Lorenzo DiCosta

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Lorenzo DiCosta is a hero contact in the Aerie Plaza neighborhood of Skyway City Lorenzo DiCosta is a Natural origin contact. His level range is 10-14.


Contact Introduced By

New Contact(s)

FBI Special Agent Warren Trudeau would like to have a word with you. He's particularly eager to work with new heroes like you in combating the Tsoo and the Council. Agent Trudeau is on special assignment to Skyway City.

I think you will find Agent Trudeau to be very helpful.


Confidential Informant

As the cops say about Lorenzo DiCosta, he's got a rap sheet as long as your arm. He's been in and out of jail since he was 13, and he's decided he likes out better than in. He's a small time crook and hustler, but he knows who most of the big players are. They, on the other hand, scarcely notice him, making him the perfect confidential informant. For a few bucks he'll tell a hero anything he wants to know. Or he'll do it in exchange for a favor down the line, say, a get out of jail free card on a minor charge. Lorenzo is pretty personable fellow, and has made friends with a number of different heroes, despite his less than savory line of work.

Initial Contact

How goes it? I have primo information for you.


  • Inspirations
  • Level 10 Training Enhancements (100% base costs) (Power 10 only)
  • Level 15 Natural/Technology Dual Origin Enhancements

Story Arc


Rescue Mason before the Council can torture him into assisting them


The Council has kidnapped Mason, the famous physicist. You have to rescue Mason before the Council can torture him into assisting them. You only have 1 hour to rescue Mason.

If you don't get to Mason quickly, the consequences could be grave.

Mission Objective(s)

The office appears empty, but you know you can't let your guard down.

  • Save scientist from Council
  • Timed, 60 minutes

You Rescued the scientist.

Notable NPCs

  • Archon Snyder (Penumbra Archon)


We should keep our ear out for word on what the Council is putting together. I hear some of their scientists are skilled roboticists; it could be that they're working on some sort of mechanical army!

Find evidence leading to the rest of the Council bases


I need you to get over to a Council base on the double. My sources tell me it's a major link in the Council information network. They may well have information on the locations of other bases. I need you to find some evidence that will lead us to the rest of the Council bases. The sooner we can eliminate this threat, the better.

The base leader is a nasty fellow named Adjutant Walker. If you can take him into custody, he'll be an excellent source of information.

Mission Objective(s)

From outside this building looks abandoned, but the stash of weaponry indicates otherwise.

  • Arrest Walker and his guards

Notable NPCs

  • Adjutant Walker (Penumbra Adjutant)


Well, Adjutant Walker gave us all the information we needed, and more. According to Walker, the Council has a number of cells spread throughout the city, and each of them reports to a major base of operations on Striga Isle. That scares me. It could be that the Council is a greater threat than we had ever assumed!

External Links