Mission:Troubled Times - Epilogue: Long Arm

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Epilogue: Long Arm

Editor's Note:

You receive this mission if you chose to arrest Marcus.


Excellent! Is the mutant on the way here?

  • About that...

What did you just say? Sorry, my connection must be bad down here in my lab...

The call disconnects. Did he just hang up on you?

Mission Objective(s)

  • Call the doctor again


Hello, Character? Ah, excellent. This connection is much better. Unfortunately, underground labs tend to act as Faraday cages! Anyway, about the mutant...

  • I caught him. But not for you.
Excuse me? What do you mean?
  • I know he's your son. I know what you did to him.
There is a long pause. Then Dr. Stribbling lets out a long, ragged sigh.
Yes, he's my son. So what? He still killed my other son. His own brother! He's still dangerous. He still needs to be controlled! No one should have his powers!
  • You tortured him! And you lied to me.
I never lied! I... I just did not give you all the information. It would have just complicated things, as can plainly be seen from your pointless objections here. Honestly, the fact that he's my son gives you even less standing! I'm his father, I decide what is best for him. And taking away his dangerous powers is what's best for him.
  • You're not disputing that you tortured him.
It was *not* torture. It was experimentation! Look, sometimes, in science, you have to be a little unsavory. You hook electrodes to a rat's brain or inject a guinea pig with chemicals or extract a horseshoe crab's blood. It's all for the greater good. In the end, he'd have been cured of his dangerous powers and the world would be a better place. It would be worth the cost.
  • Your child isn't a lab animal, you monster!
A monster? No, no, no. I'm a visionary. And it's pretty rich, coming from you. I know what you are. You are a vigilante. You don't let a little thing like the law or ethics dictate what is right. You hurt people, you kill people, to deliver justice.
I'm no different, Character. I am just honest enough to admit it.
  • Oh no. Not the "we're not so different" card. I only punish the guilty.
Convenient, when you're the one who decides who is guilty or not. I haven't killed anyone, it's debatable if I've even hurt anyone. Unlike the mutant, who definitely killed my son. I lost two sons that day, Character. One was regressed into nothingness, the other became a real monster with monstrous powers. I am just trying to get one of those sons back.
  • The authorities will judge you.
It's unfortunate that you think that way, Character. Well, do what you will. You don't know where my lab is... and by the time you find it, I'll be long gone. It's a shame you decided to side against the course of history. Goodbye. I do not think we will see each other again.
The phone disconnects.
  • You'll be punished eventually, Stribbling...
  • I do judge you guilty. And you will pay with your life.
I should have never trusted you, Character. You're just a villain who wears a hero's cape. You're not going to stop me. You don't have any idea where my lab is and I'll be long gone before you ever discover it. I might not have my mutant, but I will figure out how to cure him one way or the other. Goodbye, Character. We won't see each other again.
The phone disconnects.
  • I'll end you eventually, Stribbling...
  • We'll see what the authorities think of your vision.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • You're right, I do kill people. People like you.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • We'll see what the authorities decide!
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • You're disgusting! I will end you, Stribbling!
+++ Missing Information +++
  • But you abused him! You're a monster.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You won't get away with this. I am going to the authorities.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • You don't deserve to live, Stribbling.
+++ Missing Information +++
  • He's in full control of his powers!
+++ Missing Information +++
  • I don't care about your excuses, Stribbling.
+++ Missing Information +++


The phone rings twice, then the operator picks up and informs you the number has been disconnected. It seems the doctor prepared for the eventuality that he'd need to disappear quickly.