Greek Philosopher Badge

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The origin behind the Labyrinth of Fog has been obscured for ages, but you've recently discovered evidence that suggests the labyrinth was created to imprison an ancient calamity that once befell the islands of Greece.

Associated History Monuments

Location Table

Monument Zone Location ( x y z )
Greek Philosopher Labyrinth of Fog 469.7 -205.0 2713.8[Copy]
Greek Philosopher Labyrinth of Fog 227.5 -84.0 2669.2[Copy]
Greek Philosopher Labyrinth of Fog 584.7 -113.3 2800.5[Copy]
Greek Philosopher Labyrinth of Fog 289.9 -101.3 2402.0[Copy]
Greek Philosopher Labyrinth of Fog 543.1 7.0 2856.0[Copy]
Greek Philosopher Labyrinth of Fog 395.0 -245.3 2748.7[Copy]

Monument 1

Monument 1, located in The Labyrinth of Fog. Click image for larger version.


It was over tavern ale, shared whilst waiting out the storm. This sailor spoke of ominous tidings, of nightmares given form. An evil catastrophe, feeding upon man's fear, it grew dense. They spoke of the fog that plagued the southwest isles hence.


This plaque is in the Core of The Labyrinth of Fog. It is located +++ Missing Information +++.

Its coordinates are (469.7, -205.0, 2713.8)[Copy]

Monument 2

Monument 2, located in The Labyrinth of Fog. Click image for larger version.


This divine prison would inherit the strength of those within. An inescapable maze constructed by human imagination. Entrusted to the rulers of the land, the calamity was hidden. The labyrinth shackling the catastrophic fog was forbidden.


This plaque is The Labyrinth of Fog. It is located +++ Missing Information +++.

Its coordinates are (227.5, -84.0, 2669.2)[Copy]

Monument 3

Monument 3, located in The Labyrinth of Fog. Click image for larger version.


Hope itself became obscured, the land lost in a sea of grey. Few remained to make a stand, for deliverance they could only pray. Then a brilliant plan was proposed, the fog itself could be contained. An infinite vessel it would demand, an eternal prison forever maintained.


This plaque is in the Core of The Labyrinth of Fog.

Its coordinates are (584.7, -113.3, 2800.5)[Copy] . It is located +++ Missing Information +++.

Monument 4

Monument 4, located in The Labyrinth of Fog. Click image for larger version.


The malevolent fog, all-powerful, but forever to be contained. The calamity's will was imposed, with combat would they be entertained. Those who offered their souls, given immortality to forever fight, the strongest Gladiator would earn the fog's favor and might.


This plaque is in the Core of The Labyrinth of Fog.

Its coordinates are (289.9, -101.3, 2402.0)[Copy] . It is located +++ Missing Information +++.

Monument 5

Monument 5, located in The Labyrinth of Fog. Click image for larger version.


The king of fools, for divine wisdom he would not heed. A traitorous, blasphemous act, let none forget his deed. Due to the consequences of thoughtless, brazen sin. The labyrinth gave birth to its immortal guardian.


This plaque is in the Core of The Labyrinth of Fog.

Its coordinates are (543.1, 7.0, 2856.0)[Copy] . It is located +++ Missing Information +++.

Monument 6

Monument 6, located in The Labyrinth of Fog. Click image for larger version.


A horde most unholy, fear given shape, guided by an unseen hand. The time for heroes had come, and many sought to defend the land. Against the endless fog they strove, but it was too dense, too deep. Every monster was cut down, yet no victory could they reap.


This plaque is in the Core of The Labyrinth of Fog.

Its coordinates are (395.0, -245.3, 2748.7)[Copy] . It is located +++ Missing Information +++.


This section contains information that no longer applies to the current version of City of Heroes/Villains. It is provided for historical purposes.

See Also

External Links