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Showing 20 pages using this property.
The Invisible Falcon disappeared without a trace in the mid 90's.  +
Longbow uses these state-of-the-art facilities to perform experiments on a small group of monsters they encounter. Longbow policy dictates that they turn their charges in to the proper authorities back in Paragon, but Agincourt officials routinely turn a blind eye to this facility's activities.  +
The Circle of Thorns believe that mystical energy emanates from this moss covered rock, energy that draws various unscrupulous practitioners of the dark arts to this isolated corner of Perez Park. Whether it contributes to their magical rites is a matter of debate, as M.A.G.I. has conducted surveys that have found no evidence of any such energy. S.E.R.A.P.H., however, has detected trace amounts of exotic particles streaming from the stone, coinciding with other stellar phenomena.  +
Blue Steel, the only hero in Paragon City who works directly for the police, arrested the Tsoo's leader Tub Ci on this spot. The charges didn't stick, and Tub Ci is free today.  +
The destruction of Baumton was a nightmare. Out of fear and desperation hundreds of its citizens fled into the relative safety of the Sewer Network. Through the grime and muck you can catch evidence of this perilous journey: discarded food packets and clothes, scratched messages left for loved-ones who didn't make it, crude drawings etched into the brick by children desperate for a way to distract themselves from the situation. Most of Baumton's citizens who fled to the Sewer Network were eventually rescued, but the network has dangers of its own apart from the Rikti and not everyone who entered it ever returned.  +
The Lost, despised and reviled by every other criminal organization and gang, have become adept at finding secure hiding places where they can plot their revenge. Boomtown has several subterranean transit tunnels that escaped the devastation during the Rikti attack, and in fact provided shelter to Baumton's terrified residents. Now the Lost call these tunnels home and they will defend them to the death.  +
Back Alley Brawler fought against two Underbosses from The Family, Slow Eye Lou and Hyper Mike, on this spot.  +
You have discovered an underground safe house in Brickstown kept right under the noses of the PPD.  +
The hero known as 'The Commuter' recently thwarted an attempt by the 5th Column to blow up this bridge. Some people in Paragon think the plot to destroy the bridge was ridiculous, but The Commuter insists that, 'this bridge means the world to all those who drive in and out of Talos everyday.'  +
The construction of Skyway's next set of bridges was halted by the first Rikti War and remains on hold. Citizens walking nearby constantly look at this bridge with some fear, noticing that its foundations grow weaker by the day. It may be only a matter of time until this bridge collapses.  +
The first Luminary used her light-based powers to disrupt the formation of a large portal to the Rikti homeworld on this spot.  +
Talos spent a good part of his childhood here.  +
Deep beneath the Mother of Mercy Hospital, the moans of misbegotten Seers echo through these forgotten corridors. Their sorrow seeps into the minds of those who hear them, disrupting thought and disturbing the emotions. Tarry too long and your mind shall be broken as theirs.  +
Hero Burgers was once the best fast-food restaurant in Oceanview, before the island was evacuated and abandoned.  +
The United States once held their oil reserves in Paragon City, until the reserves became an attractive target for villains trying to make names for themselves.  +
You have defeated 20 ghosts, spirits who have not rested since their original death.  +
Fighting in a nice big arena is one thing, but fighting in a cage is completely... different. Only the strong survive a cage match.  +
The very air vibrates with the barely contained rage of the creatures that had once been penned here—relegated to servile status for the amusement of lesser beings. You can relate, you've been subject to incarceration for violating ridiculous laws meant for equally lesser beings, and you threw off their shackles just as these monsters did.  +
Mortals erect petty monuments and cairns in the foolish pursuit of stemming the forces of Death. Mot has since sundered such vanities.  +
In the distance you can hear the ululating cry of the Devouring Earth and something about it speaks to a primal, ancient, part of you. You can understand how some might be seduced by this call and stray into their embrace to be devoured. There is something almost hypnotic about it; being summoned by a power greater than you, older than you, and somehow welcoming, as though the Devouring Earth offer a unity unattainable anywhere else on this world.  +