Arachnos/Mu Mystics
Descended from the long lost nation of Mu and drafted into Arachnos, these beings handle most of its mystical interests.
The Mu Mystics is the Arachnos all-Magical division, formed exclusively by people of Mu blood heritage.
The Mu Mystics are a relatively new division in Arachnos' web but early evidence indicates they may well be one of the most powerful. Their part in the Paragon City Power Crash raises their potential threat rating to the highest levels.(1)
Apparently, those working in other Arachnos subdivisions who are discovered to be of Mu descendance are transferred to this group.(2)
This group's history is intimately related to the old civilization of Mu, its conflict with Oranbega and the Circle of Thorns and, above everything else, their blind faith to their beloved goddess Hequat. The group's internal policies may be byzantine and, given their previous history, some in Arachnos wonder where their true loyalties are.
This group is under the command of Scirocco
Virtually nothing is known about Calamity, other than the fact that he was active back in the 60s. Perhaps was one of the first Mu Mystics to be in service of Arachnos... or perhaps not.
Mu'Drakhan is a prominent political figure and potential leader among the Mu. He's a proud and ruthless man.
Although Archmage Tarixus wears a uniform similar to that of Mu Mystics and shares a similar floating pose, he is not in service of Arachnos.
1- CoH official site: Scirocco
2 - Seer Marino: Find the surveillance tapes in the old building
Enemy Types
Mu Striker
Strikers are descendant of the long-lost Mu, drafted into Arachnos service to fight both mystic heroes and the troublesome Circle of Thorns.
Levels: 15-20, 34-54
Flight (Only Level 34 and up) Self Fly
Mu can Fly!
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
Lightning Blast (Only Level 34 and up) Ranged, High Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Mu Strikers do not have any Melee attacks at all
Lightning Armor (Only Level 34 and up) Auto, Self Res( F28 C28 E28 N28 )
You surround yourself in Lightning Armor, providing good resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks.
Resistance Def( E8 N8 ), Res( E8 N8 )
Mu Striker
Those of Mu ancestry who have delved too deply into the secrets of their bloodline have a special fate awaiting them on death. For their goddess still waits for their souls in her strange spirit-city.
Levels: 34-54
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
Lightning Blast Ranged, High Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Mu Strikers do not have any Melee attacks at all
Lightning Armor Auto, Self Res( F28 C28 E28 N28 )
You surround yourself in Lightning Armor, providing good resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks.
Resistance Def( E8 N8 ), Res( E8 N8 )
Resistance Auto, Res( C20 E-20 N20 T20 ), Prot( Im 5.0 Sl 5.0 Co 5.0 ), Resist(-Speed)
Mu Adept
The most gifted Mu Strikers are given far more than promotions and new uniforms: they are given eldritch secrets to unlock their inner powers. As long as they continue to use them in Arachnos' service, of course.
Levels: 15-20, 34-54
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
Cage of Lightning Ranged, Minor Energy Damage, Foe Sleep, -Endurance, -Recovery
You are trapped in a cage of lightning.
Lightning Blast (Only Level 34 and up) Ranged, High Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
Static Discharge (Only Level 34 and up) Ranged (Cone), Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
The Static Discharge is continuing to electrocute you.
Shocking Bolt (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged, Minor Energy Damage, Foe Disorient
The shock of energy has locked you in place -- you are held!
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Mu Adepts don´t have any Melee attacks at all
Lightning Armor Auto, Self Res( F35 C35 E35 N35 )
You surround yourself in Lightning Armor, providing good resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks.
Resistance Def( E10 N10 ), Res( E10 N10 )
Mu Adept
Bound forever to the will of their ancient goddess, the souls of Mu Mystics travel to her spirit-city to serve as her guardians, and serve her in the eternal afterlife.
Levels: 40-54
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
Cage of Lightning Ranged, Minor Energy Damage, Foe Sleep, -Endurance, -Recovery
You are trapped in a cage of lightning.
Lightning Blast Ranged, High Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
Static Discharge Ranged (Cone), Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
The Static Discharge is continuing to electrocute you.
Shocking Bolt Ranged, Minor Energy Damage, Foe Disorient
The shock of energy has locked you in place -- you are held!
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Mu Adepts don´t have any Melee attacks at all
Lightning Armor Auto, Self Res( F35 C35 E35 N35 )
You surround yourself in Lightning Armor, providing good resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks.
Resistance Def( E10 N10 ), Res( E10 N10 )
Resistance Auto, Res( C20 E-20 N20 T20 ), Prot( Im 5.0 Sl 5.0 Co 5.0 ), Resist(-Speed)
Mu Guardian
Mu Guardians pulse with the blood of their slaughtered ancestors in their veins. They have read unholy tomes, visited other planes of existence and performed dark sacrifices too terrible to mention to become the masters of the mystic arts.
Levels: 15-20, 34-54
Lightning Bolt Ranged, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
Your Endurance has been drained.
Ball Lightning Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Damage over Time(Energy), Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
The Ball Lightning is continuing to electrocute you.
Static Discharge Ranged (Cone), Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Endurance, -Recovery
The Static Discharge is continuing to electrocute you.
Shocking Bolt (Only Level 34 and up) Ranged, Minor Energy Damage, Foe Disorient
The shock of energy has locked you in place -- you are held!
Sentinel of Lightning (Only Level 34 and up) Summon Sentinel: Ranged, Moderate Damage(Energy), Foe -Endurance
Your Endurance has been drained.
EM Pulse (Only Level 40 and up) Point Blank Area of Effect, Foe Hold, -Regeneration, -Endurance, Special vs. Robots
You are Held by the EMP Pulse and your Regeneration Rate is reduced.
Touch of the Storm Ranged, Ally Heal
No Melee attacks No Hand to Hand
Mu Guardians don´t have any Melee attacks at all
Lightning Armor Auto, Self Res( F35 C35 E35 N35 )
You surround yourself in Lightning Armor, providing good resistance to Fire, Cold, Energy and Negative Energy attacks.
Resistance Def( E10 N10 ), Res( E10 N10 )
Mu Guardians gain the following in Hard Mode Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Rejuvenating Circuit Ranged (Chain), Ally Heal, Self +Static
Create a circuit of healing energy between several nearby allies, healing them for a small amount. Every stack of Static you have will cause this power to chain to additional allies. The first few targets in the chain receive a more potent effect. Rejuvenating Circuit grants 1 stack of Static.
Energizing Circuit Ranged (Chain), Ally +Endurance, +Recharge, Self +Static
Create a circuit of pure energy between several nearby allies, restoring a small amount of their endurance and significantly increasing their attack rate for a short time. Every stack of Static you have will cause this power to chain to additional allies. The first few targets in the chain receive a more potent effect. Energizing Circuit grants 1 stack of Static.
Empowering Circuit Ranged (Chain), Ally +Damage, +ToHit, Self +Static
Create a circuit of empowering energy between several nearby allies, increasing their damage output and chance to hit for a short time. Every stack of Static you have will cause this power to chain to additional allies. The first few targets in the chain receive a more potent effect. Empowering Circuit grants 1 stack of Static.
Mental Training Auto, Self +Recharge, +Speed, Resist(-Speed, -Recharge), Prot( Co 3.46 Fr 3.46 )
Your mental training allows you to focus your will, allowing you to move faster than normal, as well as resist slow and confuse effects. This power is always on and permanently increases your attack rate and movement speed.
Combat Training: Offensive Auto, Self +Accuracy, Resist(-ToHit)
Your accuracy is improved.