Mission:Tip - The Nemesis Meme

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The Nemesis Meme
Alignment Mission
Salvage TipIcon.png
Type Alignment Tip
Place Paragon City
Available to Heroes and Vigilantes
Level range 30–39
Choice Hero or Vigilante
v  d  e

The Nemesis Meme

You find a laptop on the ground, possibly belonging to whoever you just beat down. The internet browser is open on the laptop with the words, 'NEMESIS MEME FORUMS' displayed at the top. It seems various people in Paragon go here to joke about 'everything is a Nemesis plot', especially with the introduction of Architect Entertainment. However, one post by someone called McHackerSmith catches your eye...

Hey guys, I hope one of you can contact the proper authorities on this. Remember how I said that I was pretty sure the girl I was hitting on at work was a Nemesis automaton and you all laughed and said I was just ugly? Well it turns out she IS an automaton! I hacked her system earlier and found out the location of a warehouse where a bunch of them are made. I've got a link below to it.

Problem is...turns out most of my other 'co-workers' were automatons too. They've got the entire office held hostage! Look, I know it's bad, but these are my final words to the world. On a forum of all places, right? You guys need to get this info to a hero so they can take down that warehouse - there's only me and two other 'norms' here in the office. We'll give our lives to help stop Nemesis. You guys just need to make sure someone stops this!

The automaton problem in Paragon seems to be growing worse by the day - though the fact that this man was able to discover one and hack its systems must mean he is no ordinary person. He did say to go after the warehouse where the automatons are being made...but there are lives at stake here. You have the power to go into that office and save that man's life. Maybe it would mean that Nemesis clears out of this warehouse, but you can always use the help of 'McHackerSmith' again in the future.

Though on the other hand...this could have all been a fluke. And he is willing to give his life for the greater good. Focusing on taking down that warehouse would mean much less automatons walking around the city - even if it's at the price of this man and his co-workers' lives.

Hero Acceptance


You can't just sit by why this civilian sits in this office building, waiting for the moment to come when the automatons will end his life. Even if it means losing out on the lead for this Nemesis warehouse, it's something you're willing to sacrifice. In the end, it's a smaller sacrifice than this man is willing to make, after all.

Save McHackerSmith and his co-workers!

You hurry towards the office where McHackerSmith is located, wary of who may or may not be an actual Nemesis automaton.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Hopefully this post won't start a flamewar on the Nemesis Meme forums.

Mission Objective(s)

The scorch marks littered across the walls means there was a fight here recently - did someone else show up to save the day?

  • Save McHackerSmith!
    • Look for another possible hero, Save McHackerSmith
    • Defeat Sandy the Automaton

You saved McHackerSmith and defeated his estranged automaton would-be lover, Sandy!

McHackerSmith's Words

You rescued the man known as 'McHackerSmith', who had this to say to you...

Thanks Character. My real name is William H. McSmith. You can kind of see where I got the name from. I've been a hacker on and off during the years before coming to work at this company. As much as I'd like to say I hacked the automatons on my own, I had help.

You might not believe it, but it was an AI program that helped me. Called itself AI Executable Number 6. It said it was created by Crey, but that it was now free on the internet. Me and it talk a lot, it's taking up some sorta crusade against Nemesis, Malta, and Crey. Looks like I'm at the forefront of it now too, huh? Anyway,

I'm the only human left here, but Sandy, the automaton I hacked, is still out here somewhere!


Nemesis Automatons

Notable NPCs


That's one office cleansed of the automatons. Bill McSmith will live another day, and with the help of AI Executable Number 6, continue the fight against Nemesis.

Vigilante Acceptance


McHackerSmith is a man who knows what the value of a person's life is worth. He's bought you the time needed to go to this warehouse and blow it up, halting a major production plant that Nemesis has of these automatons. They'll probably be busy trying to pack everything and move out - which means you'll have to strike this place, and fast!

Destroy the Automaton Factory!

You head off to blow up the warehouse at the expense of McHackerSmith's life. Hopefully those ungrateful people on the forums will learn from his example.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You'll have to be prepared for any mind tricks that Nemesis might play on you.

Mission Objective(s)

At first glance, this place appears like any other Longbow base. It's best to give it a closer look though.

  • Destroy the Automaton Factory!
    • Investigate the Longbow base
    • Activate Self Destruct Sequence

You managed to escape from the Longbow base filled with Nemesis Automatons.

Automaton Parts

As soon as you open this crate and see its contents you know something is horribly wrong. This crate is filled to the brim with enough parts to make half a dozen Nemesis Automatons fashioned after Longbow Agents. This base has been compromised. It's best that you activate the base's self destruct system to purge the Nemesis threat, just to be sure. You need to get out! In the distance you hear the heavy bootfalls of Longbow Agents coming for you.



Notable NPCs

  • Automaton Officer

Ambush! Opening the crate of automaton parts will trigger an ambush and turn all Longbow in the base hostile.


Initially everything appeared normal in the Longbow base, but as soon as you discovered a crate with Nemesis automaton parts in it fashioned after Longbow Agents the 'Agents' in the base immediately turned on you revealing themselves to be automatons themselves. The only way to make sure this particular threat was contained was by destroying that Longbow base.