Template:StoryArc The Tsoo Coup

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Template:Souvenir Tsoo Dagger

Hit the streets of Talos Island and take down as many Tsoo as you can


I'm worried about the Tsoo. My sources tell me those power hungry gangsters have some big plan in the works, but nobody seems to know anything specific. I think you should hit the streets of Talos Island and take down as many Tsoo as you can. Maybe one of them will give us a clue about their next move. When you're done clearing Talos, move on to Independence Port.

Mission Acceptance

We're gonna need some solid stuff to go on, but I'm sure you can find it.

Question Tsoo in Talos Island

Unnecessary Solicitation

The seers over at MAGI have alerted me to a potential problem with the Tsoo. There's a huge concentration of Tsoo ancestral spirits over in Talos Island, and their presence threatens to tear apart the mystical fabric of that zone. I need a hero who can get to Talos Island and cull the numbers of the Tsoo. Maybe we can keep Talos Island in one piece.

Mission Acceptance

Helen Point and New Sparta are hotbeds of Tsoo activity. I recommend starting near those neighborhoods.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Question Tsoo in Talos Island
    • Defeat 20 Tsoo

You've defeated enough Tsoo in Talos Island.

Tsoo conversation

One of the Tsoo you took down bragged:

'You cannot possibly stop all of us! The Tsoo are taking over very soon! Tub Ci is gonna run all of Paragon City, and there is nothing you 'heroes' can do about it!'

Grill Tsoo in Independence Port

Unnecessary Solicitation

We need hard evidence on what the Tsoo are up to.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Grill Tsoo in Independence Port
    • Defeat 15 Tsoo

On the body of one of the fallen Tsoo, you found a tube containing several sets of blueprints.


You found this tube on a Tsoo gangster. It containing blueprints to five buildings in Paragon City.


I don't recognize any of the buildings in these blueprints that the Tsoo gangster was carrying. We'll have to continue this line of investigation.

Take the blueprints to Warren Trudeau


I know this guy in the FBI, Warren Trudeau. He might be able to ID the buildings the Tsoo are interested in. Take the blueprints over to Warren, won't you, Character?

Mission Acceptance

It's kinda scary how many blueprints are here. Looks like the Tsoo could be planning something big.

Unnecessary Solicitation

I called Warren to let him know you are coming. He's expecting those blueprints right away.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Take blueprints to Trudeau


If you found these blueprints on a Tsoo gangster, they're probably planning a strike. I'll have someone at the bureau compare the blueprints to the city planner's files. If a match comes up, I'll let you know.


Thanks for getting those blueprints over to Warren. I'm sure he'll be able to ID the buildings the Tsoo are interested in.

Search the Tsoo base for the artifacts


One of my sources called me with some disturbing news. It seems the Tsoo have amassed quite an impressive array of artifacts lately; it's the type of stuff the Outcasts and the Warriors go crazy over. Can you go search this Tsoo base for the artifacts? Thanks, Character. I hear the leader of the base is called Copperhead. See if you can find out what he's plotting.

Mission Acceptance

Warren hasn't yet been able to ID the buildings in those blueprints you found on the Tsoo. The minute I learn something, I'll let you know.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Have you been to that base yet? I want to know what the Tsoo are up to!

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the grunts and shouts of young men engaged in earnest battle. You may have stumbled into the middle of a gang war.

  • Defeat Copperhead and his crew
    • Search for clues

You defeated Copperhead and uncovered the trap laid for the Warriors.


These documents detail a five-pronged Tsoo strike against the Family and the Warriors.


Notable NPCs


So there were no artifacts at that Tsoo base at all, just a trap for the Warriors? Sorry I got you mixed up in this, but I think that your presence prevented the Tsoo from gaining further ground. According to these documents you found, the Tsoo are trying to take down both the Warriors and the Family! Character, we could be looking at a major showdown.

Stop the Tsoo from taking over all the gangs of Paragon City


Warren Trudeau just got back to me. He's ID'd all the buildings in those blueprints you found on the Tsoo. Three of them are front companies for Family operations. The other two are over on Talos Island. They're empty right now, which makes them perfect meeting places for the Warriors.

It looks like the Tsoo are planning a major hit on both the Family and the Warriors. Character, get out there and stop the Tsoo from taking over all the gangs of Paragon City!

Mission Acceptance

See if you can get some more heroes to help you with this one. I am afraid that if the Tsoo are successful, Tub Ci will be mayor of Paragon City tomorrow.


While the following missions have primary objectives involving the gang leaders, none of the missions have named bosses. Clearing the final room will fulfill the primary objective.

Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

I need you and anyone who can help you to stop the Tsoo before it's too late! Hurry!

Mission Objective(s)

You enter with caution. This place has long been a suspected hideout of the Family.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • Unlock back room

You defeated all the villains in the first building.


You found this small brass key while searching a desk in the Family's lair.


Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

One down, four to go! Hurry!

Mission Objective(s)

The lobby has been ripped apart, tables and chairs thrown every which way.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • Unlock back room

You defeated all the villains in the second building.


You found this small copper key after defeating one of the Family's thugs.


Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

Sounds like Marko Slow-Eye is their next target. Sorry, Character, but if I were you, I wouldn't expect him to be grateful for your interference.

Mission Objective(s)

On the floor, you spot a set of wire clippers and an annotated set of floor plans. Perhaps the Tsoo are setting up a more explosive hit than normal.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • Disarm bomb, Unlock back room

You defeated all the villains in the third building.


You found this small iron key while searching a desk in the Family's lair.


Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

You've two more places to get to! Both are on Talos Island.

Mission Objective(s)

You're in Warrior territory now, and they won't be happy to see you.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews

You defeated all the villains in the fourth building.


Bust gang leaders, their crews

Unnecessary Solicitation

This last place is an office building, so there might be innocents around. Protect them above all else.

Mission Objective(s)

This ordinary office building houses the final battle of this marathon campaign. The Tsoo are almost thwarted.

  • Bust gang leaders, their crews
    • 6 hostages remaining

You have prevented the Tsoo from taking over the gangs of Paragon City.

Notable NPCs

  • 6 Office Workers (Hostages)



To be honest, for a minute there I wasn't sure you could thwart the Tsoo campaign to take over the other gangs. Guess you showed me!

You did an excellent job today, Character. If not for you, the Tsoo would have quickly established utter dominance over the streets of Paragon City. I heard through the grapevine that their leader, Tub Ci, ordered a hit on you. Don't worry, no one has been bold enough to step forward and take that contract. Not after the world of hurt you put on the Tsoo today.