Galaxy City

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Revision as of 09:34, 16 September 2011 by imported>Taosin (→‎Initial event)
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Galaxy City
Hero City Zone (1-2)
No updated MoreMaps4U map available


Once a small, sheltered district near the heart of Paragon City, Galaxy City has been devastated by a Shivan meteor attack. New super-powered beings are caught up in the action, and must choose what path to take once the dust settles.


Galaxy City, once known as Paragon Heights, was one of the jewels of Paragon City. Home to many breathtaking statues, tributes to fallen heroes, it was a starting point for many new heroes. Its most prominent statue was that of Galaxy Girl, the very hero it was named after. Many young heroes aspired to follow the example of Galaxy Girl and the city's trainer, Back Alley Brawler.

All of that ended with a viscous attack. Meteors carrying Shivans landed and completely devastated the area. Taking advantage of the situation, Lord Recluse and Arachnos entered the area, seeking to destroy Paragon City. Many new super-powered beings are caught in the crossfire, and had to help fend off the attack. Vanguard has been called in to assist with the threat.



Regular Contacts

There are no 'regular contacts' during the tutorial. However, characters are given guidance via radio by an Officer Daniels, and also meet Blue Spectrum, and a PPD Emergency Defence Guardian. Those choosing to be heroes will meet Numina. Those choosing to be villains will meet Ghost Widow.

Notable NPCs

Initial event (Heroes and Villains)

Longbow Safe Area (Heroes)

Arachnos Held Area (Villains)

Unclear (TBD)




Editor's Note:

This is the raw content received during the initial (any new charatcer); and after they choose to become a hero. It is being updated and formatted and is definitely in progress. Added: 16 Sept 2011

Galaxy City

Voice over: The city is being destroyed, jump chasm

Voice: blue spectrum is up ahead, if you can find him you can help him escape

[Caption] Officer Daniels here, the Blue Spectrum is somewhere up ahead. He can help you get out of here!

[NPC] Sister Psyche: You all picked the wrong planet to mess with! [NPC] Sister Psyche: You do not BELONG on our world! I'll be MORE than happy to escort you OFF of it! [NPC] Back Alley Brawler: Stay frosty Psyche. We aren't leavin' until each of these things are wiped out! [NPC] Back Alley Brawler: This is MY city! YOU don't BELONG in it!

[NPC] Back Alley Brawler: I'm getting sick and tired of these aliens attacking MY home! Electrifying Times has defeated Shivan

[NPC] Sister Psyche: We'll send you back to where you belong! [NPC] Sister Psyche: Don't worry Brawler. I'm here with you until this is finished!

Daniels: Monsters all over the place; fight some off before meeting Blue Spectrum

Shivan These horrible things are an amalgamation of human corpses and some sort of weird sentient goo from the meteors crashing into Galaxy City. Some claim a mysterious interplanetary intelligence thought destroyed in the 1950s is the source of the Shivans, but if such a creature existed, 'Shiva', the Hindu name for the 'Destroyer of Worlds', was kept secret by the governments of earth.

[Caption] The Blue Spectrum is in trouble, you need to push forward!

Longbow Guardian Longbow is a hard-hitting division of Freedom Corps dedicated to stopping evil, and Arachnos in particular. Guardians are wet-behind-the-ears do-gooders looking to prove themselves. Most don’t last beyond their first encounter with the big bad bruisers of the Rogue Isles.

Blue Spectrum is somewhere nearby! Caption: You have a moral choice. You can choose whether you want to be a hero or a villain. You will have a chance to change your alignment again after you reach level 20. [Caption] The Blue Spectrum is hurt! He can absorb powers, help him out by giving him some of yours!

Hero: Allow the Blue Spectrum to absorb some of your powers Villain: While the BS is weakened, take his power for yourself

Two: Hero Choice:

[Caption] Blue Spectrum's seems OK now, he'll guard this area. Longbow needs your help up ahead!

Numina of the Freedom Phalanx contacts you! Thank you for helping Blue Spectrum! Galaxy City is lost, you need to get out of there! We can teleport you out if you destroy whatever is jamming our signal up ahead!

[Caption] Talk to the official nearby to increase your powers!

Note: Longbow guard Arachnos Wolf Spiders and Fortunata

A PPD Emergency Defence Guardian is present.


[Caption] Move through the nearby opening to get to the next area! Congratulations! You earned the Agent of Order badge.

Move to next area...

You are now in a zone event. You can work together with other players towards a common goal. [Caption] Those monsters are blocking the teleportation system! Take them out and you can get out of here!

