Mission:Blood Begets Blood - Part One: Rebuilding the Golden Cage
Part One: Rebuilding the Golden Cage
I cannot thank you enough for all you have done, Character. So it is with weighted conscience that I ask for your help once more in undoing the villainy of that sorceress, Serene.
I have been observing the psychic ebb and flow of First Ward for many days now, and I have discovered, in part, Serene's plan. Unfortunately, most of it has already been accomplished.
If Serene is to be stopped we will need to undo the damage she has done, regain our footing, and then strike back against her and stop this nightmare from spreading any further.
The first step is reactivating the Seer Network...
- Reactivate the Seer Network?
I know, it seems illogical, but trust me. Serene is more powerful now with the Network disabled than if it were reactivated. As long as the Network is deactivated the Seers throughout First Ward are easy prey for the Talons of Vengeance. When the Network is active and they are linked into it, they can rely on one another for mental support and resist the Talons' efforts to corrupt them.
The Network only failed before because Serene managed to infect the Network with a particularly vicious Apparition. We know to look for them now, so the Network remaining deactivated is only strengthening the ranks of the Talons and further cementing Serene's position.
You must move quickly. As we speak the Talons are sweeping across First Ward, hunting down psychics and turning them into more agents of destruction.
Unnecessary Solicitation
I know it is not the most just thing to do, but it is one that we can undo. If the Seer Network isn't restored, then every last person in First Ward is going to succumb to the lure of the Talons and sweep us aside in a flood of tears and blood.
Mission Objective(s)
The acrid tang of fresh blood hangs in the air. The Talons of Vengeance are here, and they are going to be overjoyed to see you.
- Reactivate the Seer Network
- Access the Network Control Console
- Stop Katie Douglas
- Reintegrate Katie into the Network
- Listen to Serene's insane ramblings
You reactivated the Seer Network, allowing the Seers inside to fortify one another's minds against the siren call of the Talons of Vengeance.
Further in the complex:
At last room:

With Katie Douglas defeated, the psychic lock on the Seer Network controls appears to have been broken.
- Reintegrate Katie into the Network
Subject's cranial implants cannot be detected.
Ensure that cranial implants of subject are activated before attempting reintegration into Network.
- Go and activate Katie's cranial implants
Katie is unconscious, but alive. You can see her cranial implants clearly and note that they are currently disabled.
- Reactivate Katie's cranial implants

With Katie Douglas defeated, the psychic lock on the Seer Network controls appears to have been broken.
- Reintegrate Katie into the Network
Subject has been reintegrated into the Network.
Network remains offline.
- Reactivate the Network
Network reactivated.
...reboot completed.
Seer Network 00-04 reinitializing...
All subjects display optimal Theta wave patterns.
Seer Network 00-04 has been successfully reestablished.
Reestablishing links with personnel...
Links successfully reestablished.
Network is at 17% capacity.
- Leave
Thank you for restarting the Seer Network. I'm sorry about having to put Katie Douglas back into that horrible place, but right now it is the only defense against the corruption of the Talons of Vengeance. Once we have delt with them, rest assured, I will destroy that hateful place myself and free all the sisters who are trapped within.
As for Serene's taunting, I cannot tell if she was being truthful. There is no sign of an imminent attack, so my guess is that Serene was merely trying to halt our efforts to stop her by convincing us she was going on the offensive. We must be doing more to unravel her plans than it appears.
I have had waking dreams of this moment before, Character. I saw long ago that you and I would be great friends and that moment is here and now.
If you ever need my guidance, just think of me, and I will answer.