Gold Brickers
The Gold Brickers are a mafia-inspired faction led by King Midas with access to high-tech equipment created by Dr. Aeon, often being unwitting field testers for the tech. They operate exclusively in City of Villains on the island of Cap au Diable and can be fought between levels 10 to 20. They can also be fought between levels 35-50 in the Dr. Aeon Strike Force with their leader King Midas appearing in-game for the first time.
Goldbrickers official info ( Copied from the City of Villains official website [1]):
The awe inspiring beauty of Aeon City is renowned across the Rogue Isles. Yet a glimpse into the shadows cast by Aeon’s gleaming white towers reveals a dangerous nexus of chaos lurking in the darkest nooks of this seemingly safe, clean city. Harnessing this thinly veiled chaos, the shadowy King Midas and his notorious gang of thieves, the Gold Brickers, maintain a firm grip on the urban crime of Aeon City and nearby Haven.
Monitoring the city from the highest rooftops, the Gold Brickers are no common street criminals. These high-tech thieves rely on unparalleled technological equipment and brazen aggression to target only the wealthiest of Aeon City. Able to make quick escapes with their jetpacks, the Gold Brickers have taken the heist to new levels of profitability, fulfilling rumors that any caper coordinated by King Midas does indeed turn to gold.
With their flamboyant finery and advanced equipment, the boastful Gold Brickers maintain a smug sense of superiority over the street thugs of Cap au Diable. After their bold break-in to the city bank’s central vault in 1991, Dr. Aeon swore to bring King Midas and his band of thieves to justice. The governor of Aeon City relentlessly seeks the true identity of King Midas so that he might rid his city of the Gold Brickers and their flagrant disregard for all he has worked so hard to accomplish.
Despite the ubiquity of the Gold Brickers along the city’s skyline, even Arachnos does not know the true extent of their technological capabilities. A force to be reckoned with, Midas and his Gold Brickers walk the fine line between helping Arachnos keep the thugs of Cap au Diable in line and threatening Arachnos with their technological mastery. Unable to determine the origins of their mind-boggling weaponry, Arachnos generally tolerates their existence while also covertly preventing them from expanding their sphere of influence. In order to contain King Midas and perhaps learn his secrets, agents of Lord Recluse monitor Gold Bricker activities, only intervening when they directly or indirectly threaten the supremacy of Arachnos.
Enemy Types
The Goldbrickers are high tech thieves who operate in and around Cap au Diable. They are lead by a notorious crime lord known only as King Midas.
Levels: 8-14
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Sonic Gun Ranged, Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Goldbrickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your resistances.
Brawl Melee, Light Smash Damage
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
The Goldbrickers are high tech thieves who operate in and around Cap au Diable. They are lead by a notorious crime lord known only as King Midas.
Levels: 15-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Sonic Gun Ranged, Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Goldbrickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your resistances.
Rifle Butt Melee, Heavy Smash Damage
A smash with the butt of your rifle.
Gold Skin (Only Level 35 and up) Res( S20 L20 E20 T-20 ), +MaxHP
Rocketman's Gold Bricker resistance
The Gold Brickers generally deal with their enemies from the relative comfort of the sky using their high-tech jetpacks, but the Breakers have found it more thrilling to out-maneuver their enemies in melee wielding heavy galvanized golden wrenches. Wile not inherently the most threatening member of the Langston Corp. crew, one powerful strike from a Breaker after the resulting vulnerability from repeated Gold Bricker sonic cannon blasts is enough to easily end many super-powered threats.
Levels: 35-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Bash Melee, Moderate Damage(Smash), Foe Minor Disorient
You perform a Bashing attack with your mace that deals moderate damage, and can sometimes Disorient your opponent.
Pulverize Melee, High Damage(Smash), Foe Minor Disorient
You attempt to Pulverize your opponent. This attack is slower than Bash but causes more damage. It also has a chance of Disorienting your opponent for a brief time.
Clobber Melee, Extreme Damage(Smash), Foe Disorient
You Clobber your foe with a massive swing of your mace. This attack deals exceptional damage and can leave most opponents disoriented for a period of time.
Shatter Melee (Cone), Extreme Damage(Smash), Foe High Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.
Throwing Wrench Ranged, Superior Smash Damage, Foe Disorient
This thrown wrench is going to hurt...
'If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!'
Gold Skin Res( S20 L20 E20 T-20 ), +MaxHP
Breaker's Gold Bricker resistance
King Midas and his Goldbrickers have taken advantage of many different applications for the technology reverse-engineered from the D-Rifter, not the least of which is an integrated combat system.
The Asynchronized Universe (AU) System allows its wearer to anchor half of themselves in a dimensional ripple shard, which allows them to avoid damage and teleport with ease. This technology is fairly unstable however, and the exact consequences of its use are still undetermined.
Levels: 35-54
Teleport Self Teleport
The AU Gold Brickers can Teleport long distances
Barrage Melee, Light Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Energy Punch Melee, Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Whirling Hands Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
Launches a dizzying attack against everything in a nearby area.
Bone Smasher Melee, High Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Power Bolt Ranged, Moderate Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of ripple energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, High Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of ripple energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Explosive Blast Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged ripple energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Phasing Gold Skin Res( S20 L20 E-20 N20 P20 T-20 ), Def( S15 L15 F15 C15 N15 P15 ), -MaxHP
AU-Bricker's Gold Brick resistance.
The Goldbrickers are high tech thieves who operate in and around Cap au Diable. They are lead by a notorious crime lord known only as King Midas.
