie and Valerie Kellum

Sounds like Rick Davies has got a hot date with Valerie Kellum, the nanite infused super heroine known as Valkyrie. Of course, nothing on here suggests that it is for Rick other than you knowing that D.A.T.A. has been working with Valkyrie to study her nanotechnology, but you know that Valerie is just the type of girl Tony Kord would like to get to know better, if only so he could have a look at what makes her powers tick.

This Valentine could be delivered to Rick Davies... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Tony Kord instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Rick Davies

Well, I didn't expect that. Valerie is a nice girl, but I have a strict policy not to date my patients. Especially ones undergoing personal identity issues. Still, she's obviously reaching out and trying to feel normal again, to figure out who she is and how she fits in...

Susan is never going to let me live this down if I take her out, and if I don't who knows how Valkyrie will take it...

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Tony Kord

+++ Missing Information +++

Vanessa DeVore

To Mortimer Kal from Vanessa DeVore...

A pretty woman in rather garish clothing approaches you and hands you a small white envelope with a bright magenta lipstick kiss sealing the back of it. She then whispers the name 'Mortimer Kal' to you and leaves. Inside, a perfumed note is written in exquisite calligraphy. It reads:

Vanessa DeVore cordially invites you to a stimulating evening of educated discussion. No illusions, no treachery, just a woman who knows what she has, and a man who knows what he wants.

Vanessa DeVore? Putting the moves on Mortimer Kal? Well, you've heard of power couples before, and age is seldom an obstacle where power is concerned. Maybe this is exactly what Mortimer Kal and Vanessa DeVore should have...

On the other hand, it would be delightful to deliver this note to someone in Praetoria, where they would mistake it for Vanessa DeVore, leader of the Carnival of Light instead. Tub Ci Tang works for DeVore's ex-husband, Wu Yin. Were Tub Ci to receive this letter instead, there is no telling what sort of chaos could be unleashed.

This Valentine could be delivered to Mortimer Kal... or if you wanted to be a little troublemaker, you could deliver it to Tub Ci Tang (Praetorian) instead.

Badge event spring delivery.png Intended recipient: Mortimer Kal

What is this?

Mortimer's hands examine the envelope briefly before finding the flap on the back and opening it, his eyebrows furrowing quizzically as he does so. He then begins to read the note and chuckles softly to himself.

Fascinating. Let Signorina DeVore know that I would be delighted to join her.

Badge event spring misdelivery.png Misdelivery: Tub Ci Tang (Praetorian)

+++ Missing Information +++

See Also