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Ninjas is one of the powersets. It is a Mastermind primary power set.

You are known by many names... Sensei, Shogun, Kage, Lord. What you are is a Master of the most deadly assassins the world has ever seen... You are a Ninja Master. Command your Ninja Henchmen and even train them in new weapons and techniques. Ninjas have superior reflexes and can even super leap. Their training makes them highly resistant to confusion. Ninja Henchmen cannot be resurrected.

Power Tables


The Ninjas powerset is available as a primary set for Masterminds. The following table shows which powers are available and at what level:

Power Level Effect
Snap Shot 1 Ranged, Minor Damage (Lethal)
Call Genin 1 Summon Genin
Aimed Shot 2 Ranged, Moderate Damage (Lethal)
Train Ninjas 6 Ranged, Train Ninja Henchman
Fistful of Arrows 8 Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage (Lethal)
Call Jounin 12 Summon Jounin
Smoke Flash 18 Hide Ninja
Oni 26 Summon Oni
Kugi In Zen 32 Ranged, Enlighten Ninja Henchman


The following are powers in the Ninjas powerset.

Ninjas StandardShot.png Aimed Shot

Though it takes longer to execute, your Aimed Shot deals greater damage than Snap Shot.

Damage Moderate Damage (Lethal)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 2 (Mastermind)
Effects Ranged
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Damage
Enhance Accuracy

Ninjas CallGenin.png Call Genin

Calls forth one to three Genin Ninja (the second is available at level six, the third at level eighteen) to do your bidding. Genin have good reflexes and jumping skill, but they are still the lowest rank Ninja and only possess the most rudimentary skills. However, they can be trained in more advance techniques and weapons. You may only have 3 Genin under your control at any given time. If you attempt to call Genin, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have three, the power will fail.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 1 (Mastermind)
Effects Summon Genin
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Disorient
Enhance Running Speed
Enhance KnockBack
Enhance Damage
Enhance Accuracy

Ninjas CallJounin.png Call Jounin

You can summon one to two highly skilled Jounin Ninja (the second is available at level twenty-four). Jounin Ninja are master assassins and expert swordsmen. They possess superior reflexes and jumping skill. Like all Henchmen, Jounin can be trained in even deadlier Ninjitsu techniques and weapons. You may only have 2 Jounin under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon more Jounin, you can only replace the ones you have lost in battle. If you already have two, the power will fail.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 12 (Mastermind)
Effects Summon Jounin
Enhancements Enhance Slow Movement
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Disorient
Enhance Sleep
Enhance Running Speed
Enhance KnockBack
Enhance ToHit DeBuffs
Enhance Defense DeBuffs
Enhance Damage
Enhance Confuse
Enhance Accuracy

Ninjas FistFullArrows.png Fistful of Arrows

You fire a fistful of arrows at foes in a cone in front of your. Good at close range.

Damage Moderate (Lethal)
Recharge Moderate
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 8 (Mastermind)
Effects Ranged (Cone)
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Damage
Enhance Accuracy

Ninjas UpgradeEquipment.png Kugi In Zen

Kuji In Zen will permanently bestow the most advanced techniques and powers to one Ninja Henchman. The Enlightened Ninja will gain new abilities, powers and weapons. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the target Ninja Henchman that is Enlightened. This power only works on your Ninja Henchmen and you can only Enlighten any given Ninja Henchman once.

Recharge Medium
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 32 (Mastermind)
Effects Ranged
Enlighten Ninja Henchman
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Enhance Recharge Speed

Ninjas CallOni.png Oni

Summons an ancient and powerful Oni. An Oni is a powerful human-like demon warrior. The Oni is a formidable creature who possesses the skill of a warrior and the powers of wind and fire. You may only have 1 Oni under your control at any given time. If you attempt to summon another Oni, the power will fail.

Recharge Very Long
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 26 (Mastermind)
Effects Summon Oni
Enhancements Enhance Hold
Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance KnockBack
Enhance Immobilization
Enhance Damage
Enhance Accuracy

Ninjas KujiKiri.png Smoke Flash

You can command one of your Ninja Henchmen to throw down a Smoke Bomb. The Smoke Flash will allow the Ninja to Placate his nearby foes, and thus unable to target the Ninja. The Smoke Flash also makes the Ninja stealthy and hidden for about 10 seconds, enabling him to perform critical hits with his next few attacks. You can only use this power on Ninja Henchmen.

Recharge Slow
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 18 (Mastermind)
Effects Hide Ninja
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Enhance Recharge Speed

Ninjas QuickShot.png Snap Shot

A quick attack that fires an arrow at your foe after only minimal aiming. Fast, but little damage.

Damage Minor (Lethal)
Recharge Fast
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 1 (Mastermind)
Effects Ranged
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Enhance Recharge Speed
Enhance Damage
Enhance Accuracy

Ninjas TrainNinjas.png Train Ninjas

Train your Ninja Henchmen with more advanced techniques and weaponry. This power permanently bestows new powers and abilities to one Ninja Henchman. The powers gained are unique and dependent upon the target Ninja Henchman. This power only works on your Ninja Henchmen and you can only Train any given Ninja Henchman once.

Recharge Medium
Minimum Level V archetypeicon mastermind.png 6 (Mastermind)
Effects Ranged
Train Ninja Henchman
Enhancements Reduce Endurance Cost
Enhance Range
Enhance Recharge Speed

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