Mission:Common - Rescue Dizzy Frankley from the Tsoo
Rescue Dizzy Frankley from the Tsoo
The famous singer Dizzy Frankley has gone missing! Her agent, Charlie Sparks, thinks the Tsoo may have kidnapped her. I need you to rescue Dizzy Frankley from the Tsoo. I don't know what they want with her, but I'm sure it isn't pleasant.
See if you can find out why the Tsoo would kidnap a singer.
The air is heavy with the scents of moldering office furniture and the street drug called Rage.
Mission Objective(s)
- Defeat kidnapper and his crew
- Find Dizzy Frankley
Notable NPCs
- Shadow Hand (Boss) (Lightning Blade)
When you rescued Dizzy Frankley, she told you:
"I guess it was the pressure of the celebrity life that made me start taking Rage. Before I knew it, I was in over my head! The Tsoo wanted more money, and I just didn't have it! They said if I couldn't pay, they'd make an example of me. They were going to force me to participate in a Tsoo Fox Hunt!"
Dizzy Frankley asked you to give this note to her agent, Charlie Sparks.
Mission Objective(s)
- Take note to Charlie Sparks
Debriefing: Charlie Sparks
Dizzy's okay? Whew, thanks, Hero. It says here that the Tsoo wanted to make her participate in their next fox hunt. Have you heard of those, Hero? The Tsoo pump some poor soul full of Rage, release her, then hunt her down! They rarely kill the fox, but the hunts usually end in brutal beatings. It's a good thing you rescued Dizzy when you did!
Believe it or not, Tsoo fox hunts usually involve willing prey. Some gangsters consider playing the fox a testament to their courage and wit. But I'm not surprised the Tsoo would try to force Dizzy Frankley into a hunt as punishment for failing to pay her debt. Nice rescue, Hero.