Professor Lovelethe

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Professor Lovelethe is a hero ally with a faction of Scientist and a rank of Lieutenant. He can be found in the An Unnatural Order story arc from Eliza Thorpe and Lorenzo Tate.


This esteemed scientist was captured by the Devouring Earth. His partner, Dr. Theron, is still missing.



Temporary LethargyInducer.png Tranq Dart Ranged, Foe Sleep, -Recharge, -SPD
This invention can cause a target to feel tired and worn down, reducing the speed of their attacks. The Lethargy Inducer has 20 charges.

MentalControl MassHypnosis.png Mass Hypnosis Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Sleep
Hypnotizes a group of foes at a distance and puts them to Sleep. The targets will remain asleep for some time, but will awaken if attacked. This power deals no damage, but if done discreetly, the targets will never be aware of your presence.

MentalControl Command.png Dominate Ranged, Foe Hold
Painfully tears at the mind of a single foe. Dominate deals Psionic damage and renders a foe helpless, lost in his own mind and unable to defend himself.