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Shadowstar is a City of Heroes contact located in the Freedom Court neighborhood in Galaxy City. Her coordinates are (696.5, 64, -953).


Contact Introduced By

  • None, Shadowstar is the initial contact for all Warshades.

New Contact(s)



Warshade Facilitator

Long before the Peacebringers arrived on Earth, Nictus who sought to change their ways passed along the legend of the Shadowstar. It was said that one of the first to turn away from the path of the Nictus found refuge in a priestess of an ancient Egyptian moon-cult, and that the two of them discovered the path of the Warshade as a way to defend themselves from the Nictus that hunted them. The stories say that this same being has survived through the millennia, passed from mother to daughter along an unbroken family line stretching back to the old kingdoms of the Nile. Nictus who sought a new life would often go in search of the Shadowstar, hoping to learn the way of the Warshade from her.

It is not known if the Warshade who calls herself Shadowstar has been inspired by this myth to help her fellow Kheldians, or if the legend is true and she is the latest in an ancient line. Either way, Shadowstar works tirelessly to help Warshades find their true path and start their new lives. Though she has no official rank or power among her fellows, many Warshades defer to her, and the wise listen to her advice.

Initial Contact

When a Nictus leaves that dar path behind, the universe itself sings with joy. I greet you on the first day of your new life.

Story Arc

Souvenir: Souvenir title

Intro text of souvenir

An Absence of Shadows

At the behest of Shadowstar, you set out to search for a fellow Warshade named Shadowcatcher who had gone missing while trying to foil a kidnapping by the Outcasts. You rescued the kidnapping victim, a man called Henry Meyers, who told you that Shadowcatcher had been struck down with bright beams of light from unknown attackers. This testimony seemed to implicate the Peacebringers.

With this information, you confronted Sunstorm, the leader of the Peacebringers. He denied any Peacebringer involvement, and told you that the Outcasts had kidnapped Henry Meyers on behalf of someone else. You defeated the Outcast boss Broken Claw, who told you that the Outcasts had been hired to kidnap Henry Meyers again to set up another Warshade for capture.

You walked into the old warehouse knowing that it was a trap, and discovered the truth: Henry Meyers was actually an acolyte of the Circle of Thorns! You defeated him, and found the location where more Circle acolytes waited to trade the Outcasts mystic artifacts for a captured Warshade.

You found many things in the caverns where the Circle of Thorns waited with the Outcasts' payment for helping to capture Warshades, but the most important was that the Circle's plan was to study captive Kheldians to improve their own possession techniques. They had picked the Warshades figuring that no one would miss them. The one thing you didn't find was a clue to Shadowcatcher's location. Things looked grim.

Sunstorm asked to speak with you again, you assumed to demand an apology now that the real abductors had been found. In fact, one of Sunstorm's contacts had seen the circle with someone who looked like Shadowcatcher. You checked it out, and managed to rescue Lars Mendelson, the human part of Shadowcatcher. The Circle had separated him from Altered Umbra, the Kheldian half of Shadowcatcher, and now holds it in the lost city of Oranbega.


Shadowstar sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 1 Training Enhancements


Retrieve Council Encryption Codes

Mission Briefing

Are you feeling dizzy? Disoriented? That's to be expected. The first true merger is difficult both for the host and the Kheldian. And now that you've experienced a true merger, that's what you are now. By accepting an equal merger instead of a hostile possession, you are a Nictus no more. I will not ask you what you did in times before when you were one of the Nicuts. Now that you've turned from that path, a new life is before you. A life where you can do great good and protect the people of this world instead of preying on them.

I am called Shadowstar, and I help out our people who have turned away from the path of the Nictus. I pay close attention to many things, and should be able to find much for you to do. I know that you are eager to begin your new life, so let us start you on your new path.

