Mission:Blind Faith - Part One: Oranbega's One Weakness
Part One: Oranbega's One Weakness
Character. I am Theoden of the Lost. Normally, you and I would be enemies.
But today, we are allies against my former friends. There are members of the Lost who are going against what is... right. Your PPD have allowed me to work with you to stop this.
As you can see, I am currently in full custody of your PPD. I am helping you because our ways require it.
What these Lost are doing goes against the laws that have been handed down to us, against the goals that we promote.
I believe that, in this instance, your help will aid the greater good, if you can believe that.
Mission Acceptance
Members of the Lost are reverting to... magic in order to gain power. This is something that is forbidden by the Lost.
It has been passed down to us that magic is something that must be forbidden. I do not know why my brothers have decided to disobey such a command, but now they must reap the consequences.
From what I understand, they intend to steal Synapse's power by utilizing an ancient obelisk. As we speak, they are attacking the lair of the Circle of Thorns in order to retrieve the obelisk.
If they are successful, they will use this ritual to spread Synapse's abilities to all of the Lost, tainting all of us with the mark of magic!
I would normally be more than happy to receive an edge over you 'heroes', but this is going too far.
You can find the lair of the Circle beneath the streets of Skyway. The only way for them to steal such a large obelisk would be to bring it back up to the surface. Stop them here, and you will save both my people and the people of your city.
Unnecessary Solicitation
We have no time to lose. You must hurry, before my brothers corrupt all of the Lost with this magic.
Mission Objective(s)
You can feel the temperature rise as you step into Oranbega.
In the distance, the cries of battle can be heard between the Lost and the mages of the Circle.
- Protect the Obelisk from the Lost
- Find the Obelisk
- Get out of the caverns before they collapse! 2:00
You were too late to find the obelisk, but you discovered that the Lost found some unlikely allies in the form of the Igneous!
Notable NPCs
Something is causing the caverns to collapse!

The portion of Oranbega that you were sent to began to collapse around you, once you discovered that the obelisk was missing.
It appears that the Lost are working together with the Igneous, who created a tunnel system for them to transport the obelisk.

After defeating the Temple Leader, you have 2:00 to escape the cavern before it collapses. Groups of Minions of Igneous replace the Lost and Circle of Thorns mobs, including one Boss near the entrance to the first room. Defeating each minion spawn group adds 0:30 to the countdown timer, and defeating the boss adds 0:45. The exit is very near the original entry door.
Hrm. This is most troubling. The Igneous awoke many years ago during the Hollowing, where a giant explosion shattered the neighborhood of Eastgate.
The monsters kept to themselves within the Hollows, but we always believed they were biding their time before trying to rise to power.
I can only believe that my brothers somehow made a bargain with them; if the Igneous helped to retrieve the artifact, then they would help the Igneous rise to power. This must have been done on the psychic level, as communication with the Igneous is... quite difficult.
...I just may know how to catch up with my brothers.