Matthew Burke

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Matthew Burke
Matthew Burke.jpg
Zone Mercy Island
Coordinates (-3626.5, 65.5, -2840)[Copy]
Level Range 1-4
Introduced By Arachnos Pilot
Introduces Doctor Creed
Enemy Groups
v  d  e

Matthew Burke is a villain contact in the Darwin's Landing neighborhood of Mercy Island at coordinates (-3626.5, 65.5, -2840)[Copy] . His level range is 1-4.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

I know this guy named Doctor Creed here on Mercy. He's a bit of a nut, but he's always looking for volunteers to help him with his 'experiments' on the Infected.

Be prepared to face a lot more of those Infected freaks. Doctor Creed seems to be obsessed with them.



Matthew Burke's been around the Rogue Isles a long time. Long enough to see Arachnos grow in power, and long enough to resent their interference in his work. Most people on the Isles tend to roll over when Arachnos gets too close to their territory, but not Matt. Instead, he's learned to fight back. With his network of contacts and his long line of experience in the dirty business of mercenary work, Matt's managed to stay one step ahead of any Arachnos assassins who might want to take him down. How long this can last is anybody's guess.

Initial Contact

Character. Interesting handle. I can tell one thing about you already: you're nobody's puppet. That's why you're here with me instead of toadying up to Kalinda. I can get you some jobs and help you make your way in the Rogue Isles. Just remember: you have to decide how much to deal with Arachnos. Don't let them decide for you.

Story Arc

The Origins of the Snakes

Souvenir: Snake shell fragment

You kept this Snake shell fragment from the Snake hatchery you violated in search of Stheno. It's a reminder of your investigation into:

The Origins of the Snakes

It began with a new client for Matthew Burke. The client wanted information on the nature of the strange snake creatures that plague Mercy Island, and Burke had agreed to get it. You went to recover a Snake skin, and came away with some interesting information. The Snakes you fought had referred to a creature called 'almighty Stheno,' and you and Burke resolved to seek it out.

Burke tracked down some rumors, so he sent you to another Snake den. There, you recovreed the Book of Stheno, which helped clear up the mystery. Stheno was a Gorgon, the sister of the legendary Medusa.

Burke was determined to track down Stheno himself, if he could. He learned of a Snake hatchery in the area and sent you there. Although you failed to find Stheno herself, you did destroy every egg in the hatchery. So it's a safe bet that Stheno might now be looking for you.

Get away with an op under Arachnos' nose


I'm sure you know that Arachnos likes to think they own everything on this grubby little island. Well, they're wrong. For starters, they don't own me. And if you're smart, you won't let them own you either. So here, in the shadow of Fort Darwin, I'm asking you to help me get away with an operation right under Arachnos' nose. Think you can handle that?

I've been hired by an interested party to investigate the origins of the Snakes. Now, Arachnos doesn't want anybody but themselves knowing what goes on with those slimy little worms, but I happen to think that knowledge belongs to the person strong enough to grab it. So, I've picked out a snake hole for you to investigate. Bring me back a snake skin, and we'll get to work.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear the scraping of scales on stone in the distance. Get a Snake skin and bring it back to Burke!

  • Bring back a snake skin
    • Defeat Sithius and guards

You defeated Sithius and his guards! You have a Snake skin!



Notable NPCs

Snake skin

You collected the snake skin that Matthew Burke requested, but you also found something else. The words of Sithius echo in your head: 'Almighty Stheno.' Who could this creature be?


Almighty Stheno? I don't know who or what that is, but I'd be willing to bet money it's important to the Snakes. Which means it's important to my client. Which means it's important to you and me.

Learn more about Stheno


All right, I've tracked down a few rumors about this Stheno character. Apparently she's the Snake's leader. More than that, I've got a lead on a place where you may be able to learn more. It's another snake den, so you'll want your heavy boots.

Whatever you learn, let me know as soon as possible. My client is getting antsy.

Mission Objective(s)

The air smells of Snake breath: damp and disgusting.

  • Defeat all Snakes
    • Seek clues

You found a clue to Stheno's nature, and learned of one of her haunts!



Book of Stheno

This ancient tome refers to Stheno, the sister of the Gorgon, Medusa. It seems she is the goddess worshipped by Mercy's Snakes. It speaks of a time when Stheno will return to spawn new and powerful progeny.

The Hatchery's Location

One of the Snakes you defeated gasped:

'Leave me be! You will never learn of my lady'sss den from me!'

After a judicious interrogation, however, the Snake revealed the location of a Snake hatchery.


Nice work. Looks like we'll have to check out this Snake hatchery. Could be we'll find something worth selling.

Check out the Snake hatchery


I can't say for certain whether we'll find Stheno at that hatchery, but I'd say it's worth looking. Be careful. If the reports about Medusa are to be believed, her sister won't be any pushover.

My client will want to know about everything you find.

Mission Objective(s)

You hear a swift and sudden crack.

