The Lady Grey Task Force/Advanced Mode

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General Enemy Changes

The Rikti faction in Advanced Difficulty has several changes - this is not an exhaustive list, but lists several of the changes:

  • Communication Officers have been replaced with Scientists that spawn Volatile Portals if not dealt with quickly.
    • Volatile Portals spawn Hydra Tentacle minions and, if left open long enough, a Feral Kraken Elite Boss.
    • Volatile Portals can only be defeated if Held, Slept, Stunned (or one other control condition) at Magnitude 10 or higher.
  • Special Assault Suit Elite Bosses have been added as a regular spawn.
    • 'Special Assault Suits will teleport their first target to them. In dense rooms, this can lead to being chain-teleported between them,
    • Special Assault Suits leave behind a Neural Nullification Field when destroyed, which persist for a while and inflict incredibly strong Defense (-80% in 1*) and Resistance (-120% in 1*) debuffs, as well as a Terrorize (Mag 10 in 1*) effect on players within the field. Multiple fields also stack.
  • War Priest Lieutenants have been added as regular spawns.
  • Chief Magus Elite Bosses have been added as a regular spawn.
  • Chief Mesmerists can inflict Mass Confusion.
    • Single-Target Confusion is also inflicted by certain Rikti. (Unclear whether Mentalists, Mesmerists, both or other.)

Specific Mission & Encounter Changes

Mission 1 Changes

  • The Clockwork King's ambush triggers at the point where you rescue Penelope Yin.
  • The Clockwork King has a newly designed cohort.

Mission 2 Changes

  • There is a Unresistable Cold Damage Over Time effect across the map, which persists until the end of the mission.
  • Rider: Death is now an Archvillain.
    • The other three Riders remain as Elite Bosses in 1*.
  • Each Rider leaves behind the Neural Nullification Field, like the Special Assault Suits.

Mission 3 Changes

Completing this mission awards the Zookeeper Omega Badge.

  • Upon rescuing Infernia & Glacia, Dra'Gon will activate the Rikti (Psi-link? Recheck text.), which allows Rikti to provide nearby buffs to each other.
    • Rescuing Psychics will remove components from these buffs.
  • Dra'Gon will summon Delta K'Ong as well as four barrels at each corner.
    • These barrels will spawn Rikti Monkey Vultures as well as (Primate Psi-Protectors - Recheck text.)
    • If a certain number of Rikti Monkey Vultures spawn (48 on 1*), the group is instantly defeated.
    • K'Ong will indicate how the number of Rikti Monkey Vultures is doing based on its voice lines:
      • "Local Gas: High Pressure" indicates that you have too many active Rikti Monkey Vultures, and you need to reduce their numbers.
      • "Local Gas: Low Pressure" indicates that the number of Rikti Monkey Vultures has been sufficiently reduced.
    • Primate Psi-Protectors render K'Ong immune to all damage.

You are truly the Omega of all Zookeepers! Having bested K'ong and his horde of deadly Rikti Monkey Vultures.

You'd like to think you've built up a tolerance to poisonous gas... Hopefully!

Mission 4 Changes

  • After taking down a certain number of the Rikti Pylons, a modified Rikti Drop Ship will spawn and circle the crater.
    • The ship possesses a dynamic map marker, allowing you to track its position if you leave the map open.
    • The ship has extremely long range artillery cannons - not long enough range to reach into the Hamidon, but long enough that remaining outside and on the same side of Hamidon as the ship is extremely hazardous.
    • The ship will spawn Spatial Annihilation Bombs, as well as a feed of Boss-class enemies, to interfere with your takedown of the Hamidon.

Mission 5 Changes

Completing this mission awards the Doesn't Look At Explosions Badge.

  • The portal generators cannot be destroyed.
  • Hro'Dtohz has a new companion - U'Kon Gr'ai.
    • While U'Kon Gr'ai is active, Spatial Annihilation Bombs will spawn during the battle in the Portal Chamber.
  • Upon bring Hro'Dtohz to a particular HP threshold, a new section of the mission begins...

(Cutscene details to be added) Rather than the Honoree arriving through the portal, the team is dragged to the other side...

"Prestige Travel" powers (Assemble The Team, Athletic Run, etc.) are disabled in this new area.

  • Falling into "pits" will instantly defeat teammates.
  • The team must destroy the first micro-reactor in order to deactivate the force field to the lower area.
  • The team should follow the blue lines to the sides of the lower area after clearing the enemies.
  • Deactivating the micro-reactors in these side rooms will deactivate the turrets' invulnerability on that side of the room, allowing the room to be rendered safe.
  • One of the side rooms will also allow you to utilise the medical facilities.
  • Upon fully clearing the area, follow the green line and proceed through the portal.

(Cutscene details to be added) The Honoree devotes his power to supporting Hro'Dtohz, linking their strength.

  • Hro'Dtohz will spawn Spatial Annihilation Bombs during the fight.
  • The Honoree possesses extremely high Melee and AoE Defense.
  • Hro'Dtohz possesses extremely high Ranged and AoE Defense.
  • After defeating Hro'Dtohz and the Honoree, the team must escape the area!
    • The first micro-reactor will have respawned - it needs to be destroyed to clear your escape route!
    • Returning to the portal cavern will satisfy the conditions for |Doesn't Look At Explosions Badge.

Part of the job is knowing how to look cool, and you've mastered the art. While not intentional, when fate threw you aboard a Rikti space station, you sent it nuclear and made it out in one piece.