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Revision as of 16:46, 5 November 2005 by imported>Man With The Plan
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This article is a work-in-progress. If you are familiar with the subject, please complete it by all means. Otherwise, I will work on it a little bit at a time until I consider it complete.


With the introduction of City of Villains and Issue 6 of City of Heroes, super group now has the ability to build bases, or places where group members may hang out. Bases also have the ability to grant certain bonuses to supergroup members if they contain Items of Power, which are special items that can only be gained by completing special missions or raiding a base that contains an existing Item of Power.

How to Build a Base

To build a base, one must first be a leader of a supergroup. The option to build a base is given by the supergroup registrar in the Arachnos Headquarters in Port Oakes.

Rooms in a Base

Once a base is constructed, one may add rooms to it.

There are many different types of rooms.


    Name                           Cost    Size   Main   Aux
    Doorway                           0     1x1               


    Studio                       150000     3x3    na     na     
    Recreation Room              150000     4x4    na     na     
    Meeting Room                 150000     5x5    na     na     
    Trophy Room                  150000     6x6    na     na     
    Assembly Room                150000     7x7    na     na     
    Great Room                   150000     8x8    na     na     


    Energy Terminal              150000     2x2     1     Unlimited     
    Energy Terminal              750000     2x4     ?     ?   
    Energy Station               900000     3x3     ?     ?   
    Energy Station               900000     3x4     ?     ?   
    Secure Energy Station       2900000     3x4     ?     ?   
    Secure Generator Room       4900000     4x5     ?     ?   
    Secure Generator Plant      8900000     5x7     ?     ?   
    Secure Generator Core      16900000     8x8     ?     ?   


    Control Room                 100000     2x2     1     4
    Control Room                 150000     1x4     1     6
    Control Room                 750000     2x3     ?     ?
    Control Room                1500000     3x3     ?     ?
    Secure Control Room         1750000     2x3     ?     ?
    Communications Center       2500000     3x4     ?     ?
    Communications Center       3950000     4x4     ?     ?
    Operations Center           5000000     5x5     ?     ?
    Secure Comm Center          5950000     3x6     ?     ?
    Secure Comm Center          6250000     4x5     ?     ?
    Secure Ops Center           8450000     4x7     ?     ?
    Command Center             12500000     5x7     ?     ?


    Choke Point                15000000     1x1     ?     ?
    Security Corridor           3000000     1x2     ?     ?
    Security Corridor           4500000     1x3     ?     ?
    Security Corridor           6000000     1x4     ?     ?
    Gauntlet                   12000000     1x8     ?     ?     
    Death Trap                 14000000     3x3     ?     ?     
    Stronghold                 37500000     5x5     ?     ?     


    Teleport Chamber             150000     2x2     2     na
    Teleport Chamber             150000     3x3     2     na
    Secure Teleport Bay          600000     3x4     ?     ?
    Secure Teleport Bay          600000     4x4     ?     ?
    Secure Portal Room          1350000     5x5     ?     ?


    Workshop                     100000     2x2     2     Unlimited     
    Workshop                     400000     3x4     ?     ?     


    Infirmary                    150000     2x2     4     Unlimited     
    Trauma Center                525000     4x4     ?     ?     


    Containment Alcove           250000     2x2     1     ?     
    Containment Chamber          750000     3x3     ?     ?     
    Containment Hall            1500000     4x4     ?     ?     
    Secure Containment Chamber  1500000     3x3     ?     ?     
    Secure Containment Hall     2250000     4x4     ?     ?
    Secure Containment Vault    3000000     5x5     ?     ?
    Secure Dual Vault           9000000     5x5     ?     ?