Levels: 8-14
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Heavy Sonic Bolt Gun Ranged, Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Goldbrickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your resistances.
Heavy Sonic Blast Gun Ranged, Heavy Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Goldbrickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your resistances.
Sonic Grenade Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), High Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The explosion of this sonic grenade affects all within the blast and is capable of reducing your resistances.
Sonic Punch Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Brawl Melee, Light Smash Damage
When all else fails, use your own 2 fists.
The Goldbrickers are high tech thieves who operate in and around Cap au Diable. They are lead by a notorious crime lord known only as King Midas.
Levels: 15-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Heavy Sonic Bolt Gun Ranged, Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Goldbrickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your resistances.
Heavy Sonic Blast Gun Ranged, Heavy Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Goldbrickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your resistances.
Sonic Grenade Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), High Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The explosion of this sonic grenade affects all within the blast and is capable of reducing your resistances.
Sonic Punch Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Rifle Butt Melee, Heavy Smash Damage
A smash with the butt of your rifle.
Ripple Distorter (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged (Location Area of Effect), -Resist(All)
Fires a Ripple Distorter at a target. The explosion can knock off the targets toggles. All those affected by the sonic vibrations will have their damage resistance reduced.
- Ripple Resonator
Ripple Concussion Location Area of Effect, Foe Hold
You have been held.Ripple Resonator Location Area of Effect, -Resist(All)
The Ripple Resonator will weaken all targets in a radius around the target location's resistance to all damage types.
Gold Skin (Only Level 35 and up) Res( S40 L40 E40 T-40 ), +MaxHP
Bombardier's Gold Bricker resistance
King Midas and his Goldbrickers have taken advantage of many different applications for the technology reverse-engineered from the D-Rifter, not the least of which is an integrated combat system.
The Asynchronized Universe (AU) System allows its wearer to anchor half of themselves in a dimensional ripple shard, which allows them to avoid damage and teleport with ease. This technology is fairly unstable however, and the exact consequences of its use are still undetermined.
Levels: 35-54
Teleport Self Travel
The AU Gold Brickers can Teleport long distances
Barrage Melee, Light Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Energy Punch Melee, Moderae Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Whirling Hands PBAoE, Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
Launches a dizzying attack against everything in a nearby area.
Bone Smasher Melee, High Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Power Bolt Ranged, Moderate Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of ripple energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, High Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of ripple energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Explosive Blast Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged ripple energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Ripple Distorter (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged (Location AoE), Foe -Resist(All)
Fires a Ripple Distorter at a target. The explosion can knock off the targets toggles. All those affected by the sonic vibrations will have their damage resistance reduced.
- Ripple Resonator
Ripple Concussion Location Area of Effect, Foe Hold
You have been held.Ripple Resonator Location Area of Effect, -Resist(All)
The Ripple Resonator will weaken all targets in a radius around the target location's resistance to all damage types.
Phasing Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 E-20 N20 P20 T-20 ), Def( S15 L15 F15 C15 N15 P15 ), -MaxHP
AU-Bricker's Gold Brick resistance.
The Goldbrickers are high tech thieves who operate in and around Cap au Diable. They are lead by a notorious crime lord known only as King Midas.
Levels: 8-14
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Heavy Sonic Blast Cannon Ranged, High Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Gold Brickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your strength.
Heavy Sonic Wave Cannon Ranged (Cone), Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Gold Brickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your strength.
Sonic Punch Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 E20 T-20 ), Prot( Kb 10 ), +MaxHP
Boomer's Gold Bricker resistance
The Goldbrickers are high tech thieves who operate in and around Cap au Diable. They are lead by a notorious crime lord known only as King Midas.
Levels: 15-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Heavy Sonic Blast Cannon Ranged, High Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Gold Brickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your strength.
Heavy Sonic Wave Cannon Ranged (Cone), Moderate Energy Damage, Foe -Resist(All)
The Gold Brickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your strength.
Resonator (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged (Cone), Moderate Energy Damage, Foe Disorient, -Resist(All but Psionics)
The Resonator has reduced you Resistance to all damage types except Psionics and you are feeling Disoriented.
Sonic Punch Melee, Moderate Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A Super Strength Punch is a powerful pummeling attack, and it may knock foes off their feet.
Sonic Haymaker Melee, High Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
The Haymaker is a slow attack, but it makes up for it with a greater damage and a high chance of knockback.
Knockout Blow (Only Level 45 and up) Melee, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Hold, Knockup
You can perform a Knockout Blow on your opponent. This punch does Superior damage, and has a great chance of Holding your target.
Taunt (Only Level 35 and up) Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt
Taunt foes to attack you. Useful to pull enemies off allies.
Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 E20 T-20 ), Prot( Kb 10 ), +MaxHP
Boomer's Gold Bricker resistance
Boomer gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Rage Self +Damage, +ToHit, Delayed Special(Weaken, -Defense, -Endurance, -Damage)
A Rage comes over you, sending you into a berserker fury. While Raging, your damage and chance to hit are dramatically increased. However, when your Rage subsides, you are left with reduced Defense, drained of some of your Endurance, and your attacks are substantially weakened.
Vengeance Post Death Special: Team +Defense, +Damage, +ToHit
The loss of a good leader enrage the team. If a Boomer falls in battle, they can grant their teammates a bonus to their defense, their to hit, and their damage with his last breath.
The Smelters have proven to be the catalyst that have transformed the Gold Brickers from simply a band of thieves with advanced equipment, to an organized and highly formidable group, capable of advanced operations and coordinated teamwork.
These new Gold Brickers were a concept born from the daughter of King Midas, as an application of her talent for tactics and critical thinking to the benefit of her father's gang.