Mission Acceptance

Since you've only recently joined us as a Warshade, this presents us with some unique opportunities. The Council has recently changed their encryption codes, making their communications unreadable without extreme effort. However, I know of two bases where parts of their cypher are being kept. Since you're new to our ranks, it is unlikely that the Council knows much about you, and so you may be able to recover the codes before they even know you're after them and can erase them. You'll also need to defeat the commander of both bases in order to keep this secret.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Lt. Norman & crew
  • Find Encryption cypher

Clue: Council encryption cypher

This disk contains a test sample of the Council's new encryption code. This, combined with the decryption codes could help to crack the Council's new cypher.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Lt. Saxon & crew
  • Find Decryption cypher

Clue: Council decryption cypher

This disk contains a test sample of the Council's new decryption code. This, combined with the encryption codes could help to crack the Council's new cypher.


These new codes will help greatly. I'll make certain that the proper people receiving them, and that you get due credit for your bravery. It's no secret that we have many foes, and many potential allies who will find it difficult to trust us. Though we've severed our ties to the Nictus and now oppose them, it will take time for others to believe that we have changed. You face a long battle ahead of you, but you've already won the greatest battle by turning to a new path. The path of a hero.

I remember when you came to us, yo uwere so confused and uncertain. Now when I look in your eyes that uncertainty is gone. In it's place is a growing confidence that will see you through many dark days ahead. I will be glad to help you with anything you need.

Clear Clockwork Base

Mission Briefing

I've got a good lead on what might be the Clockwork's base of operations in Galaxy City. If we can shut it down completely, we may manage to derail their production for a short time. That means fewer robots, fewer attacks, and a lot less work for you! Will you clear out the Clockwork base? I know you can get the job done.

Mission Acceptance

If you can find out anything about the Clockwork's future plans, I'd appreciate it.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all robots in warehouse
  • Find clue to Clockwork plans

Clue: Human remains

You found these human bones in a Clockwork base. Many of the bones are broken, and the skull has been sawed in two.


I wonder: could these bones be the remains of the Clockwork King himself? I guess you've seen those pictures of the King that Maggie Greene published in the Paragon Times. A human brain, housed in a massive robot body. I wonder what could have driven him to such an act!

Get Council Ciphers

Mission Briefing

I've got a good tip for you. My sources have uncovered a critical link in the Council's communications network. It's a base full of cryptologiests, whose only job is to develop and disseminate the ciphers that keep the Council's communications secret. If you could get your hands on those ciphers, we'd know a whole lot more about the Council's activities. What do you say?

Mission Acceptance

Once you've got the codes, take them over to Charlie Sparks. He's got a lot of connections; he can get the information disseminated quickly.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Council soldiers
  • Find ciphers

Clue: Council file

This file, taken from a Council base, details many of the Council's secret ciphers.


You couldn't have done a better job. Those codes you found should help us figure out exactly what moves the Council will make next. Your actions today have doubtlessly saved lives.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take file to Charlie Sparks


Wow. This file has ciphers dating back for months; it even has some codes the Council has yet to implement. With this information, we can find out a lot more about their activities. You've done Paragon City a great service today.

Talk to Maurice Feldon

Mission Briefing

I need you to talk to an engineer named Maurice Feldon. He has some important information on Council activities.

Mission Acceptance

Maurice knows a lot about what goes on in this town. Please do whatever he asks of you.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Maurice Feldon


Nicely done. Rachel's made sure all her superiors know that you're a friend to the U.S. military. That could open some big doors for you.

Recovery Stolen Weapons


I got word from a supplier that the Council just got their hands on some serious artillery. I'm not talking about anything they could acquire commercially. I mean military weaponry, stuff they stole from the government. According to my source, they're storing the guns at a nearby warehouse. Someone's got to recover those stolen weapons and get them to Rachel Torres. With her government connections, she should be able to return the weapons to their proper place.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Recover stolen weapons
  • Find weapons

Clue: Stolen weapons

You recovered this cache of stolen weaponry from a Council base. According to Maurice Feldon, the soldiers stole these weapons from the U.S. military.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take weapons to Rachel Torres

Debriefing Rachel Torres

Thanks. That police can get these weapons back where they belong. There may even be a medal in it for you!

