Mission:Alexandra Sideris - Prepare a strike on the Ravennans

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Prepare a strike on the Ravennans


Your deeds with Valeria have earned you great reputation with our people. As you know, evil never succumbs without dogged persistence, As such, we are now moving our eyes towards upsetting whatever plans the Ravenna Council are attempting to hatch in the wake of your victory. Take a look, by yourself or with a cohort, at this cave I've marked on your map. I fear the rumors that the Ravennans have fled here to hatch more schemes may be all too true. Go there and destroy whatever foul plans they may have connived.

Ravennans are crafty, and may have spies that send warning of our movements. Strike fast and quickly, before they move.

You have 60 minutes to complete this task.

Unnecessary Solicitation

We must be quick, Character. Priestesses like Boss Name do not idle!

Editor's Note:

Possible names for the Ravennan priestess include: Cecilia, Enyo, Malvolia.

Mission Objective(s)

The Ravennans came from nowhere to be equal in threat to the Cimerorans. They must be stopped!

  • Root out Ravennan Hideout
    • 3 shadow crystals to destroy

Success: You have completed your task successfully.
Failure: Your task has ended in failure. There is no honor, nor reward, in that.


Ravenna Conclave

Notable NPCs


Mission Success: Thank you, Character. You have destroyed those foul crystals. This will bode well for the spirit of our people.
Mission Failure: The Ravennans are not to be emboldened by victory. Perhaps your next attempt will be more effective.