Stonehearted Badge

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File:Badge SafeG StoutHearted.png


No one can explain your turn to villainy after going to such lengths to defend all of Paragon. Perhaps your heart has turned to stone.

How to Get

Earn the following badges:

Badge tourist 01.png  Hate of the City Badge   Exploration   Atlas Park Safeguard mission (level 5-10), east of entrance. (1499, 0, -399)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  King's Capriciousness Badge   Exploration   Kings Row Safeguard mission (level 10-15), near southwest corner. (672, -42, -2348)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  Rage Driven Badge   Exploration   Skyway City Safeguard mission (level 15-20), southeastern side. (-945, 0, -3552)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  Freedom's Crusher Badge   Exploration   Steel Canyon Safeguard mission (level 20-25), central western part. (-4255, 0, 1129)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  Dishonorable Captain Badge   Exploration   Independence Port Safeguard mission (level 25-30), northeast side. (-1948, 0, -3172.5)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  Talos' Blight Badge   Exploration   Talos Island Safeguard mission (level 30-35), middle of northernmost alley between stores. (-1451.5, 160, 6740)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  Weak Point Badge   Exploration   Brickstown Safeguard mission (level 35-40), northeast corner. (-406, 0, -129)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  Founders' Invader Badge   Exploration   Founders' Falls Safeguard mission (level 40-45), Bottom of the northern ramp outside the police station, north side. (3233, 0, 2055)[Copy]
Badge tourist 01.png  Keymaster Badge   Exploration   Peregrine Island Safeguard mission (level 45-50), southeast of Blackwell store. (-635.75, 0, -2867)[Copy]


This badge displays different names, depending on a character's current alignment.

  • Stonehearted on villains and rogues
  • Stouthearted on heroes and vigilantes

See Also

External Links