Mission:Alexandra Sideris - Agree to rescue captured citizens

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Agree to rescue captured citizens


The Ravennans have abducted some of our people in the wake of your victory, as some desperate means to challenge us in their defeat. Show the Ravennans that we do not negotiate with the forces of evil!

Find our people and return them to us, Character.

You have 60 minutes to complete this task or I fear that death, or worse, may await those poor souls.

Unnecessary Solicitation

Find our people before it is too late! Those allied with Hades are not known for their patience or mercy.

Mission Objective(s)

You smell the telltale odor of Nictus dark magic in here. Somewhere deep within, a man cries out.

  • Rescue captured citizens
    • Rescue the last citizen
      • Lead the citizen out
    • Rescue the last soldier
      • Lead the soldier out

Success: None
Failure: None


Ravenna Conclave
Cimeroran Traitors

Notable NPCs

Ambush! Freeing the Kidnapped Doctor triggers an ambush by one wave of Ravenna Conclave.

Ravennan 1: Sister Valeria's men are escaping! They cannot leave!

Ambush! Freeing the Captured Citizen triggers an ambush by one wave of Ravenna Conclave.

Ravennan 1: Quickly! Sister Valeria's lackeys are escaping!


Mission Success: None
Mission Failure: None