Cherry Red Lipstick |
Alignment Mission |
Type |
Alignment Tip |
Place |
Rogue Isles |
Available to |
Vigilantes |
Level range |
30–39 |
Choice |
Villain |
Cherry Red Lipstick
Alignment Mission
This plain looking stick of women's lipstick actually contains a hidden data recorder.
Review the secret data recorder's contents
You analyze the contents and cannot believe what you've discovered, in fact, you had to read the document over several times before you were sure of what you were reading. According to this data recorder, a member of the 5th Column, going by the codename of Nachtkrieg, is planning to defect back over to the Council. The defector's real name is Jonas Howe, but he has not given his true identity to the Council; insurance in case he is betrayed. If even half of what this data says is true, then Jonas Howe's defection could sway the balance of power in the favor of the Council. He must be stopped! Since Jonas's true identity is unknown to the Council it wouldn't be that difficult for you to take his place. From within you could weaken both the 5th Column and the Council, thus keeping the balance of power between them in check.
VILLAIN: The defector is my key to jumpstarting this little war.
Once you've taken out Jonas Howe, aka Nachtkrieg, you can convince the Council of your authenticy. Having infiltrated them you will have the opportunity to find and trigger the Council base's self destruct sequence, but it will need the base commander's code key. In the ensuing chaos you can escape, having destroyed a major Council base, but supplied the Council with 5th Column secrets.
- Neutralize the defector Nachtkrieg and impersonate him
The hostilities between the two groups will certainly flare up in the aftermath of your little ruse. But perhaps the two groups will finally consign themselves to killing each other off rather than beat around the bush about it.
Unnecessary Solicitation
The only way you can get into that Council base is if you eliminate and impersonate the defector known as Nachtkrieg. You'd better hurry too, their meeting starts soon.
Mission Objective(s)
The Council will be expecting a traitor. You'd better learn everything you can from the defector.
- Infiltrate and Destroy the Council Base
- Question and eliminate Nachtkrieg
- Speak to Nachtkrieg
- Speak to Commander Burns
- Defeat Commander Burns
- Access the Main Computer Terminal
You single handedly destroyed an entire Council facility and resparked the conflict between the 5th Column and Council without either side gaining a significant advantage!
Notable NPCs
- Nachtkrieg (5th Column Raserei Ubermenschen)
- Commander Burns (Council Vortex Cor Leonis Archon)
Nachtkrieg dialogue
Before combat:
- Nachtkrieg: I would have expected Commander Burns to have sent an escort...
Combat start:
- Nachtkrieg: Character? It's a trap!
At 100% Life:
- Nachtkrieg: I have worked for years assembling this information. You will not stop me this close to completion!
At 25% Life:
- Nachtkrieg: This isn't over!
Nachtkrieg conversation
Speaking with Nachtkrieg
How... How did you learn about this meeting? Who sent you? Was it Requiem, was it Anton?
- Tell me what you know, Jonas Howe.
I've been working within the 5th Column ever since the Reichsman returned. I've been gathering data for over a year. I suspected that my superiors were growing suspicious of my activities, so I decided to defect now rather than face my inevitable discovery.
- Tell me everything you told the Council
"I helped them win several engagements in the past with some leaked intelligence, just enough to let them know I was legitimate, but I saved this data as insurance."
He hands you a small micro-disc.
I'll tell you! Just don't kill me. This data holds the identities of every 5th Column agent within the Council's ranks, and every known Council agent that has infiltrated the 5th Column. With this information the Council will be able to feed their moles with false information, and ignore the false information fed to their own moles within the 5th Column. Victory will be assured for them!
- I see you know all about traitors and cowards. Now die like one.
Wait! What? No!
- Hide the body and continue with your mission.
Commander Burns conversation
Speaking with Commander Burns
Nachtkrieg? How am I to know that you are trustworthy? The information you have provided in the past has proven... useful, so why defect? Perhaps you are counting on such a bold move to blind me to your true motives?
- I have information you cannot afford to ignore or dismiss.
It is funny you say that. Information, which I chose not to ignore or dismiss, has come to my attention that the true Nachtkrieg's body has been hidden within a ventilation duct... So I ask you, who are you really?
Commander Burns dialogue
Before combat:
- Commander Burns: This isn't Nachtkrieg! Stop him!
At 75% Life:
- Commander Burns: I don't know what you were planning, Character, but if it was suicide, then your plan succeeded.
At 25% Life:
- Commander Burns: This... Is not... How it was... Supposed to be!
- Commander Burns: Nooooooooo!
Main Computer Terminal interaction
Interacting with Main Computer Terminal
Welcome to the facility operational computer system. Please enter your request below.
- Activate facility self destruct sequence.
Facility Self Destruct Sequence initializing...
Facility detonation should only occur in the following circumstances:
Imminent capture by enemy
Facility experiments have breached quarantine
All personnel dead or dying.
Please confirm that your intentions to destroy the facility match one or more of the criteria above.
- Confirm: Begin self destruct sequence
Self Destruct Sequence has been confirmed. Council high command will be issued an automated alert of facility demolition. All data in the mainframe will receive remote back up and then be erased by a level 12 electro magnetic pulse.
Final confirmation of the above required.
- Final Confirmation: Blow it up!
Confirmed. Facility self destruct sequence initiated. This sequence cannot be revoked. This facility will be permanently deactivated.
- Get out while the getting's good.
Not bad for a day's hard work. You managed to eliminate a notorious 5th Column operative, destroy a major Council facility, and rekindle the war between both groups. Sure, there might be some collateral damage when the conflict spills out into the streets, but in the bigger picture, what does that matter? The Council and 5th Column will be so focused on eliminating each other that they'll either succeed, or the heroes will finally swoop in and finish the job for them. And that is in the interest of everyone's greater good.