This resulted in a new generation of Langston Corp men who are not only armed with this new formidable technology, but also trained in leadership and tactics, capable of commanding their squads to accomplish the mission. The Smelting Arms technology gives its wearer deployable thermal shields for self-defense, the ability to cauterize wounds, and dangerous ranged fire attacks.
Levels: 35-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Fire Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Sends a Blast of Fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Blaze Close, Extreme DMG(Fire), Light DoT(Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack.
Char Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Hold
Incapacitates a distant foe by Charring them with smoldering soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot.
Thermal Shield Ranged, Ally +Resist(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Casts a Thermal Shield on one of your allies and grants them damage resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Thermal Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. You cannot stack multiple Thermal Shields on the same target, however the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Plasma Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Cauterize Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally by cauterizing their wounds. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Forge (Only Level 40 and up) Ally +Damage, +ToHit
Forge a single ally target into a killing machine. Forge immensely enhances a single ally's Damage and chance to hit.
Smelted Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 F50 C-30 E20 T-20 ), Def( C-15 ), +MaxHP
Smelter's Gold Bricker resistance
Smelter gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Smelting Cauldron Ranged (Targeted AoE), Ally Heal
You send out a powerful blast of cauterizing heat that instantly rejuvenates allies nearby, but can only be used once realistically in a single combat engagement.
Heat Exhaustion High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration
Overwhelm a single foe with waves of exhausting heat. The initial effect will drain the target of some Endurance, but the heat is so overwhelming that the affected target will be weakened. Their Damage output, Endurance Recovery and Hit Point Regeneration will all be reduced.
Melt Armor High-Accuracy, Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Resist(All), -Defense
The searing Heat from this power is enough to Melt the Armor and defenses of all targets in the affected area. Melt Armor significantly weakens the Defense and Damage Resistance of the affected targets.
Tactics Toggle, PBAoE, Team +ToHit, Prot( Co 3.46 ), Res( Co 242.2% ), +Perception
While this power is active, your Accuracy and that of all your nearby teammates' is increased. Your advanced Tactics also protect you and your team from Confuse effects, as well as your Perception so you can detect Stealthy foes.
King Midas and his Goldbrickers have taken advantage of many different applications for the technology reverse-engineered from the D-Rifter, not the least of which is an integrated combat system.
The Asynchronized Universe (AU) System allows its wearer to anchor half of themselves in a dimensional ripple shard, which allows them to avoid damage and teleport with ease. This technology is fairly unstable however, and the exact consequences of its use are still undetermined.
Levels: 35-54
Teleport Self Travel
The AU Gold Brickers can Teleport long distances
Barrage Melee, Light Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Energy Punch Melee, Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Whirling Hands PBAoE, Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
Launches a dizzying attack against everything in a nearby area.
Bone Smasher Melee, High Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Total Focus (Only Level 45 and up) Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
Total Focus is complete mastery over Ripple Energy Melee. This is a very slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents, leaving them Disoriented. Due to the exhausting nature of Total Focus, recharge time is very long.
Power Bolt Ranged, Moderate Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of ripple energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, High Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of ripple energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Explosive Blast Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged ripple energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Phasing Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 E-20 N20 P20 T-20 ), Def( S15 L15 F15 C15 N15 P15 ), Prot( Kb 10 ), -MaxHP
AU-Rifter's Gold Bricker resistance.
AU-Rifter gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Dimensional Distortion Autohit, PBAoE, Foe & Ally Attract, Foe Extreme DoT(Negative/Smash), -Damage, -Recharge, -Speed, Immobilize
The AU-Rifters anchoring part of themselves inside a dimensional ripple causes space around them to distort, this distortion influences how effectively enemies can fight and draws them in slowly.
Dimensional Warning Dimensional desynchronization detected!
The AU-Rifters anchoring part of themselves inside a dimensional ripple causes space around them to distort, this distortion influences how effectively enemies can fight and draws them in slowly.
Elite Bosses
The Burninator
The Burninator is a rather eccentric arsonist who joined the Gold Brickers after he learned the group was using the type of weaponry he loves. While his comrades are occasionally a little nervous around him when he's laughing like a maniac, none can deny that he's good at what he does.
Levels: 35-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Fire Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Sends a Blast of Fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Blaze Close, Extreme DMG(Fire), Light DoT(Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack.
Char Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Hold
Incapacitates a distant foe by Charring them with smoldering soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot.
Fire Breath (Only Level 45 and up) Ranged (Cone), High DoT(Fire)
You can breathe forth a torrent of fire that burns all foes within its narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Inferno (Only Level 45 and up) PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Fire/Smash), Extreme DoT(Fire), Self -Endurance, -Recovery
Unleashes a massive fiery explosion to devastate all nearby enemies and set them ablaze. Inferno deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for a while.
Thermal Shield Ranged, Ally +Resist(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Casts a Thermal Shield on one of your allies and grants them damage resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Thermal Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. You cannot stack multiple Thermal Shields on the same target, however the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Plasma Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Cauterize Ranged, Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally by cauterizing their wounds. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Forge (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged, Ally +DMG, +ToHit
Forge a single ally target into a killing machine. Forge immensely enhances a single ally's Damage and chance to hit.
Smelted Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 F50 C-30 E20 T-20 ), Def( C-15 ), +MaxHP
Smelter's Gold Bricker resistance
Challenger's Resolve Auto, Self Prot( Kb 100 ), +Range
Challengers of the Smelting Cauldron want to stay in the ring and can hit you from farther away!
