Mission:Admissions Officer Lenk - Read Invention Program Syllabus
Read Invention Program Syllabus
You will enjoy our Inventions Program here at Paragon University. We have a number of courses available that will help you become acquainted with the methods and procedures used in the invention process.
Review the course syllabus. We have a collection of them on the counter here.
Mission Acceptance
You'll want to familiarize yourself with our program before you start your first class.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you read the syllabus yet?
Mission Objective(s)
- Read Syllabus
You pick up the Course Syllabus from the counter.

The Course Syllabus for the Inventions Program at Paragon University.
Invention Program Course List
Class | Instructor | Location |
Salvage 101 | Vic Boram | Library |
Recipes 201 | Chate Taylor | Library |
Workbenches & Results 301 | Ruth Chandler | Lab, First Floor |
Invention Enhancements 401 | Rudolph Topffer | Lab, Second Floor |
Wrap-Up | Counselor Jones | Administration |
Administration, Paragon University
Let's get you started right away.
If you ever need to, feel free to stop by and check the course syllabus anytime. I'll just leave them there for you to review.
Time for your first course. Inventions 101: Salvage.