Mission:Bear Any Burden (Villain) - Finale: One More Life
Finale: One More Life
Manticore and his squad of Longbow are scrambling to find where we're keeping Alexis. If only they knew, hrm?
With all of this said and done, I believe it's time you and Marshal Blitz meet, face to face. He's quite excited to meet you know. He is currently with Alexis now, along with a few other cohorts who have helped set these events in motion.
- If this is a trap, Gossamer, I -will- survive it.
Oh no, it isn't a trap at all, Character! We've seen enough times how those get botched. No, this is a meeting to discuss what to do next.
We have the girl, we have the missiles, now all we need to do is issue our demands to the government and watch the fallout. It'll be brilliant!
Unnecessary Solicitation
Marshal Blitz is waiting for you as we speak.
Mission Objective(s)
You enter the meeting area to see... a site set up for a ritual?
- Meet with Marshal Blitz
- Speak with Darrin Wade
- 3 members of the Shining Stars to defeat
- Activate the Warburg Computer
- Enjoy the rocket launch
- Fend off Manticore
- Get back inside to witness Manticore's downfall
- Defeat Manticore
Alexis Cole-Duncan is dead. Malaise has been arrested, and Manticore has been humiliated. All thanks to you.
Character. Doing well, I hope? I'm sure you have some questions. You're probably quite surprised to see me here.
Marshal Blitz is, or rather, was a charismatic and cunning man, before his cancer and his treatments began to dull the edge of his mind.
But, that would be why I am here.
Darrin Wade holds up a small vial of blood belonging to Alexis.
Or, rather, this is why I'm here.
- You did all of this just for her blood, Wade?
Oh, there's more to come, but yes, that was one of the things I'm here for. You see, Alexis has very special blood, given how close it is to our dear Statesman.
I'm sure that Gossamer told you several things about Rogue Arachnos rising to power and what not. Really, it's amazing what an idiotic follower that woman is. This is... much bigger, Character. And, Character, this is your chance to become a legend.
- Go on.
Darrin Wade holds up a pistol.
You can be given the honors of killing Alexis Cole, the daughter of Statesman. I've taken everything I needed from her.
Her death, Character, will change the face of the Freedom Phalanx forever. Manticore will be shunned by his own wife and Statesman. Our dear incarnate-powered hero will put on a brave face and vanish for a while. I know this, because I've done the research, I know how he reacted the last time someone close to him, his wife, Monica Richter, died.
I've spent the past five years putting this plan into motion. And now, I'm offering you the honor of being a hero-killer. What do you say?
- (Kill Alexis) Nothing would make me happier.
- You take the pistol and shoot Alexis in the head. You watch her body slump onto the slab that for Wade's ritual.
- You've ascended to a new place today, Character. I'm happy to have been here to see it, and our friends Blitz and Jean, oh, you might know Jean as Malaise, are also glad to have seen this.
- Of course, now we have the issue of Longbow and actually revealing that Alexis is dead.
- We could lure Longbow in here with some sort of illusion.
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.
- (Refuse) This is your show, Wade. You do it.
- Wade shrugs his shoulders and shoots Alexis in the head.
- Don't worry, Character, I still think quite highly of you. Not all of us are born killers; in fact, I only kill when I have to, if you can believe that.
- Now, however, we must think ahead, towards Longbow and Manticore. We have the aid of Jean here, oh, wait, you might know him as Malaise, to assist us in creating any sort of illusion.
- We could lure Longbow in here with some sort of illusion.
- Darrin Wade flashes a grin at your proposal.
- I like the way you think, Character! I was going to just have Manticore walk in here and see Alexis dead, but oh, this is a much better plan.
- Jean will create an illusion that Alexis is still alive, that Manticore has come here just in time. You and Jean will be present here to see Manticore spout some speech about how villainy will never win, and then... snap! Alexis is dead, and Manticore is far too late!
- And then we kick Manticore while he's down.
- Exactly, my fiendish friend. He will, of course, teleport away to safety, but his pride, oh his pride will be hurt!
- There will be... one last thing that needs to be done. Not on your part, of course, but on the part of Malaise. When Manticore is defeated, he will willingly walk out and have himself arrested by Longbow.
- You see, this plan of ours is far from done, Character. The next part will require Malaise to be quite close to his old mentor, Sister Psyche.
- When he is there, I will, of course, have someone contact you. I consider you to be a major player in this now, Character. We all have something great to gain from all this. You aren't some mere 'lackey'. You are an equal partner with us in all of this.
- Understood. Now, to the matter of Manticore...
- Yes. As far as I know, Manticore and his squad of kiddies are right outside. You'll have to knock them around to get Manticore to come out.
- Oh, and just for kicks, feel free to launch the Warburg rocket. It'll provide an excellent escape for you once Manticore is defeated. I'll be making my exit as well. Until we meet again, Character.
- Very well.
- Hold on. Why do you want the Phalanx torn so badly?
- It's simple, Character. With Statesman MIA, the Phalanx loses one of its most powerful members. Manticore will be shunned for knowingly keeping information from them.
- It will be a time when someone could, oh, I don't know, do whatever they wished. Perhaps even go after Statesman himself, as he would be alone, without his little pals to help him. It wouldn't just be an opportunity for me, it would be an opportunity for you as well.
- Now, Character, will you do the honors?
- This selection loops to another branch of this conversation which is already documented.

Sister Psyche: Why, Jean? Why do all of this? We all -trusted- you!
Jean: You can read minds, Shalice. Why don't you read mine?
Sister Psyche: I'm not here to play games! Were you behind the attack on Synapse? On Numina's father?
Jean: Do you think the story is that simple, Shalice? There are many layers, many pages...
Jean: However... we are about to introduce our next character. One whose downfall will be such a tragedy...
Sister Psyche: Tell me who is next, Jean! This is your chance to redeem yourself, in some tiny way!
Jean: -You- are next, my dear Shalice.
That... that Darrin Wade! He... you allowed Marshal Blitz to be arrested by Longbow! What happened to the glory, Character?! The thing that was supposed to change the world?!
News has gotten back to the mainland that Alexis is dead, and that you had a large role to play in it, along with Malaise and Blitz. Wade, of course, wasn't mentioned at all.
Gossamer takes a calming breath.
... I'm sorry. You were doing your part, as far as I've heard. Marshal Blitz... we can still rescue him. It isn't over yet. Well, at least for us. You've done everything that you needed to do. We'll part ways now, Character, but perhaps soon, once Marshal Blitz is released, we'll finish up what we started today.