  • Defeat all Snakes in hatchery

You have cleared out the Snake hatchery, but found no sign of Stheno.



Notable NPCs

Snake shell fragments

You recovered these Snake shell fragments from the Snake hatchery. Though you were unable to find the Gorgon Stheno, these fragments should be worth a lot to Burke's secretive client.


No sign of Stheno, eh? Well, them's the breaks, I guess. I guess my client will have to be content with these Snake shells. I just hope the information we've gathered on the Snakes doesn't get back to Arachnos. I'd hate to think we'd done all this work for their benefit.


Matthew Burke sells the following items:

  • Inspirations
  • Level 1 Training Enhancements
  • Level 5 Training Enhancements


Find out about Arachnos


You think you know all about Arachnos, huh? Sure you do. Big, fancy posters, lotsa pomp 'n' circumstance. Well, let me tell you: you don't know jack. That's ok, though. You're about to find out.

I like to keep tabs on my neighbors, so I need you to plan these little bugs on the flyers inside Fort Darwin. Easy peasy. It'll give you a chance to see what Arachnos is like in combat. Heck, you might even impress 'em! Arachnos is always looking for the latest good material to come out of the Zig. They use this whole island as a proving ground for their fresh meat.

Here's an access code to get into Fort Darwin. Wait until the coast is clear, then plant the bugs on the Arachnos flyers.

Mission Objective(s)

All you've got to do is plant these bugs. If you choose to take out a few Arachnos operatives--well, that's just a bonus.

  • Plant bugs on flyers
    • 4 flyers to bug

You have bugged the flyer. All of Burke's bugs are set.




Good job. Arachnos has been a thorn in my side ever since I set foot on Darwin's Landing. They think they own everything and everyone here. Most of the time, they're right. Just don't you let them be your masters, ok? You've got what I'd call a bright future ahead of you.

Steal book from Ghost Widow


Glad to see you. We've got a job. Seems someone's hired us to steal some old book from Ghost Widow's faction. The book is called the Mu Codex. Who's hired us, you ask? Why, Mako's faction! That's right, those Arachnos factions are always at each other's throats. You'd best remember that if you ever decide to get involved with their lot. Trust no one.

Oh, there's one more thing I didn't tell you. I'm planning to keep this book for myself. So wipe out everyone in the Arachnos lab, won't you? It's the only way we can get away clean.

Mission Objective(s)

Burke's weaving a dangerous web by trying to play two Arachnos factions against each other. Better make sure you don't get caught in the crossfire.

  • Defeat all operatives in base
    • Steal the Mu Codex

You have wiped out Ghost Widow's men and secured the Mu Codex.



The Mu Codex

Mako hired Burke to steal this book from Ghost Widow's faction. He's hoping to keep it for herself, though, which is a dangerous proposition.


Ah, the Mu Codex. This'll fetch a pretty penny. Oh, don't worry. Mako will believe that Ghost Widow managed to keep the Codex from us. It'll give him a good excuse to call her out, which is what those elite Arachnos operatives like more than anything. They just love their petty intrigues!

Of all of them, only the Arbiters are above all that in-fighting. Heck, even I respect the Arbiters to a certain degree. You may want to check them out.

Go after the good guys


You know my code of honor? None. I'll steal from anyone if the price is right. From Arachnos, from Longbow, even from the Snakes if they had anything worth taking. But on this particular day, we're going after the good guys. Longbow. Saviors of Paragon City, thorn in the side of Arachnos. Truth is, I don't mind Longbow so much. They irritate Arachnos, which I can't help but find entertaining. Trouble is, Longbow's got something I want.

Longbow's got some of the best cryptographers this side of Paragon City. One of them is known as Agent Kurst. I need Kurst's files. Not only do they contain a wealth of knowledge about Arachnos ciphers, they also are likely to contain a mention or two about the codes my clients use. Which means, I'm sorry to say, Kurst isn't long for this world.

Mission Objective(s)

Longbow must have some serious funding.

  • Defeat Kurst and his guards
    • Steal Kurst's files
    • Defeat Agent Kurst and guards

You have defeated Kurst and stolen his files.



Notable NPCs

Agent Kurst's files

These files, composed by Longbow Agent Kurst, detail the many ciphers he has successfully broken while working on Mercy Island. Although many of these ciphers originated with Arachnos, some of them are the codes Burke uses to correspond with his clients.


Excellent job. These files will server me well. They should let me eavesdrop on secret Arachnos conversations—at least, until these ciphers are rotated out of use. It's important to keep an eye on Arachnos. They're always testing everybody here on Mercy, myself included. Trying to figure out who's strong enough to survive and who's weak enough to crush under their boot heels. When someone's watching you, it's a good idea to watch them right back.

There's a rather odd fellow I'd like you to meet: Doctor Creed. He's a strange man, but he knows a lot about the Infected, and he's looking for a lab assistant.

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