Property:Has summary

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A short description of how to get a badge. Set by {{badge data}}. Queried by {{Sequential badges}}.

Data type: Text

Showing 20 pages using this property.
In the [[Summer Blockbuster]] "Casino Heist", complete the Hacker's objectives  +
In the [[Summer Blockbuster]] "Casino Heist", complete the Hitter's objectives  +
In the [[Summer Blockbuster]] "Casino Heist", complete the Thief's objectives  +
During [[Anniversary Events]] in May, purchase from [[Luna]] for 100 reward merits  +
Log out at [[Black Helicopter Transport|Black Helicopters]] for 100 hours  +
"Noble Intentions" (40-44) from [[John Houston]], hero ending  +
In the [[Mission:Tip - Whispered Rumor|Whispered Rumor tip mission]], choose the 2nd reward  +
Log out in [[PvP Zones]] for 100 hours  +
Log out in a [[University]] for 100 hours  +
Log out at the Mother of Mercy Hospital in [[First Ward]] for 100 hours  +
[[Praetoria]] [[Cole Transportation Authority]] stations  +
During [[Anniversary Events]] in May, purchase from [[Luna]] for 100 reward merits  +
During [[Anniversary Events]] in May, purchase from [[Luna]] for 100 reward merits  +
During [[Anniversary Events]] in May, purchase from [[Luna]] for 100 reward merits  +
[[Praetoria]] rivers  +
[[Mayhem Mission]] Skyway City  +
In the [[Summer Blockbuster]] "Casino Heist", earn all four role badges  +
In [[Zombie Apocalypse]]s, defeat 33 lieutenants  +
Log out in [[First Ward]] for 100 hours  +
[[Underground Nova]] north or south rooms  +