Rescue Mensa Memeber

Mission Briefing

I have an unconfirmed report of Clockwork invading a Mensa meeting. I'll bet the Clockwork King wants to force those intellectuals to help him with his mad designs. Will you rescue the Mensa members from the Clockwork? There's no telling what the King might do to them if they won't cooperate.

Mission Acceptance

According to reports, the Clockwork are being led by an especially strong robot called Hinge. It'll be even more dangerous than the rest.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Hing and its guards
  • 3 Mensa members to rescue


So, the Clockwork King wanted the Mensa members to keep him company? He must have thought those intellectuals would be a fitting court for a brilliant engineer such as himself! I guess the King must be pretty lonely, with nobody but robots for company. Actually, I kind of feel sorry for him.

Learn about Fallen Heroes

Mission Briefing

I think you need to learn about the fallen heroes of Paragon City. It's just a little reading, but it might give you some perspective.

Mission Acceptance

This city zone is named after a hero called Galaxy Girl. Go read the plaque under her statue. She was really a remarkable woman.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Read Galaxy Girl's plaque


I know that you're new to this hero gig, so it's important to remember that you're not fighting alone. The people of the city know and remember all of those who have fought for them.

Rescue Henry Meyers

Mission Briefing

I have a very important matter that needs investigation, and I would like to ask you to attend to this grave mission. Recently, one of our fellow Warshades called Shadowcatcher has disappeared while investigation a routine kidnapping by the Outcasts. He has not been seen in any of the city hospitals, and none of the Freedom Phalanx I have spoken with have seen him during the course of their duties. It is as if he has disappeared from the city. I worry that something terrible has befallen him, and so I would like to ask you to find our missing comrade, and bring him back safely through whatever troubles have come of him.

Mission Acceptance

I thank you. You do us great credit by your bravery. You should begin your investigation by completing the mission Shadowcatcher was on. The Outcasts have kidnapped a local businessman named Henry Meyers. Defeat all of the kidnappers, rescue Mr. Meyers, and see if he knows what may have become of Shadowcatcher.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Outcast kidnappers
  • Rescue Henry Meyers

Clue: 'They attacked from nowhere!'

After you rescued Henry Meyers, he told you:

'Yeah, I saw your friend Shadowcatcher. He was just about to reach me, when they attacked from nowhere! There were all these bright beams of light, and I heard Shadowcatcher fall. When my sight came back, Shadowcatcher was gone. By then, the Outcasts had recovered and I was trapped again.'


An ambush? Shadowcatcher cut down by blinding flashes of light? I can think of only one explanation, but it is impossible. Sunstorm gave his word. He promised me that this would not occur. He promised that our truce would hold. We will have to see if he is keeping his assurance that we would not be attacked by Peacebringers, despite our Nictus histories. This is not over. This has barely begun.

Confront Sunstorm

Mission Briefing

If there is any truth to Henry Meyer's story, then the Peacebringers are the ones responsible for Shadowcatcher's disappearance. When the Peacebringers arrived, I had feared that they would see no difference between us and the Nictus, eradicating us despite the fact that we have turned away from the spiral of destruction. But Sunstorm, their leader, was willing to believe in us. He promised that he would control the more zealous of the Peacebringers. Now, we must know if he was telling the truth. You must confront Sunstorm, and tell him what we have learned.

Mission Acceptance

I am not entirely certain which would be worse. If Sunstorm has gone back on his word, or if he cannot control the more zealous Peacebringers in his command. We will soon know if we are faced with an open war or a hidden assassin. I council you to be careful. Be careful, and hope that we are wrong.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Confront Sunstorm

Mission Briefing Sunstorm

This is a grave accusation, and I would like to thank you for bringing it to me. Before we came to Earth, it would have been a likely scenario. When I was just the Kheldian Perihelion, I sought the destruction of all Nictus without reservation or regret. Thinking back, I probably slew some who were trying to change their path like you Warshades have. But I am both Perihelion and Officer Benjamin Carter now, and because of that, I regret my earlier lack of forgiveness.

