Dr. Kane's Horrors

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Dr. Kane's Horrors is an enemy group that appears in the Dr. Kane's House of Horror Halloween Trial. They are the twisted creations of the mad scientist Dr. Kane.


Villain Types


Costumed Employee

Costumed Employee

Even the best costumes can't take the boredom out of lumbering around and pretending to be a scary zombie all day.


Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash)
Relentless but slow.

Reanimated Corpse

Reanimated Corpse

The dead are restless and are walking the earth. They hunger for your flesh!


Inherent Brawl.png Zombie Brawl Melee, Moderate Smash/Toxic Damage, Foe -Regeneration
Relentless but slow, zombies melee attacks can paralyze you and strain your healing rate.

FireBlast FireBlast.png Projectile Vomit Ranged, High Toxic Damage, Minor Damage over Time(Toxic), Foe -Fly
The Cadaver can Projectile Vomits a corrosive acid that deals Toxic damage over time.

Exploding Corpse

Exploding Corpse

Stuffed with volatile compounds, this mass of flesh has been built to explode when excited.


FireBlast Inferno.png Kamikaze Suicide Special: High-Accuracy, PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Fire/Lethal)
Extreme DMG(Fire/Lethal)

Willpower HighPainTolerance.png Resistance Auto: Self -MaxHP
This weakling has reduced maximum hit points.




Fungus run amok' is probably the best way to describe these loathsome creatures. Like their inanimate ancestors, mushroom men prefer dark, dank places. In combat they can release clouds of deadly spores that choke and disable nearby enemies.


FireBlast FireBlast.png Pumpkin (Ranged, Fire) Damage Over Time (Fire)
You continue to burn from the Flaming Pumpkin.

MedievalWeapons MaceSmash.png Slash Melee, Moderate Damage (Lethal)
The Streng´s Claws are quite lethal.

Invisibility Invisibility.png Hidden Spawn
Some Soldiers have the ability to spawn hidden as small trees, untargetable until a hero gets near. They can´t move while hidden in this way, nor they can hide while in combat or after it.

Ravenous Reanimated Corpse

Ravenous Reanimated Corpse

The dead are restless and are walking the earth. They hunger for your flesh!


Slavering Reanimated Corpse

Slavering Reanimated Corpse

The dead are restless and are walking the earth. They hunger for your flesh!



The Black Whip

The Black Whip

A hellish visiage of violence and pain. It came to ruin someone's day.



Experiment Number Nine

Main Article: Experiment Number Nine

Experiment Number Nine

One of Dr. Kane's most foul experiments, this beast is a mass of vile flesh taken from many sources.


EarthGrasp StonePrison.png Earthen Prison Ranged, Light DoT(Smash), Foe Hold, -DEF, -Fly
You encase your target in a prison of stone. This slowly crushes them while also reducing their defense, resistance to being knocked around and their ability to fly.

DarkMiasma DarkestNight.png Dry Heave Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DoT(Negative), Foe -DMG
Adamastor's Dry Heave has weakened you and reduced your damage.

SuperStrength FootStomp.png Foot Stomp PBAoE Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, Knockback
Adamastor has Disoriented you.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Abominable Auto: Self +Res(ToHit Debuff, Slow)

DevouringEarthSeed SeedOfHamidon NoRegeneration.png No Regeneration No Regeneration
The Seed of Hamidon relies entirely upon its Maturing Seedlings for regeneration.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Archvillain's Might Resistance
Arch-villains are very powerful individuals, and as such have significant resistance to many status effects. They are not immune, however, and can be vulnerable for brief windows of opportunity.

DarkMastery DarkEmbrace.png Resistance Res( L-25 F-25 C25 E-25 N25 P25 T25 ), -SPD
Archvillain resistance.


The Abomination

Main Article: The Abomination

The Abomination

This mass of flesh and machine is Dr. Kane's greatest creation.


SuperStrength Jab.png Low Kick Melee, Light DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
A quick low kick that deals minor damage, but knocks back the target.

SuperStrength Punch.png Crush Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
Your Crush can deal a moderate amount of damage, but most of all can knock your opponent off their feet, unable to attack again until they stand up.

SuperStrength Haymaker.png Smash Melee, Heavy DMG(Smash), Foe Knockdown
A slow but devastating attack, the Smash has a great chance of knocking your opponent down.

Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png Charged Fist Ground Pound Lock The Abomination raises its hands in the air!
The Abomination must wind up its attack before unleashing its mighty Charged Fist Ground Pound.

DevouringEarthSeed Hematic Consumption.png Charged Fist Ground Pound Autohit, Ranged (Cone), Extreme DoT(Energy), Foe Knockup
The Abomination channels Dr. Kane's mad lightning into a vicious ground pound, sundering all those who stand in his way.

Robotics LaserRifleBurst.png Peg Leg Stomp Lock The Abomination raises its foot!
The Abomination must wind up its attack before unleashing its mighty Peg Leg Stomp.

DevouringEarthSeed Hematic Consumption.png Peg Leg Stomp Autohit, PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
The Abomination's Piston-leg drives an earth-shattering blow into the ground, damaging and knocking back all those nearby.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Electrical Discharge Autohit, PBAoE, Variable DMG(Energy), Self -SPD
The Abomination crackles with unnatural lightning.

ElectricalBolt TelsaCage.png Tesla Coil Ranged, Heavy DMG(Energy), Foe -Fly
Tesla Coil confines the target in an electrical prison. The target is overwhelmed by the electrical charge and is left helpless and can be attacked.

Invulnerability ToughHide.png Abominable Auto: Self +Res(ToHit Debuff, Slow)

DevouringEarthSeed SeedOfHamidon NoRegeneration.png No Regeneration No Regeneration
The Seed of Hamidon relies entirely upon its Maturing Seedlings for regeneration.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Hardened Auto: Self +Res( S30 L30 F20 C10 E10 N30 P60 ), Prot( St 100 Sl 100 Kb 100 Co 100 Fr 100 Rp 100 ), +Res(Heal, Debuffs), +Recovery
Automatons of all kinds are resistant to virtually all mind-affecting statuses. Also, due to their unrelenting nature, automatons tend to be resistant to statuses which counteract their momentum, including Repel, Immobilize, Knockup and Knockback.

Invulnerability TemporaryInvulnerabilty.png Archvillain's Might Resistance
Arch-villains are very powerful individuals, and as such have significant resistance to many status effects. They are not immune, however, and can be vulnerable for brief windows of opportunity.

See Also