Emailsendattachment (Slash Command)

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Slash command

/emailsendattachment name subject influence attachment_type inventory_location message

Send message with an attachment.

This command can send a message, a message with influence, a message with an attachment (such as salvage, enhancements, etc.), or all of the above. Aside from influence, only a single item may be attached to an email.

name = either a character name or global name of a player (no spaces allowed)
subject = the subject of the email
influence = in-game money expressed in numbers
attachment_type = the type of attachment expressed as a number
inventory_location = the attachment item's location in the corresponding inventory window (see below).
message = the message you'd like to say (no quotes)
  • When composing the slash command, all 6 arguments (variables) need to be used with a space in-between each, and placed in the exact sequence as noted above (even if you're only doing one thing). If you don't want to send an item, merely type 0.
  • The email slash commands do not like spaces in either character or global names. Using a name with spaces in it can potentially cause the email system to lock up for the character that sent the email, or otherwise cause trouble for an extended period of time. It's a bug.
  • Long subjects with spaces need to be enclosed by double quotes ("Long Subject").
  • Do not enclose the message with double quotes. Doing so will prevent any attachment from sending.

Attachment Types

   0 - None
   2 - Inspirations
   5 - Enhancements
  11 - Salvage
  12 - Recipes (broken?)

Inventory Locations


Inspirations Window
Columns 0 1 2 3 4
Row 3     03         13         23         33         43    
Row 2 02 12 22 32 42
Row 1 01 11 21 31 41
Row 0 00 10 20 30 40

The inventory location for Inspirations is expressed as a 2-digit number, where the first digit to the left is the column number (starting from zero on the far left of the Inspirations window), and the second digit is the row number (starting from zero at the bottom of the Inspirations window). For example, "12" would refer to the inspiration located in column #1, row #2.


The inventory location for the Enhancements window is determined by counting in sequence from 0 starting on slot 1 of tab 1, to 69 for slot 10 of tab 7. For example, slot 10 of tab 1 is enhancement-slot# 9, slot 1 of tab 2 is enhancement-slot# 10, and slot 1 of tab 3 is enhancement-slot# 20.

A fast way to determine the enhancement-slot# you want is to use the tab number as the tens digit and the slot number as the ones digit, combine them, then subtract 11. For example: let's say you want to know the inventory location for an enhancement in tab 5, slot 8... 58 - 11 = 47.

Enhancements window
Slot # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
  Tab 1       0         1         2         3         4         5         6         7         8         9    
Tab 2 10 11 11 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
Tab 3 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29
Tab 4 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39
Tab 5 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49
Tab 6 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59
Tab 7 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69


Each piece of salvage is indexed and assigned its own inventory ID number in the Salvage window. The inventory ID number is based on the order in which the salvage type was first acquired by the character starting with the number zero (0). This means that the inventory ID for each piece of salvage will be different for every character.

If a type of salvage is removed from the inventory (deleted, sold, spent, traded, emailed, or moved to the Vault Reserve), the inventory ID number that it had will no longer have any salvage associated with it. The next new (or unique) salvage type that is added to the inventory will be assigned that free inventory ID number, or the first available inventory ID number. This makes it possible to assign a salvage type a specific inventory ID number by removing all salvage from the inventory, and then adding it back one at a time, taking note of the order in which you added the salvage back to the inventory. For example, if the salvage inventory is empty, the first piece of salvage will be assigned the inventory ID of "0". The second piece will be "1", the third piece, "2", the fourth piece "3", and so on.

Attempting to assign salvage inventory ID numbers manually is complicated by the fact that some salvage can not be removed from a character's inventory and can not be reassigned to a different inventory ID number during that game instance... this includes any salvage type that is not "tradable," such as Incarnate salvage. These untradeable salvage pieces will always have the same inventory ID number until the game is restarted.

If the game is restarted, all salvage (including non-tradable salvage) will be reassigned somewhat randomly to the first available inventory ID numbers starting with zero.

All of this makes sending salvage using the /emailsendattachment command possible but not very practical.


Possibly Broken

Might be attempting to send incarnate recipes that are not tradeable. How to attach a recipe is currently unknown.


  • The Email window in game accepts long names with spaces, and is in general more reliable, less buggy, and easier for the average player.
  • If you want to spend the time to figure out the inventory ID number for special salvage such as Empyrean Merits, Reward Merits, etc... you can use /emailsendattachment to send yourself those items in small amounts (one at a time). This helps when a character only needs a few salvage items, or if you want to transfer all of those special salvage items to another character using your global name and leave none on your current character.
  • Make a /Macro to send yourself attachments SUUUUUUUPER quickly! That's right gingerbread man, click as fast as you can!


/emailsendattachment @SuperBob "Some Moola" 1000000 0 0 Have a great day!