Aeon Corp Propaganda
Aeon Corp Propaganda | |
Cap au Diable | |
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Type | Tour Guide Tip |
Place | Cap au Diable |
Available to | Villains, Rogues, and Vigilantes |
Level range | 1–50 |
Aeon Corp Propaganda is a tip contact that offers Tour Guide Missions in Cap au Diable.
Mad Science Supporter
Exploration Mission
The PR battle on the subject of Dr. Aeon is fascinating. Between the local Luddite protests and WSPDR's broadcasts, Aeon Corp is fighting on two fronts in the court of public opinion. In an effort to combat the slandering of his character, Dr. Aeon has begun distributing propaganda items around Cap Au Diable.
Looking at one such piece now, you get the feeling that the doctor may have actually pioneered these efforts himself. The propaganda seems to unintentionally present Aeon in a backhanded and absurd manner, drawing attention to things that are not helping his image.
- Enjoy Dr. Aeon's take on Cap Au Diable.
- Capitalize on this later.
Too Busy
Regrettably, with the many tasks on your plate you will have to wait to capitalize on Dr. Aeon's blunders.
No More Missions
After enjoying Dr. Aeon's misfires, you conclude that he really should have hired a public relations specialist to help him with this. But his loss is your gain, as you picked up lots of neat info on Cap Au Diable.

You've obtained this Accolade by earning every Exploration badge within Cap au Diable.
This box of impressively unhealthy Ascendent-O's cereal has a limited-edition run featuring Dr. Aeon standing in front of the Power Transport System facility giving a thumbs-up. The back reads:
"Dr. Aeon has delivered to his people the miracle of unlimited energy! No infernal malevolence here! Safe, sustainable, and freely available to every citizen within Cap Au Diable! Live in the! Such engineering!"
Suspicious undertones aside, the PTS's size and scope are certainly impressive. It takes no imagination to guess that this paints a large target on the structure. You find yourself curious about the level of security Arachnos deploys to protect it. A quick patrol should tell you all that you need to know about the PTS's defenses.
- Scope out the Sparky power system.
The large facility rests north of Mount Diable and is the heart of the orange pipes that worm through every section of Cap Au Diable.
While you are sure the citizens here would love to believe Dr. Aeon, the bizarre electric gremlins frequently emerging from the PTS conduits does raise eyebrows and hurt the cereal box's claims.
Mission Objective
- Inspect PTS facility

You've spent time wandering around in the Power Transport System at Mount Diable.
Media Junky
In your hand you hold a box containing a cheeky looking Dr. Aeon action figure. The description on the back reads:
"Dr. Aeon! Savior of tomorrow! In the face of unfair public prejudice and blatant misinformation, one scientist is determined to rise above adversity! By his hand alone does our fair Cap Au Diable flourish! Press the button on his back for eight different WSPDR-defying catch phrases! Such resilience!"
Wow, you are not sure what is more impressive: The fact that Dr. Aeon actually designed and manufactured toys in his own image or that he thought these would in any way help his public image. You recall that the WSPDR building is not far from here. Wonder what they would think of this toy...
- Enjoy being a Media Junky.
You unbox the Dr. Aeon toy and press the button on his back a few times...
"Enjoy consequence-free PTS energy!"
"Delicious NutriPaste is MSG-free!"
"Try VR at Architect Entertainment today!"
What a time to be alive.
Mission Objective
- Stand atop WSPDR station

The top of the WSPDR building is a great place to survey Recluse's media empire.
The notebook's cover has a shot of Dr. Aeon sitting at a desk taking an exam with an obviously forced look of perplexment on his face:
"Dr. Aeon and Aeon Corp are firm believers in the power of education! To this end, our benevolent scientist governor has personally funded the Aeon University to bring the glories of learning to his people! Truly a blessing to the world! Go forth! Shoulder the burdens of tomorrow and drive civilization forward! Such empowerment! (Note: Student loan financing offered by Aeon Corp at [redacted] rate of interest.)"
Impressive; what a pitch. You can hardly contain your excitement to go to school after reading that banger. Sarcasm aside, the university does provide public invention facilities which are extremely useful, so you should at least attend this semester's student orientation.
- Get a passing grade and become an Egghead.
For once, you actually need to give Dr. Aeon the credit he deserves. After he proposed the now universally adopted Invention System, the whole of the educational system saw major reform and has enjoyed countless improvements that otherwise would not have been possible.
Universities everywhere owe the certain eccentric scientist for what they are today.
Mission Objective
- Attend Aeon University

It's back to school for you. Aeon University is home to many of Dr. Aeon's brighter employees.
Score! This gaudy T-shirt was actually signed by Dr. Aeon himself! It features a print of the scientist standing in Aeon City flexing his arms with the two Mount Diable spires lined up on each side in the background:
"Dr. Aeon! Wily as a coyote! Strong as an ox! Determined like a demon!"
On the tag you notice:"Not machine washable. Aeon Corp denies the existence of demons and any claims relating to utilization, exploitation, or appropriation of demonic energy."
Smooth; nobody will suspect a thing. You put the collector's item away and look towards Mount Diable. Perhaps you will go for a hike to let off some steam. It is not the worst idea you have had today.
- Avoid getting Steamed.
You can't help but wonder if this signed T-shirt will be worth serious cash someday. You will hang onto the thing and try to sell it on HeroBay in a few years.
It never ceases to amaze what some random nerds on the Internet will pay for completely useless garbage that will do nothing but collect dust on a shelf.
Mission Objective
- Hike up Mount Diable

