Phillipa Meraux
Phillipa Meraux is a hero contact in the Liberty Town neighborhood of Founders' Falls Phillipa Meraux is a Natural origin contact. Her level range is 30-34.
Contact Introduced By
New Contact(s)
Counter Terrorism Specialist
Phillipa Meraux used to be a hero herself. Known as Clandestine, she specialized in infiltrating terrorist cells and other covert groups. But during the Rikti War, all that changed. Phillipa was caught in some crossfire between the alien invaders and the Circle of Thorns; though she survived the blasts, her powers never returned. She retains many of her contacts from her days as a hero, along with all the expertise and knowledge she acquired on the streets of Paragon City. Today she uses that expertise to help other heroes continue her crusade.
Initial Contact
I've heard good things about you. I'm counting on you to use my information to do the things I can't. Don't let me down.
- Inspirations
- Level 30 Technology/Natural Dual Origin Enhancements
- Level 30 Natural/Magic Dual Origin Enhancements
Badge Mission
Prevent the Rikti from destroying the force fields that protect the city
I need your help with a dangerous situation. A group of engineers was working on the War Walls near Talos Island when they were captured by the Rikti. The Rikti have attempted to bring down the War Walls before, and it they can stop the engineers from making their adjustments, they just might succeed. The good news is that the villains have been isolated in an emergency forcefield. The bad news is that it may not prevent them from affecting the War Walls. You've got to rescue the engineeers and prevent the Rikti from destroying the force fields that protect the city.
If the War Walls fall, Paragon City will be ten times more vulnerable to a Rikti attack. You'll have to rescue all of the hostages and shut down any computer the Rikti have overridden.
Mission Objective(s)
It's hard to believe that the weight of the War Walls now rests squarely on your shoulders.
- Stop Kenslet & his crew
- 8 engineers to save, 3 machines to save
Badge: War Wall Defender
Completion of this mission earns a hero the War Wall Defender accomplishment badge.
Well, you may have just prevented a major Rikti assault. According to those engineers you rescued, the Rikti needed to bring down the War Walls in order to override the city's teleportation network. With that kind of transportation, we would have seen strike forces all over the city within hours. The people of this city sure owe you a debt of gratitude today.
Story Arc
Mission name
Mission Objective(s)

Notable NPCs
Temporary Power:
(Info on how/when you get temp power plus link)
Rescue Mission
Have you met my friend, Eliza Thorpe? She works for the city's missing persons bureau, and she could really use your help. She's got a lead on a missing U.S. army officer named Lt. Joseph Hildebrandt. From what she says, it sounds as though he's being held in a Rikti base. I don't think I have to tell you that the missing persons bureau doesn't have the personnel to handle this on their own. They need a hero like you. Please go ask Eliza Thorpe how you can find the missing officer.
Eliza has one of the toughest jobs in this city. Be good to her.
Mission Objective(s)
- Unsure, assume it was delivery mission to Eliza Thorpe.
Briefing Eliza Thorpe
Lt. Hildebrandt's been missing since the Rikti War, but his wife received a letter from him just this morning. In it, Hildebrandt details the location of a Rikti base where he's being held. I need you to get to that Rikti base and rescue Lt. Hildebrandt. But be ready for anything; sometimes the POWs we recover turn out to be Rikti spies in disguise. It's no small shock for the families, I can tell you that. Once you rescue him, he'll be debriefed by Christine Lansdale, the military consultant. She should be able to tell you if Hildebrandt is really who he claims to be.
Mission Objective(s)
- Rescue Hildebrandt, Rikti POW
Briefing Christine Lansdale
Well, we ran every scan in the book, and it looks like Hildebrandt's the real deal: human , through and through. Based on what he told us, I've got a hunch about where the rest of his unit may be. There's a possible Rikti base that would be a perfect location for a POW camp. It's a system of caves with only one entrance, isolated and easy to secure against attacks. I'd like you to check out those caves and see if you can find the rest of the missing officers.
Mission Objective(s)
- Search Caves for POWs
Missing debriefing
Mission name
Something terrible has happened over at Crey Industries; one of their scientists has gone mad! Apparently, this Dr. Nichols has developed some sort of genetic mutagen. He was frustrated by Crey's rigorous standards regarding the ethical treatment of human test subjects; finally, he bacme so frustrated that he used the mutagen on himself. According to Countess Crey, it's totally changed his personality. He's taken several of his colleagues hostage, and he's threatening to kill them unless you come to negotiate his surrender. He says you're the only person he'll trust. Will you negotiate the surrender of the mad Crey scientist? You're the only person who can help me on this one.
Be ready for anything. You're not dealing with a rational human being here.
Mission Objective(s)
- Negotiate scientist's surrender
- 3 hostages to save
Missing debriefing
External Links
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