The Burninator gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Smelting Cauldron Ranged (Targeted AoE), Ally Heal
You send out a powerful blast of cauterizing heat that instantly rejuvenates allies nearby, but can only be used once realistically in a single combat engagement.
Heat Exhaustion High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration
Overwhelm a single foe with waves of exhausting heat. The initial effect will drain the target of some Endurance, but the heat is so overwhelming that the affected target will be weakened. Their Damage output, Endurance Recovery and Hit Point Regeneration will all be reduced.
Melt Armor High-Accuracy, Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Resist(All), -Defense
The searing Heat from this power is enough to Melt the Armor and defenses of all targets in the affected area. Melt Armor significantly weakens the Defense and Damage Resistance of the affected targets.
Fort Knoxxer
The mighty Fort Knoxxer is infamous among the Gold Brickers for having survived so many near-death experiences that his comrades believe him more impervious than Fort Knox itself, hence the nickname. The Knoxxer's logic was that he has already survived explosions, gunfire, and superpowered villains... what's there to fear from a little firepower at his finger tips?
Levels: 35-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Fire Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Sends a Blast of Fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Blaze Close, Extreme DMG(Fire), Light DoT(Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack.
Char Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Hold
Incapacitates a distant foe by Charring them with smoldering soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot.
Thermal Shield Ranged, Ally +Resist(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Casts a Thermal Shield on one of your allies and grants them damage resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Thermal Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. You cannot stack multiple Thermal Shields on the same target, however the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Plasma Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Cauterize Ranged, Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally by cauterizing their wounds. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Forge (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged, Ally +DMG, +ToHit
Forge a single ally target into a killing machine. Forge immensely enhances a single ally's Damage and chance to hit.
Healing Flames (Only Level 45 and up) Self Heal, +Resist(Toxic)
You can concentrate for a few moments to heal yourself. The power of the flames can also protect you from Toxic Damage for a while.
Fiery Embrace (Only Level 45 and up) Self +DMG
Significantly boosts the damage of all your Fire attacks for quite a while. Also increases the damage of all your other non-fire based attacks for a short while.
Smelted Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 F50 C-30 E20 T-20 ), Def( C-15 ), +MaxHP
Smelter's Gold Bricker resistance
Challenger's Resolve Auto, Self Prot( Kb 100 ), +Range
Challengers of the Smelting Cauldron want to stay in the ring and can hit you from farther away!
Fort Knoxxer gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Smelting Cauldron Ranged (Targeted AoE), Ally Heal
You send out a powerful blast of cauterizing heat that instantly rejuvenates allies nearby, but can only be used once realistically in a single combat engagement.
Heat Exhaustion High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration
Overwhelm a single foe with waves of exhausting heat. The initial effect will drain the target of some Endurance, but the heat is so overwhelming that the affected target will be weakened. Their Damage output, Endurance Recovery and Hit Point Regeneration will all be reduced.
Melt Armor High-Accuracy, Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Resist(All), -Defense
The searing Heat from this power is enough to Melt the Armor and defenses of all targets in the affected area. Melt Armor significantly weakens the Defense and Damage Resistance of the affected targets.
Gold Brickster
The Brickster is a Gold Bricker who's always quick with a joke or to light up your smoke. Despite his silly demeanor, he's one of the more veteran Smelters within Langston Corp's ranks and there's nothing funny about having flesh seared from bone.
Levels: 35-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Fire Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Sends a Blast of Fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Blaze Close, Extreme DMG(Fire), Light DoT(Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack.
Char Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Hold
Incapacitates a distant foe by Charring them with smoldering soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot.
Thermal Shield Ranged, Ally +Resist(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Casts a Thermal Shield on one of your allies and grants them damage resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Thermal Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. You cannot stack multiple Thermal Shields on the same target, however the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Plasma Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Cauterize Ranged, Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally by cauterizing their wounds. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Forge (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged, Ally +DMG, +ToHit
Forge a single ally target into a killing machine. Forge immensely enhances a single ally's Damage and chance to hit.
Fire Imps (Only Level 45 and up) Summon 3 Imps: Melee, Light DMG(Fire)
You can craft 3 small Fire Imps out of pure flame in a targeted location. Fire Imps will viciously attack any nearby foes, but they only possess the most basic instincts. Fire Imps can be healed and buffed like any teammate.
Smelted Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 F50 C-30 E20 T-20 ), Def( C-15 ), +MaxHP
Smelter's Gold Bricker resistance
Challenger's Resolve Auto, Self Prot( Kb 100 ), +Range
Challengers of the Smelting Cauldron want to stay in the ring and can hit you from farther away!
Gold Brickster gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Smelting Cauldron Ranged (Targeted AoE), Ally Heal
You send out a powerful blast of cauterizing heat that instantly rejuvenates allies nearby, but can only be used once realistically in a single combat engagement.
Heat Exhaustion High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration
Overwhelm a single foe with waves of exhausting heat. The initial effect will drain the target of some Endurance, but the heat is so overwhelming that the affected target will be weakened. Their Damage output, Endurance Recovery and Hit Point Regeneration will all be reduced.
Melt Armor High-Accuracy, Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Resist(All), -Defense
The searing Heat from this power is enough to Melt the Armor and defenses of all targets in the affected area. Melt Armor significantly weakens the Defense and Damage Resistance of the affected targets.
Golden Brickernaut
The Golden Brickernauts are the culmination of all the stolen technology the Gold Brickers have accumulated from years of criminal activity.
Langston Corp's walking tanks were created using the schematics of Dr. Aeon's own power suit, Crey's energy weapons systems, and tied together with the Gold Bricker's own AU-System.
