Mission:The Last Witch of Striga - And if we stop them...

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And if we stop them...


If the Legacy Chain mages are right, the Banished Pantheon shamans have used Shivan meteorite fragments to augment their rituals. So any zombies they've raised would carry some of that radiation. With enough samples we can track down their origin point, and find where the shamans are performing the rituals to control the Unnamed!

Mission Acceptance

The Unnamed would go on a rampage, threatening Striga and perhaps even lands beyond. If that's not enough to draw the witch out in the open, I don't know what is. So what I need you to do is to check the radiation levels in different places all over the island. Get to work!

While you are busy digging, I will look into this spell you stole from the Legacy Chain. I'll let you know if I can get it to work.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Check out the northern cemetery first and measure the radiation at any recently disturbed graves.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Gather radiation measurements
    • Headstones

Unnecessary Solicitation

Scan some rocks in the nearby marsh too. The zombies hide under the water there sometimes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Scan Rocks
    • Rocks

Unnecessary Solicitation

Take some measurements at the southern cemetery as well. Just don't get too close to the local heroes.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Scan Graves
    • Graves

Editor's Note:

These are basically patrol missions, with 4 headstones, 5 rocks, and 5 graves to visit. Players will travel to the site of the The Unnamed Badge during the patrol.


That should be enough samples. With my techno-magical implants I can process these in the field. Give me a minute to calculate the point of origin.