Volcanic activity around Mount Diable causes a lot of steamy venting. Watch out or it's lobster time.
Sweet Tooth
While sorting through the various nonsensical marketing bits from Dr. Aeon, you notice somebody attached a sticker with an advertisement on it:
"Try a delicious Gold BrickTM brand chocolate bar today!"
One has to wonder if the doctor is aware of these stickers, and if he would protest their usage on his material.
Dubious marketing aside, you hear that Langston Corp chocolate is fantastic, and their factory is close by. This is the easiest decision you will make today.
- Indulge that Sweet Tooth.
There are a handful of rumors regarding the relationships between Langston Corp, the Gold Bricker crime gang, and Dr. Aeon himself.
While you guess there are likely some sketchy dealings going on there, nothing will get between you and enjoying that delicious chocolate.
Mission Objective
- Tour the Langston chocolate factory

Lawrence Langston made his money investing in the things he personally was interested in. His penchant for chocolate helped him to strike gold with Gold Brick candy bars.
Doom Sayer
These Aeon Corp flyers show Dr. Aeon graciously shaking hands with somebody you presume was supposed to pass for one of the Luddites:
"The benevolent Dr. Aeon embraces even those fair-minded citizens hiding in the Vagabond Hills who criticize him! He always advocates for free speech and accepts critical errors made in judging her character! There is truly no one as well-suited to govern our fair Cap Au Diable as Thaddeus Aeon himself! Such tolerance!"
Even if Dr. Aeon had managed to get a genuine Luddite to pose for this, the message would still be dubious at best. You were not aware the local protesting enthusiasts were based anywhere. Scoping out those mentioned outskirts and seeing their operational front seems like good info.
- Check in on Doom Sayer Luddites.
Other than that they like picket signs, dislike the orange PTS pipes, and seem to oppose Aeon Corp at every turn, you honestly cannot say you know all that much about the Luddites.
Operating without all the information is not your way of doing things, so it is time to broaden those horizons.
Mission Objective
- Evaluate Vagabond Hill establishment

The Luddites have taken over this part of the forest and use it as their main gathering place to preach about the evil schemes of Dr. Aeon. Sometimes they just theorize the significance of the orange pipes. Despite their attempts to malign his character, Dr. Aeon has yet to drive them out of the area.
Master of Science
These postcards display a weirdly cheerful Dr. Aeon giving an unsettling smile. Prominently displayed behind him is the Aeon City globe:
"Behold the Aeon Corp inventions of the future! The Master of Science, Dr. Aeon has gifted the world with countless modern innovations. What would Cap Au Diable be without his wondrous contributions? A question you don't need to answer! His dedication to your success is an inspiration to all! Such brilliance!"
Cue an eye rolling. It's hard to understand how he thought this would win anybody over, it will just add fuel to the fire. You have the sudden idea that the view from the top of that Aeon City globe would be quite enjoyable and serve some ironic justice.
- Acknowledge the self-proclaimed Master of Science.
The concept of standing atop the massive monument Dr. Aeon built to celebrate his own achievements pleases you in way you cannot help but indulge.
The symbolism in how easily one can climb over the monument to his greatness will be poetic.
Mission Objective
- Scale the Aeon City globe

Dr. Aeon designed this giant globe of an atom to signify the advances that science has brought to Cap au Diable.
Circle Gazer
This oversized poster depicts a pensively-posed Dr. Aeon holding a magnifying lens while hunched over an old rock:
"Dr. Aeon proclaims an appreciation for all things historical! For only by looking backwards can we appreciate how much better things are now! Aeon Corp has graciously allowed for the ancient monuments on the northern shores to remain undisturbed! This is absolutely not because of any spectral, phantasmal, or otherwise un-scientific anomalies that certainly don't exist! Such reverence!"
Sounds like the scientist had a bad experience with the local ruins and is now attempting damage control by dismissing them. Aeon's pouting aside, those structures sound like they warrant an investigation, especially if the otherworldly is involved.
- Be a Circle Gazer.
If rumors are to be trusted, Aeon Corp is no stranger to tapping into the otherworldly for exploitation. It is amusing to find him discrediting its validity for his own benefit.
You suppose this blatant duplicity is why Dr. Aeon has such a poor public image.
Mission Objective
- Inspect ancient structures

No one is quite sure about the purpose of these odd monuments. Some say that Dr. Aeon sent a squad of Arachnos to decimate them long ago and though his minions managed to destroy one, spirits haunted Dr. Aeon for weeks. The operation was inexplicably called off.