Mission:Troubled Times - Epilogue: Freedom

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Epilogue: Freedom

Editor's Note:

You receive this mission if you chose to free Marcus.


Excellent! Is the mutant on the way here?

  • About that...

What did you just say? Sorry, my connection must be bad down here in my lab...

The call disconnects. Did he just hang up on you?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Call the doctor again


Hello, Character? Ah, excellent. This connection is much better. Unfortunately, underground labs tend to act as Faraday cages! Anyway, about the mutant...

  • I let him go.
You did what? Why?! The mutant is dangerous and unstable! Who knows what damage he will cause! Not to even mention how far back this will set my research!
  • I know everything, Stribbling. (Confront)
You tell Dr. Stribbling everything you have learned about Marcus. The doctor remains silent throughout the entire thing. When you finish, he remains quiet for several seconds, then lets out a loud sigh.
You don't understand anything at all about my situation. I misjudged you, Character. I thought you would sympathize with my goals. You don't let something as insignificant as the law get in the way of you dispensing justice. And I don't let something as unimportant as emotional attachments or family keep me from advancing science.
Oh well, I suppose I'll have to start over with a new mutant. I am sure I can find one somewhere. Perhaps they will arrest Barracuda and I can research on her... I am sure you won't object to that, will you?
  • I'll bring you to justice, Stribbling.
It's unfortunate that you think that way, Character. Well, do what you will. You don't know where my lab is... and by the time you find it, I'll be long gone. It's a shame you decided to side against the course of history. Goodbye. I do not think we will see each other again.
The phone disconnects.
  • You'll be punished eventually, Stribbling...
  • I'll make sure you'll never hurt anyone again.
I should have never trusted you, Character. You're just a villain who wears a hero's cape. You're not going to stop me. You don't have any idea where my lab is and I'll be long gone before you ever discover it. I might not have my mutant, but I will figure out how to cure him one way or the other. Goodbye, Character. We won't see each other again.
The phone disconnects.
  • I'll end you eventually, Stribbling...
  • I'm done with all of this. Bye, Stribbling. Stay off my radar.
Wait! I need to know where my mutant is! Where is -
You hang up on the doctor. Hopefully, you'll never have to deal with him again.
  • (Leave)
  • For my own reasons.
Your own reasons?! Are you crazy? Do you have any idea how much this will set back my research? Without the mutant, I'll need to start virtually entirely over! I thought I could trust you, Character. I can't believe you've done something so incredibly reckless!
  • Reckless? I know what you've done, Stribbling!
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Consider yourself lucky I'm too busy to deal with you.
Busy? What in the world are you talking about?!
  • I know everything you've done.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Nothing. Keep your nose clean, Stribbling, or I'll find time in my schedule.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Whatever helps you sleep at night. Bye, doctor.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I had to kill him. (Lie)
You did what? Why?! I needed that mutant! Without him, I will more or less have to completely start over my research! Unbelievable. I should have known better... I've heard all the stories. You're a killer. I guess it would be too much for you to exercise any amount of restraint.
  • That's what you care about?! I know everything, Stribbling!
You tell Dr. Stribbling everything you have learned about Marcus. The doctor remains silent throughout the entire thing. When you finish, he remains quiet for several seconds, then lets out a loud sigh.
You don't understand anything at all about my situation. I misjudged you, Character. I thought you would sympathize with my goals. I thought you didn't let something as insignificant as the law get in the way of you dispensing justice, but actually you just love to kill. There's no excuse for killing the mutant.
Oh well. I suppose I'll have to start over with a new mutant. I am sure I can find one somewhere. Perhaps they will arrest Barracuda and I can research on her... I am sure you won't object to that, will you?
  • You don't even care that your son is dead...
My sons died a long time ago. Both of them died on the same day. One was murdered, one became a murderer. The mutant was just what was left behind. If my research had come to fruition, maybe I could have brought one of my sons back to me, but... Well, I suppose you've kept that from happening now.
  • I doubt the authorities will see things your way.
Dr. Stribbling lets out a clipped laugh.
I doubt you will do that. After all, you killed the mutant. You admitted it yourself. If you go to the police, they'll bring you in as well.
  • I don't care. You don't deserve to walk free.
Well... You can throw away your life for nothing if you want. You don't know where my lab is and I'll be long gone before you ever find out. Goodbye, Character. I doubt we'll be seeing each other again.
The phone disconnects.
  • You'll be punished eventually, Stribbling...
  • I killed him... Now I'll kill you too.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I'll bring you to justice, Stribbling.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I'll make sure you'll never hurt anyone again.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I'm done with all of this. Bye, Stribbling. Stay off my radar.
I suppose we both have our secrets to keep. If I were you, I'd -
You hang up on the doctor. Hopefully, you'll never have to deal with him again.
  • (Leave)
  • I had my reasons.
You can't even explain yourself. Amazing. Utterly amazing. Go, Character. I'm done with you.
  • Oh no you're not. I know what you've done, Stribbling!
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • Consider yourself lucky I'm too busy to deal with you.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • Whatever helps you sleep at night. Bye, doctor.
+++ Missing Information +++


The phone rings twice, then the operator picks up and informs you the number has been disconnected. It seems the doctor prepared for the eventuality that he'd need to disappear quickly.