There are still zealots in our ranks, but I know them, and I can control them. I can assure you that no Peacebringer was involved in the disappearance of Shadowcatcher. However, I may still be able to help you. Benjamin Carter still has friends on the police force, and they've heard that an Outcast boss called Broken Storm ordered that kidnapping, but that he was doing it for someone else.

I never met Shadowcatcher, but I have heard good things about him. I hope you find him alive.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Broken Storm
  • Defeat Broken Storm & guards

Clue: 'Shadowcatcher won't be the last'

After his defeat, the outcast leader Broken Storm told you:

'It's just as well. I don't like this kind of work for hire stuff. We were being paid to set up those kidnappings. We were instructed to take Henry Meyers specifically, to make sure that word of his abduction was relayed to Shadowstar through her contacts, and to wait for a Warshade to come. I do not know why this was set up, or who wanted it done. But if you want to find out, I do know that we were paid to take Mr. Meyers again, and to follow the same plan. I'll even make it easy for all of us, and tell you where to go.


This becomes stranger. Who could be paying the Outcasts? Why would they want to target us? And what makes poor Henry Meyer so important? We are left with many questions, and the only answers will come by walking into the Outcasts' trap.

Spring Outcast Trap

Mission Briefing

Through your diligent efforts, we are now closer to learning what has become of Shadowcatcher, and who is employing the Outcasts. Unfortunately, the only way to find out is to spring the Outcasts' trap, and attempt to rescue Henry Meyers again.

Mission Acceptance

It is certain that the Outcasts or whoever are employing them are preparing some vicious surprise to use against you, so I advice you to take care. I do not want you to disappear like Shadowcatcher has.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Spring the Trap
  • Find Henry Meyers

Clue: A small scroll of vellum

You found this small scroll on the Circle of Thorns mage who called himself 'Henry Meyers' after you defeated him. It details the location where the Outcasts are to receive their payment for helping to set up the abduction of 'Henry Meyers' and help in capturing Warshades.


It is unbelievable, but now that we know the truth it makes sense. We assumed that Henry Meyers was a credible innocent caught up in this plan, when in fact he was a part of it. He lied to you when you rescued him to put you on the wrong track and help to distance us from the Peacebringers. Through your brave efforts, Mr. Meyers' deception has failed, but this is far from over.

Find Information about Shadowcatcher

Mission Briefing

The scroll you found on the Circle sorcerer who called himself 'Henry Meyers' tells us where the Circle are waiting to pay off the Outcasts for their assistance. It seems too much to hope that we might find Shadowcatcher there, but there may be answers, or a clue to his location. It is also the only lead we have. Therefore, you must go to the caverns where the Circle awaits, and battle them for what information you can find.

Mission Acceptance

You must search for information, but you must also make certain to defeat all of the Circle's mystics and creatures lurking in those caverns. If there is any information about Shadowcatcher's location or the motives for his abduction, we must not let the Circle know that we know, lest they obscure his location any more.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat all Circle in Caves
  • 2 pieces of information to find

Clue: Strange barbed thorns

These large, barbed thorns look like they were cut from some giant demonic rose. Each is wrapped in silk and covered in strange magical writing, and feels warm to the touch. They are almost certainly of magical origin.

These must be what the Circle were planning to pay the Outcasts with. They'd be sure to fetch a good price with the artifact-trading Warriors of Talos Island, and help cement their allience with the Outcasts.

Clue: Pages of notes

These notes appear to be part of a larger work in progress, titled 'On the attributes of Kheldian possession techniques. It describes several theories about how the merger between Peacebringers, Warshades, Nictus, and humans all work. The aim of the work seems to be comparing them to other techniques of possession known to the Circle of Thorns in order to improve their own abilities.

Of the three Kheldian groups, the Circle has decided to target the Warshades. They cite the fact that Warshades have neither the support structure nor the allies of the Peacebringers and the Nictus, making them easier targets.


These notes you discovered are more vile than words can say! The Circle of Thorns wants to study us to improve their own techniques of possession? That alone is abhorrent, but that they seek to study us Warshades, the very ones who have turned our backs on the vile forced possessions of the Nictus compounds this horror. I weep to think of what Shadowcatcher has already been exposed to.

