Bloomscale (Slash Command)
Revision as of 08:38, 22 July 2023 by BlackSpectre (talk | contribs)
/bloomscale number
Sets bloom blur scale (Bloom Effects}, valid values are 0, 2 and 4.
0 = None (Disables Bloom Effects.) 2 = Regular (default) 4 = Heavy
- /Bloomscale enables full-screen prostprocessing effects, including Bloom and Light Adaptation.
- If Bloom Effects are set to none (0), this command will not change the setting of Bloom Effects in the Options window UI. It does, however, appear to change something graphically. To reset the Bloom Effects setting in the Options UI, select the setting using the Options window and not this slash command.
- This command alters the Bloom Effects setting in Options--> Graphics and Audio tab--> Advanced Graphics Settings.
Editor's note: To my eyes, this command appears to be doing something other than affecting Bloom Effects. Or to put it another way, selecting the Bloom Effects settings using the Options window seems to have different results than when selecting the setting using /bloomscale. On the other hand, if it is affecting Bloom Effects, then it doesn't appear to be able to disable them completely, and defaults to the Regular (2) setting when any integer other than 4 is used.
/bloomscale 2