Despite such impressive foundations, the Gold Brickers lack of access to the same exotic materials as Dr. Aeon resulting in an inferior derivative. In order to boost its various capabilities, the Brickernaut armor overclocked its energy system, which if damaged could cause the power core to go critical...
Teleport Self Travel
The AU Gold Brickers can Teleport long distances
Barrage Melee, Light Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Energy Punch Melee, Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Whirling Hands PBAoE, Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
Launches a dizzying attack against everything in a nearby area.
Bone Smasher Melee, High Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Total Focus (Only Level 45 and up) Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
Total Focus is complete mastery over Ripple Energy Melee. This is a very slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents, leaving them Disoriented. Due to the exhausting nature of Total Focus, recharge time is very long.
Energy Transfer (Only Level 45 and up) Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient, Knockback
Mastery of Ripple Energy Melee begins with the ability to transfer your own Hit Points into a punch that deals extreme damage. Energy Transfer has a good chance of Disorienting the target.
Power Bolt Ranged, Moderate Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A quick attack that rapidly hurls small bolts of ripple energy at foes, sometimes knocking them down. Fast, but little damage.
Power Blast Ranged, High Negative/Smash Damage, Foe Knockback
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Power Bolt. Power Blast sends a focused beam of ripple energy at a foe that can knock him back.
Power Burst (Only Level 40 and up) Close, Superior DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Knockback
A short range, but devastating attack.
Explosive Blast Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate Smash/Negative Damage, Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged ripple energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Taunt Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt
Taunt foes to attack you. Useful to pull enemies off allies.
Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S25 L25 E25 P-20 T-20 ), Prot( Kb 100 ), +MaxHP
Brickernaut's Gold Bricker resistance
Golden Brickernaut gains the following during Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Nova PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Knockback
You can explode in a tremendous blast of ripple energy, sending nearby foes flying. The Nova deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance, and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.
Power Core Critical Countdown: Res( S1000 L1000 F1000 C1000 E1000 N1000 T1000 ), Def( S150 L150 F150 C150 E150 N150 All150 ), Resist(Teleport, Untouchable, Intangible, Only Affect Self)
The Golden Brickernaut begins triggering a critical meltdown of their armor's power core!
Power Core Meltdown Autohit, PBAoE, Fatal DMG(Fire/Energy), Fatal DoT(Energy), Foe Knockback, Self Kill
The Golden Brickernaut explodes! In doing so, they create a massive explosion which deals fatal damage to all foes in a large radius.
Uncontained Power Core Meltdown Autohit, PBAoE, Foe & Ally Fatal DMG(Fire/Energy), Fatal DoT(Energy), Foe Knockback, Self Kill
The Golden Brickernaut explodes! In doing so, they create a massive explosion which deals fatal damage to all targets in a large radius.
Power Core Meltdown Check Executes Uncontained Power Core Meltdown if grounded with Dimensional Grounding Ray, otherwise executes Power Core Meltdown normally
The Golden Brickernaut explodes! In doing so, they create a massive explosion which deals fatal damage. This power checks to determine if it hits all foes or all targets in a large radius.
Cauldron Champion Frobe
Few can claim to have been champions of the Gold Bricker's infamous 'Smelting Cauldron' arena. Though the arena venue itself changes from time to time, one thing remains constant: the fighters duke it out in a pool of molten slag.
Only those who have been crowned 'Cauldron Champion' are permitted to wear the burning helmet and the champ's belt. It is the duty and honor of each new champion to run each tournament that follows their victory until they are ultimately defeated themselves by the next champion.
The current champ has reigned for quite some time, he won't go down without a fight!
Levels: 35-54
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Fire Blast Ranged, Moderate DMG(Fire), Minor DoT(Fire)
Sends a Blast of Fire at a targeted foe and sets the target on fire for a short period of time. Slower recharge rate than Flares, but more damage.
Blaze Close, Extreme DMG(Fire), Light DoT(Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack.
Char Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Hold
Incapacitates a distant foe by Charring them with smoldering soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot.
Fire Breath (Only Level 45 and up) Ranged (Cone), High DoT(Fire)
You can breathe forth a torrent of fire that burns all foes within its narrow cone. Very accurate and very deadly at medium range.
Inferno (Only Level 45 and up) PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Fire/Smash), Extreme DoT(Fire), Self -Endurance, -Recovery
Unleashes a massive fiery explosion to devastate all nearby enemies and set them ablaze. Inferno deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance and unable to recover Endurance for a while.
Thermal Shield Ranged, Ally +Resist(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Casts a Thermal Shield on one of your allies and grants them damage resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Thermal Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. You cannot stack multiple Thermal Shields on the same target, however the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Plasma Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Cauterize Ranged, Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally by cauterizing their wounds. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Forge (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged, Ally +DMG, +ToHit
Forge a single ally target into a killing machine. Forge immensely enhances a single ally's Damage and chance to hit.
Fire Imps (Only Level 45 and up) Summon 3 Imps: Melee, Light DMG(Fire)
You can craft 3 small Fire Imps out of pure flame in a targeted location. Fire Imps will viciously attack any nearby foes, but they only possess the most basic instincts. Fire Imps can be healed and buffed like any teammate.
Healing Flames (Only Level 45 and up) Self Heal, +Resist(Toxic)
You can concentrate for a few moments to heal yourself. The power of the flames can also protect you from Toxic Damage for a while.
Fiery Embrace (Only Level 45 and up) Self +DMG
Significantly boosts the damage of all your Fire attacks for quite a while. Also increases the damage of all your other non-fire based attacks for a short while.
