Mission:Common - Retrieve one of the spirit thorns

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Retrieve one of the spirit thorns


The Circle of Thorns are planning to give the gift of a spirit thorn to a mystic they're trying to indoctrinate, but my contacts have had a lucky break and have pinpointed where the thorn is probably being kept for the time being. I'd like you to do a favor for the folks over at MAGI. Can you retrieve the spirit thorn used from the Circle of Thorns? The researchers at MAGI hope that if they can her hands on one, they can figure out exactly how the Circle is channeling power. You'll have to hurry, though, the Circle is very protective of those thorns. If they get the slightest inkling you're after one, they could guard it behind powerful wards and barriers, or even make it disappear into mist. You'll have at most 1 hour to prevail.

Remember, the clock is ticking. You have to get the thorn before the Circle realizes what you're up to. The thorn is really your only objective, but getting it out of Oranbega won't be easy.

Mission Objective(s)

The scent of inciense hanges heavy in the air, and you stifle a sneeze

  • Get spirit thorn from Circle (60:00)

You defeated the Circle of Thorns and recovered a spirit thorn


Circle of Thorns

Notable NPCs

  • None

Spirit thorn

This is one of the spirit thorns given by the Circle of Thorns to power-hungry mages. When thrust into the mage's heart, it can greatly amplify his or her power


Thanks, Hero. Azuria will be glad to get her hands on this.