Mission:Alexandra Sideris - Agree to rescue young Sybils

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Agree to rescue young Sybils


From time to time, we must send out our attendants to obtain supplies at the mainland. One such excursion was beset by Romulus's men and captured. There is no need to explain in detail what may happen to them if they are not rescued. Go now, and save those women from Romulus's men!

You must return these women as quickly as possible, Character. Find them and send them back to us before anything happens to them.

You have 60 minutes to complete this mission.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You must find the women and bring them back before it is too late!

Mission Objective(s)

Even the Cimeroran women surpass your expectations. You hear the sounds of torture but nary a response.

  • Rescue the young Sybils
    • 3 captured sybils to rescue

Success: You have completed your task successfully.
Failure: Your task has ended in failure. There is no honor, nor reward, in that.


Cimeroran Traitors


Mission Success: Thank you, Character. You have done me a great service in returning the senators.
Mission Failure: It is a sad day when innocents are lost in the madness of war. You did your best, Character, but I still grieve for the loss. Perhaps there is yet time for a second attempt at rescue.