Smelted Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S20 L20 F50 C-30 E20 T-20 ), Def( C-15 ), +MaxHP
Smelter's Gold Bricker resistance
Challenger's Resolve Auto, Self Prot( Kb 100 ), +Range
Challengers of the Smelting Cauldron want to stay in the ring and can hit you from farther away!
Scaling Special: Self +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +DMG for each player on map
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain resistance.
Cauldron Champion Frobe gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Smelting Cauldron Ranged (Targeted AoE), Ally Heal
You send out a powerful blast of cauterizing heat that instantly rejuvenates allies nearby, but can only be used once realistically in a single combat engagement.
Heat Exhaustion High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration
Overwhelm a single foe with waves of exhausting heat. The initial effect will drain the target of some Endurance, but the heat is so overwhelming that the affected target will be weakened. Their Damage output, Endurance Recovery and Hit Point Regeneration will all be reduced.
Melt Armor High-Accuracy, Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Resist(All), -Defense
The searing Heat from this power is enough to Melt the Armor and defenses of all targets in the affected area. Melt Armor significantly weakens the Defense and Damage Resistance of the affected targets.
King Midas
Main Article: King Midas
Lawrence Langston boasts having one of the most distinguished criminal careers in the Rogue Isles as well as control over a global corporate dynasty.
His reign as 'King Midas' was not without assistance however, and he struck many deals in order to obtain his both literal and figurative power. In a bid to accrue even greater strength, he became Dr. Aeon's science experiment and gained indestructible diamond-like skin in exchange for helping the doctor manipulate affairs within Cap Au Diable.
At a certain point however (likely after the birth of his daughter), King Midas decided to prioritize the future of his loyal Gold Brickers over his dealings with Dr. Aeon, ending what was a colorful 30 year partnership in the shadows.
Teleport Self Teleport
The AU Gold Brickers can Teleport long distances.
Ripple Body Blow Melee, Moderate Damage(Negative/Cold) Foe Disorient, -Damage
A much more powerful, yet slower version of Quick Strike. Body Blow is capable of stunning an opponent occasionally.
Smashing Ripple Blow Melee, High Damage(Negative/Cold) Foe Disorient, -Damage
Smashing Blow is a slow attack, but makes up for it with a good amount of damage. Has a greater chance to stun than body blow.
Ripple Siphon Self, +ToHit, +Special
Power Siphon adds a small bonus to hit and modifies your other Kinetic Attack powers, so they are now capable of draining the strength of your enemies and adding that strength to you. This effect will stack up to 5 times.
Ripple Torrent Ranged (Cone), Moderate Damage(Negative/Cold) Foe Knockback
Ripple Torrent unleashes a cone of powerful ripples that can damage foes and possibly send them flying.
Ripple Burst Point Blank Area of Effect, Moderate Damage(Negative/Cold) Foe Knockdown, -Damage
By focusing your energy into the muscles in your arms, you can launch a dizzying flurry of attacks against every foe in melee range. Some foes may be hit hard enough to be knocked down as well.
Focused Ripple Burst Ranged, High Damage(Negative/Cold) Foe Knockdown, -Damage
Projects a burst of focused ripple over a short distance. Focused Ripple Burst deals high damage and can possibly knock down your foe.
Concentrated Ripple Strike (Only Level 45 and up) Melee, Extreme Damage(Negative/Cold) Foe Disorient, -Damage
Concentrated Ripple Strike is a slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents, leaving them Disoriented. Due to the exhausting nature of Concentrated Strike, recharge time is very long.
Siphon Power (Only Level 40 and up) High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Damage, Team +Damage
You can Siphon the Power from a targeted foe, reducing their damage potential. The power is transferred back to you, increasing your own damage potential and that of all nearby allies.
Siphon Speed (Only Level 40 and up) High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Speed, -Recharge, -Fly, Self +Speed, +Recharge
You can Siphon the speed from a targeted foe, Slowing their movement and attack rate while boosting your own.
Fulcrum Shift (Only Level 45 and up) High-Accuracy, Ranged (Targeted Area of Effect), Foe -Damage, Self +Damage
Fulcrum Shift drains the power of a targeted foe and all foes nearby, transferring it to all adjacent allies, the caster, and those near the caster. Affected foes will deal less damage, while your affected allies will deal more. The more foes that are affected, the more power your allies receive. Fulcrum Shift can dramatically turn the tide of a melee battle.
Indestructible Skin Indestructible: Res( All1000 ) while not in Smelting Cauldron
King Midas has nearly Indestructible skin making him almost impossible to damage.
He could be made vulnerable if his skin were to be raised to a very high temperature...
Midas Gold Skin Res( S30 L30 F-20 C30 E-20 N30 P30 T-20 ), Def( C15 N15 ), +MaxHP
King Midas' Gold Bricker resistance
Scaling Special: Self +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Damage for each player on map
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain Resistance.
Princess Zoe
Main Article: Princess Zoe
The woman who calls herself Princess Zoe is the daughter of the crimelord known as King Midas. While her father maintained the authority over his men through strength and command, his next of kin has won the Gold Bricker's undying loyalty through their hearts.
While Midas was originally opposed to his daughter's involvement in his gang, her stubborn insistence has proven herself as both a peerless tactician and a brilliant engineer who could someday rival Dr. Aeon himself. The new Smelting Arms tech that the Gold Brickers have recently been utilizing are an invention entirely of Zoe's own make, giving her men deployable thermal shields for self-defense, the ability to cauterize wounds, and dangerous ranged fire attacks.