Shivan Monstrosity These horrible things are an amalgamation of human corpses and some sort of weird sentient goo from the meteors crashing into Galaxy City. Some claim a mysterious interplanetary intelligence thought destroyed in the 1950s is the source of the Shivans, but if such a creature existed, 'Shiva', the Hindu name for the 'Destroyer of Worlds', was kept secret by the governments of earth.

It summons meteors, get out of the way When you defeat it, it is pushed back into pit

You've taken down the Giant Shivan! [Caption] You did it! The Giant Shivan is down!

You've arrived at the Longbow safe area!

[Caption] You should be in a Longbow safezone, but it won't last for much longer. [NPC] Lady Grey: This is worse than what the predictions said... and yet, it is still just the beginning... [NPC] Numina: Please, keep moving. Longbow will assist you in getting out of here! [NPC] Statesman: We need to get everyone out of here. There's no telling how much longer this area will hold. [NPC] Coyote: Stay calm, we're not going to let anything bad happen to you. [NPC] Numina: So many wounded... if only we did not lose the hospital in Galaxy.... [NPC] Lady Grey: This is an ill omen indeed... we are not prepared for what may come afterwards. [NPC] Coyote: The Shivans won't get to you here, Longbow has this area secured. [NPC] Numina: Ghost Widow is here... I can feel her vile presence. [NPC] Coyote: You're safe here, we'll protect you. [NPC] Statesman: I can't go back, not while Back Alley Brawler is still out there. [NPC] Lady Grey: This is worse than what the predictions said... and yet, it is still just the beginning... [NPC] Coyote: We'll make sure you all get out of here alive.

Helpful woman: The woman in front of you seems to have several injuries, including a minor head wound. Despite that, she seems to be staying to treat other wounded. Hello! Please, really, don't worry about me. You must be one of the heroes that were trapped in the city. I'm very happy to see you made it out! I'm going to stay here as long as possible to help these people, but there's a lot to be done still in Atlas, they need you there!

  • You need to really get out of here, this place is going to be destroyed!

It's sweet of you to worry about me, but I'll be fine. I'm a trained nurse and we're dreadfully short of aid here. I'm not afraid, I know there's a good reason that I just happened to be in Galaxy today. Now, please, you have to get going!

  • leave

PPD Recruit Hey... you're a hero, right? I could tell! This entire place is a war zone. I can't believe this is all happening! This was my first day on the job, can you believe that? I wanted some excitement, but nothing like this! Now... Er, you might want to stay away from me. I'm... sort of prone... to hurling....

  • Back away from the sick officer

(Statesman Positron and manticore in one group)

(Apex, Lady Grey and Dark Watcher another group on the other side)

You must speak to Numina and use the Paragon Store to get out of Galaxy City.

Numina: Galaxy City is an absolute mess, Character. The Shivans, they seem to be getting more powerful by the minute. Unfortunately, it appears Atlas Park has fallen prey to the chaos of this situation as well. We need you to get to Atlas and help them out! You'll need to understand how the Paragon Store works before leaving, however; it has a multitude of goods that can help you with fighting crime in Atlas Park! Purchase the Knowledgeable badge, then speak with me again. [Purchase badge] Excellent work, Character. Myself and the rest of the Freedom Phalanx will do what we can to stabilize the situation here. You need to go help the people of Atlas Park!

  • Alright, I'll handle Atlas Park

[Caption] The people of Atlas need you now. Once this is over, we'll - *CHHHHH*. [NPC] Lady Grey: This is worse than what the predictions said... and yet, it is still just the beginning... [NPC] Numina: So many wounded... if only we did not lose the hospital in Galaxy....

[NPC] Statesman: Lord Recluse must be nearby. If he and Arachnos show up here... a lot of these people are going to die.

You've taken the helicopter out of Galaxy City!

Entering Atlas Plaza.

Matthew Habashy Character, right? My name's Matthew Habashy. I'm with the Federal Bureau of Super Powered Affairs, or the FBSA. Are you OK from getting out of Galaxy City? I just... barely got out myself.

  • Don't worry about me. What's the situation here?
  • I am, but what are we doing to recover it?

Atlas Park has seen much better days, Character. All the refugees from Galaxy City are being sent here, either to find... loved ones that they lost, or for support. However, the majority of the police force is fighting in Galaxy City, leaving Atlas ripe for the picking. That's why the FBSA sent me down here, to work with heroes like you to try to take back Atlas Park. Are you ready?

  • Let's do this

When contacted again: There's a lot to be done before Atlas Park is returned back to normal, Character. Let's get to work.

Then missions/arc etc.

(end hero take)

See Also

Galaxy City (Pre-Issue 21)