Mission:Ginger Yates - Go to Crey's Folly and convince the Devouring Earth it's not their personal playground
Go to Crey's Folly and convince the Devouring Earth it's not their personal playground (35-40)
There's a big problem in Crey's Folly that I think you can take care of. Every time we turn our backs on the Paragon Water Works, the Devouring Earth is in there, trying to add some sort of poison or mutagen. It's getting to the point where people don't feel safe drinking the city's water. I'd like you to go to Crey's Folly and convince the Devouring Earth that it's not their personal playground. Make sure they know that we won't tolerate any further incursions.
Mission Acceptance
Have you ever tried showering in bottled water? It's not cheap.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I'm still getting reports about Devouring Earth creatures in Crey's Folly. Back to the streets you go.
Mission Objective(s)
- Battle DE in Crey's Folly
- Defeat 40 Devouring Earth
You discouraged the Devouring Earth from meddling with the water works in Crey's Folly.
I'll get Channel 6 to do a report on your efforts today. That way we'll get the word out that the water is safe; plus, you deserve a moment in the spotlight. Good work.