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Throwing Wrench Ranged, Extreme DMG(Smash), Foe Disorient, -Resist(Smash)
This thrown wrench is going to hurt... A lot.
'If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball!'
Absolute-Zero Cannon Ranged, Extreme DMG(Cold), Foe -DEF, -SPD, -Recharge
Princess Zoe's backpack has a built in absolute-zero cannon which fires bolts of cold.
Heavy Sonic Wave Cannon Ranged (Cone), Heavy DMG(Energy), Foe -Resist(All)
The Gold Brickers wield sonic arms which are capable of reducing your strength.
Resonator (Only Level 40 and up) Ranged (Cone), Superior DMG(Energy), Foe Disorient, Foe -Resist(All but Psionics)
The Resonator has reduced you Resistance to all damage types except Psionics and you are feeling Disoriented.
Ripple Resonator (Only Level 45 and up) Ranged (Location AoE), Foe -Resist(All)
Fires a Ripple Distorter at a target. The explosion can knock off the targets toggles. All those affected by the sonic vibrations will have their damage resistance reduced.
- Ripple Resonator
Ripple Concussion Location AoE, Foe Hold
You have been held.Ripple Resonator Location AoE, Foe -Resist(All)
The Ripple Resonator will weaken all targets in a radius around the target location's resistance to all damage types.
Shatter Melee (Cone), Superior DMG(Smash), Foe Knockback
You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.
Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 F30 E30 T-20 ), +MaxHP
Princess Zoe's Gold Bricker resistance
Scaling Special: Self +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Damage for each player on map
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain Resistance.
Princess Zoe gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Rage Self +Damage, +ToHit, Delayed Special(Weaken, -Defense, -Endurance, -Damage)
A Rage comes over you, sending you into a berserker fury. While Raging, your damage and chance to hit are dramatically increased. However, when your Rage subsides, you are left with reduced Defense, drained of some of your Endurance, and your attacks are substantially weakened.
Golden Bonds Toggle, PBAoE, Team +Damage, Def( All3.5% ), +ToHit, +Perception, Res( Co 242.2% Pl 60.55% Tn 60.55% )
The Gold Brickers are united by bonds of comraderie and their combined devotion to their leadership.
This trust allows Princess Zoe to draw forth the best performance from nearby Gold Brickers.
Vengeance Post Death Special: Team +Defense, +Damage, +ToHit
The loss of a good leader enrage the team. If a Boomer falls in battle, they can grant their teammates a bonus to their defense, their to hit, and their damage with his last breath.
Princess Zoe (Smelter version)
Fly Self Fly
Goldbrickers can fly through the use of their jet packs.
Fire Ball Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Fire/Smash), Minor DoT(Fire)
Hurls an exploding Fireball that consumes a targeted foe, and all nearby enemies. Anyone in that explosion is burned and set ablaze.
Blaze (Only Level 40 and up) Close, Extreme DMG(Fire), Light DoT(Fire)
A short range, but devastating flame attack.
Burning Shatter Melee (Cone), Extreme DMG(Fire/Smash), Light DoT(Fire), Foe -Resist(Fire/Smash), High Knockback
Princess Zoe's signature attack. You attempt to Shatter the bones of your opponent by striking them with all your might. This attack will deal great damage and can knock foes back a great ways. The power of this attack can actually extend a short distance through multiple foes.
'This wrench of mine is burning red, it's loud roar tells me to bash victory!'
Throwing Burning Wrench Ranged, Extreme DMG(Smash/Fire), Foe -Res(Smash/Fire), Foe Disorient
This thrown burning wrench is going to hurt... A lot.
'If you can dodge a fire wrench, you can dodge a fire ball!'
Absolute-Zero Cannon Ranged, Extreme DMG(Cold), Light DoT(Cold), Foe -Defense, -Speed, -Recharge
Princess Zoe's backpack has a built in absolute-zero cannon which fires bolts of cold.
Char Ranged, Moderate DoT(Fire), Foe Hold
Incapacitates a distant foe by Charring them with smoldering soot and cinders. The target is left helpless, choking on the soot.
Rage (Only Level 45 and up) Self +Damage, +ToHit, Delayed Special(Weaken, -Defense, -Endurance, -Defense)
A Rage comes over you, sending you into a berserker fury. While Raging, your damage and chance to hit are dramatically increased. However, when your Rage subsides, you are left with reduced Defense, drained of some of your Endurance, and your attacks are substantially weakened.
Thermal Shield Ranged, Ally +Resist(Smash, Lethal, Fire, Cold, Energy, Negative)
Casts a Thermal Shield on one of your allies and grants them damage resistance to Lethal, Smashing and Fire damage. Thermal Shield also provides minimal resistance to Cold damage. You cannot stack multiple Thermal Shields on the same target, however the shield can be improved by another ally using the same power. Can also be used in conjunction with your Plasma Shield. You cannot use this power on yourself.
Cauterize Ally Heal
Heals a single targeted ally by cauterizing their wounds. You cannot use this power to heal yourself.
Forge Ally +Damage, +ToHit
Forge a single ally target into a killing machine. Forge immensely enhances a single ally's Damage and chance to hit.
Smelted Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 F60 C-30 E30 T-20 ), Def( C-15 ), +MaxHP
Princess Zoe's Gold Bricker resistance
Scaling Special: Self +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Damage for each player on map
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain Resistance.
Princess Zoe gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Smelting Cauldron Ranged (Targeted AoE), Ally Heal
You send out a powerful blast of cauterizing heat that instantly rejuvenates allies nearby, but can only be used once realistically in a single combat engagement.
