Mission:Alexandra Sideris - Accept task to destroy weapons

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Accept task to destroy weapons


It is time that we make an offensive attack against Romulus's men and their weapons. Doing so will help us gain advantage against them. Strike first and remove those weapons from the hands of our enemies!

You must find their weapons caches and destroy them. Only then will we begin to match their strength. Time, unfortunately, is not in our favor, so you must hurry.

You have 60 minutes to complete this task.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Quickly now. You must get to those weapons and destroy them before they can use them against us!

Mission Objective(s)

Your success, or failure, in this task could mean a turn in the tide of this fight.

  • Destroy the enemy's weapons
    • 4 caches of weapons to destroy

Success: You have completed your task successfully.
Failure: Your task has ended in failure. There is no honor, nor reward, in that.


Cimeroran Traitors

Notable NPCs

  • Weapons Cache x4 (Object)
Editor's Note:

On a given run of this mission, all soldiers named in dialogue will have the same name. Possible names include: Appius, Manius, Numerius, Servius, Spurius.


Mission Success: I am most proud of you, Character! Those weapons will be purged post-haste.
Mission Failure: He still controls the weapons. This is a disappointment. I pray he does not have the chance to use them against us before we can counter with armaments of our own.