Mission:Only Love Can Hurt Like This - Chapter Three: Echoes

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Chapter Three: Echoes


Character, I'll have a location for those choppers soon. Jelena - she owes me a favor or three - is on the case, but she needs to be... hold on.

Corlett checks her phone, mutters to herself and then checks her tablet.

Okay, we have the data converted to a readable form. Sort of. The data includes 3D rendered CCTV and extrapolated maps, so it's been converted to a raw Architect Entertainment template. Aeon's smart, but he also stole code from Crey to make the Architect Interface engine in the first place, so the data is startlingly compatible between the systems. We'll need to convert it, boot it up, and then go inside. Nearest AE building is...

  • Steel Canyon, I'm betting.

Here in Steel Canyon. Neil, by the front desk, will be able to help. Get him to convert it and then plug yourself in to check it out.

As for the other stuff you found in the Bein lab? CR-GEN10-BATCH00003-MR-000 and so on? I have no idea. Put a pin in that for later.

Unnecessary Solicitation

There's a code glitch? Just don't log off in there.

Mission Objective(s)

  • Talk to Neil at Architect Entertainment


Neil looks up with vague recognition of your face. He locks the screen on his security laptop, which was in the midst of a wide-sweeping ban of fan-service story arcs featuring Ghost Widow.

Hm. Character, was it? You don't quite look like the ID photo A.C. gave me. But close enough. She said you have a sensitive item you want to try and convert?

  • Indeed I do. Discreetly. (Hand him the CCTV data)
Neil takes the blue and orange capeDrive and connects an unfamiliar data wire to a port at the end of the transport chassis, and the other end into his laptop.
Let's see here...
Neil looks you dead in the eyes.
For reasons you and I should find obvious, I have not looked at any of the data within, have no reckoning of its contents, and certainly will disavow all knowledge of this meeting ever taking place.
  • I understand.
Neil hands a data chit back to you, along with your orange and blue capeDrive.
No problem, sir / madam. Plug this data chit into the console upstairs and you and your loved ones can celebrate the... birth of your niece... once again!
Neil leans in to whisper.
The data is widely incomplete and corrupt - calling for textures and data structs that can't be resolved quickly. A.C. told me this would have to be a rush, so please don't come back complaining if the simulation isn't perfect.
  • Thanks, Neil.
  • (Stare back at Neil, dumbstruck)
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • I have no idea what you're talking about.
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
  • (Loudly) Oh, yes! Thank you for saving my holiday video, sir!
This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.

Unnecessary Solicitation

There's a code glitch? I suppose turning it off and on again should work.

Mission Objective(s)

This is Bein Lab 4, but the data is very corrupt. Hopefully something useful is in here.

  • View the CCTV rendering
    • View the first video fragment
      • View the second video fragment
        • View the third video fragment
          • View the fourth video fragment
            • View the last video fragment

You didn't think in a thousand missions that you'd ever see video footage of the Countess in a state of weakness, showing affection, or admitting to playing a part in her husband's condition.


McCannfee Antivirus

Notable NPCs

This AE file needs some debugging
Video Fragment 1

The relationship between Countess Crey and this 'Doctor' seems to be one that's endured for a long time. Still, the Countess maintains an upper hand in the discourse, posturing with her authority. Someone's been incapacitated and she's showing more empathetic concern than you've ever seen from her public demeanor.

Video Fragment 2

The doctor admits that the substance in play is a nerve agent, and that the exposure was accidental. The Countess is somewhat paranoid and suspicious.

Video Fragment 3

A discussion springs up while they tour the lab about employee morale. Implications are brought forth about Crey Corporation's treatment of poor-performing or unemployable personnel. The Countess again postures with her position and authority to exert pressure on the doctor.

Video Fragment 4

The Countess confronts the doctor for his somewhat evasive and dodgy manner about the situation. He reveals that he didn't want to expose the staff to any potential ugliness from either party when the situation is fully explained; such a conversation could prove devastating for an employee to overhear.

Ambush! Messing with the glitched, out-of-place bomb triggers an ambush by five waves of McCannfee AntiVirus.

Gremlin 1: [CODE ERROR #CSF_AD_NT_001]
Gremlin 1: [EXECUTE #PURGE]
Video Fragment 5

The patient is revealed to be Hopkins, placed in a homeostatic coma from exposure to the nerve agent. His situation mimics 'Patient Zero', which you assume to mean Count Crey himself. the Countess intervenes in Hopkins' struggle with some kind of mental boost, the results of which are not shown.

Shadows on the Screen

The AE reconstruction provided what appears to be evidence that Countess Crey treated Hopkins for exposure to the same nerve agent that left her husband in a coma. A nerve agent, and a partial treatment, derived from the work of a former Crey employee, Rudolph Bein. The Countess has always denied any knowledge of the events surrounding Count Crey's condition, so if this reconstruction is accurate it could prove a challenging complication to her notoriously slippery and effective legal evasions.


Corlett is silent for several uncomfortable seconds after hearing your report. She seems to snap out of it abruptly when she's done processing it.

Seriously? That's... I don't know what to say to that. You literally have proof that Countess Crey poisoned her husband. Well, evidence. Actually being able to prove it is another thing entirely.

And while we're at it, we need to investigate this entire lab's staff being 'processed' for Project Locke. From the fallout of Manticore's expedition, that must mean this lab unwillingly contributed their genomes to the Revenant project. This is -bombshell- news if we can apply it correctly. We may finally have the 'smoking gun' we need to show the world what Crey really is! This is way above my paygrade. I need to call Rebecca Foss about this.

Jelena got back to me while you were in sim, and we have a location in Kallisti Wharf for our missing Hero Corps clones, or members. Whatever they might be, even though they fought you, they're still our people and were being experimented on with this nerve agent. No hero left behind.