Heat Exhaustion High-Accuracy, Ranged, Foe -Damage, -Endurance, -Recovery, -Regeneration
Overwhelm a single foe with waves of exhausting heat. The initial effect will drain the target of some Endurance, but the heat is so overwhelming that the affected target will be weakened. Their Damage output, Endurance Recovery and Hit Point Regeneration will all be reduced.
Melt Armor High-Accuracy, Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe -Resist(All), -Defense
The searing Heat from this power is enough to Melt the Armor and defenses of all targets in the affected area. Melt Armor significantly weakens the Defense and Damage Resistance of the affected targets.
Golden Bonds Toggle, PBAoE, Team +Damage, Def( All3.5% ), +ToHit, +Perception, Res( Co 242.2% Pl 60.55% Tn 60.55% )
The Gold Brickers are united by bonds of comraderie and their combined devotion to their leadership.
This trust allows Princess Zoe to draw forth the best performance from nearby Gold Brickers.
Mr. Rodney
Main Article: Mr. Rodney
Mr. Rodney is a 'veteran' Goldbricker who has been promoted to role of a spokesperson for King Midas.
Whenever Midas wishes to bargain a deal with a villain or organization, he will send one of his spokespersons to do so for him.
He's been armed with an advanced version of the AU System combat gear, courtesy of customizations from Princess Zoe and using exotic materials they can't afford to incorporate into the standard-issue version. This, naturally, makes him far more powerful and dangerous as a result, and without any risk of the side-effects seen with the inferior unstable tech of his peers.
Teleport Self Travel
The AU Gold Brickers can Teleport long distances
Barrage Melee, Moderate DMG(Smash/Negative), Foe Disorient
A Barrage from the Hero has Disoriented you.
Energy Punch Melee, Moderate DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
An Energy Punch from the Hero has Disoriented you.
Bone Smasher Melee, High DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
You have been Disoriented.
Whirling Hands PBAoE, Moderate DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
A Whirling Hands attack from the Hero has Disoriented you.
Energy Transfer Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient, Knockback
Mastery of Ripple Energy Melee begins with the ability to transfer your own Hit Points into a punch that deals extreme damage. Energy Transfer has a good chance of Disorienting the target.
Total Focus (Only Level 50 and up) Melee, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Disorient
Total Focus is complete mastery over Ripple Energy Melee. This is a very slow, but incredibly devastating attack that can knock out most opponents, leaving them Disoriented. Due to the exhausting nature of Total Focus, recharge time is very long.
Power Burst Close, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Knockback
A short range, but devastating attack.
Explosive Blast Ranged (Targeted AoE), Moderate DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Knockback
Hurls a blast of charged ripple energy that violently explodes on impact, damaging all foes near the target.
Energy Torrent Ranged (Cone), Moderate DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Knockback
Unleashes a cone of ripple energy that knocks foes back.
Overload (Only Level 45 and up) Self Def( S60 L60 F60 C60 E60 N60 P60 ), +Recovery, +MaxHP, Resist(Defense Debuffs)
You can Overload your Energy Aura and dramatically improve your defense to all attack types except Psionic Attacks. Overload also grants you high resistance to Defense Debuffs. This Energy Aura is so powerful, that it can even absorb some damage, effectively increasing your Max Hit Points, However, when Overload wears off, you are left drained of all Endurance and unable to Recover Endurance for a while.
Phasing Gold Skin Auto, Self Res( S30 L30 E-20 N30 P30 T-20 ), Def( S15 L15 F15 C15 N15 P15 ), -MaxHP
Mr. Rodney's Gold Bricker resistance.
Scaling Special: Self +MaxHP, +Regeneration, +Damage for each player on map
Resistance Resistance
Archvillain Resistance.
Mr. Rodney gains the following in Hard Mode Dr. Aeon Strike Force, Levels 50-54
Nova PBAoE, Extreme DMG(Negative/Smash), Foe Knockback
You can explode in a tremendous blast of ripple energy, sending nearby foes flying. The Nova deals massive damage to all nearby foes, although the damage does vary. Activating this power leaves you drained of Endurance, and unable to recover any Endurance for a while.
Taunt Ranged (Targeted AoE), Foe Taunt
Taunt foes to attack you. Useful to pull enemies off allies.
Golden Bonds Toggle, PBAoE, Team +Damage, Def( All3.5% ), +ToHit, +Perception, Res( Co 242.2% Pl 60.55% Tn 60.55% )
The Gold Brickers are united by bonds of comraderie and their combined devotion to their leadership.
This trust allows Mr. Rodney to draw forth the best performance from nearby Gold Brickers.
Named Enemies
- Clarence (Boomer)
- Croft (Boomer)
- Easton (Boomer)
- Flashbang (Boomer)
- Gerald (Boomer)
- Hopler (Boomer)
- Igor (Boomer)
- Johann (Boomer)
- Leo (Boomer)
- Low Boy (Boomer)
- Markus (Boomer)
- Mr. Rivers (Boomer)
- Ramsey (Boomer)
- Slick (Boomer)
- Tamar (Boomer)
- Targ (Boomer)
- The Torch (Boomer)
- Tobor (Boomer) (Found on (VillainBoss) Calls You Out mission from the Rogue Isle Protector.)
- Wiggy (Boomer)
Related Badges

Word has gotten out that King Midas said you were 'tougher to crack than Fort Knox'.

You've endured the heat and walked away with more than a few burns, but have taught the Gold Brickers that their Smelters, even with their new high-tech Smelting Arms, can't make you sweat under pressure.