However, there is not much more we can do yet. We are out of leads now, and the Circle is unlikely to give us the clues we need. There must be a way, but I cannot see it yet.

Rescue Lars Mendelson

Mission Briefing

Sunstorm, the leader of the Peacebringers, has asked to speak with you. I don't know why, but it will likely be to demand an apology from both you and I for the accusations brought against him and his Peacebringers.

Mission Acceptance

If that is his request, it is a fair one. Do not let it give rise to anger. As the Circle rightly realized, we Warshades have few allies, and we cannot afford to make new foes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Speak with Sunstorm

Mission Briefing Sunstorm

I thank you for coming to see me. I know that relations between Peacebringers and Warshades are not always easy, but I am glad that we can speak.

I have a number of friends within the Paragon Police who give me information. One of them recently spotted several suspected Circle of Thorns Acolytes escorting a man to a private section of seaside parkland. The person they were escorting matches the description of Lars Mendelson, the human half of your missing Warshade Shadowcatcher. I'll give you all that I know. It may be a lead to help find your missing man.

And you can tell Shadowstar that I wouldn't ask her for an apology. Before we were Sunstorm, Benjamin Carter was a cop, remember? It was a logical accusation to make. I can't blame you for that.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Rescue Lars, stop ceremonies
  • Find Lars Mendelson, 4 rituals to stop

Clue: 'I'm... I'm not Shadowcatcher anymore.'

Lars Mendelson, the human part of the Warshade Shadowcatcher told you a harrowing tale after you rescued him from the Circle of Thorns:

'They caught me and took me to some city underground. They used their magic, and they pulled us apaprt. They pulled Altered Umbra out of Lars Mendelson, and trapped it in a crystal. The Kheldian is gone, and so is part of me. I can still feel Altered Umbra, my Kheldian helf, out there somewhere. The rituals they're doing here will sever that connection forever. You've got to stop them! And you've got to rescue Altered Umbra! I know where he is. I wish I could help you, but I'm... I'm not Shadowcatcher anymore. I'm not sure I'm even Lars Mendelson.


When Shadowcatcher went missing, I never imagined it would lead us to something like this. Lars will receive expert care. What has happened to him is horrible, but it can still be mended. If we can reunite him with Altered Umbra, then human and Kheldian can merge again, and heal as Shadowcatcher. From the description of the Circle's intentions, the only even that is possible is your determined work.

I must send my thanks to Sunstorm, and my apologies as well for having so little faith in him.

Rescue Altered Umbra

Mission Briefing

Lars Mendelson thinks he knows where the Circle is holding the crystal with Altered Umbra in it. He's recovered enough that he's been able to provide enough detail to mount a rescue. Unfortunately, it is within the depths of a ruined sunken city, a place called Oranbega where the Circle of Thorns are strong. You have rescued half of Shadowcatcher. Now the time has come to finishe this and save Altered Umbra as well.

Mission Acceptance

You must rescue Altered Umbra, but Lars also told us about the Circle researcher called Aeoch who was leading their project. You must defeat him as well to prevent the Circle from learning any more about our people to use in their own sick schemes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Defeat Aeoch and researchers
  • Find Altered Umbra

Clue: A strangely inscribed crystal

This inscribed crystal has a single point of light deep within its perfectly carved surface. When you touch it, you feel the presence of the Kheldian Altered Umbra trapped within, full of nervousness and anxiety. You summon to mind the knowledge that Lars is safe and that the two will be reunited soon, and feel Altered Umbra calm down.


You have performed admirably. I have spoken with MAGI, and they believe that they can free Altered Umbra from the crystal. Soon he and Lars Mendelson will reunite and be reformed as Shadowcatcher. The Circle's plans have been defeated, and I have organized some extra raids against the Outcasts to dissuade them from participating in this sort of mercenary work again.

We Warshades have already risked much, and have made many enemies. However, I do not despair at that though. For when I see new Warshades like you rising among us, I know that any challenge will be faced and overcome.