Mission:Negotiations of the Living Dead - Agree to disrupt the tenuous alliance

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Agree to disrupt the tenuous alliance


Our spies report that the Family, Sky Raiders, and Warriors seek to come together in an alliance to oust what remains of the Council power structure from Striga Isle. The Fateweavers give their alliance a maximum of three weeks before it falls apart after the disappearance of the greater external threat, and the resulting chaos will diminish the usefulness of Striga Isle for years to come. We have been tasked with ensuring the alliance fails to form so that the Council can maintain their grip on Striga Isle for some time longer.

Mission Acceptance

The Sky Raiders were recently the target of a severe security breach, but they are still trying to figure out who is to blame. You will take advantage of their confusion by striking against one of their installations to find information about an upcoming meeting between leaders of the three organizations. That meeting must not be allowed to lead to an alliance.

Unnecessary Solicitation

You are free to choose your own method for extracting the information we seek from the Sky Raider base but don't waste my time.

Mission Objective(s)

Getting inside the base was easy enough.

  • Seek information
    • Hack the network
    • Interrogate leader

You searched the Sky Raiders base for information but came up empty-handed.


Sky Raiders

Notable NPCs

Coming Up Empty-Handed

Your excursion to the Sky Raider base yielded no information about the upcoming meeting whatsoever. Ragana better not blame you for this.


The Sky Raiders are better at keeping their secrets than I had expected. I do not blame you, Destined One. This just means you have to try harder with the next target.