Mission:Clock Face - Finale
Why didn't I see this before? Agh, I've been so blind, it all makes perfect sense...
The Syndicate has shown signs of infighting lately. Someone in their organization must have figured out how to remotely control Clockwork with telekinetics or something. I'm no expert on the Syndicate, but one thing I do know is that all of them have minor psychic capabilities. So it only stands to reason that some of them are much stronger than the initiates we see on the streets.
Psychically controlled Clockwork give them the ability to attack their rivals without fear of attracting the PPD's attention! They make the perfect soldiers! That would explain why they were stealing Clockwork parts, and those new schematics I found!
Now that I know what I'm looking for, it's easy... See? There!
Parson shows you an image on his digital work pad. It displays an overview of Imperial City covered with multi-colored swirls and dots. He jabs his finger at a cluster of white and purple dots over what appears to be Industry Avenue.
I accessed the Seer Network and looked at Megalith Storage during the time stamp when I detected that carrier signal earlier. There was a psychic surge at the same precise moment.
All I have to do is scan back through the last hour or so and with a bit of luck... there! Twenty minutes ago a whole bunch of Clockwork went offline in a warehouse on the northeast side of Logos. At the same time... a psychic surge! I think we've just tracked down where our culprit is hiding out! I have a strong hunch that this is where they've been operating from the entire time, right under our noses!
Put an end to this, Character!
Note: This mission is very challenging, you may wish to team up with another Powers Division member or two before you take it on.
- Put an end to the Clockwork menace.
It didn't click until you told me about the Syndicate at Megalith Storage. I've been tracking Clockwork activity in the city since this whole debacle began, but to no avail. It wasn't until you mentioned the Syndicate and their psychic abilities that I tried cross referencing Clockwork anomalies with Seer reports on psychic surges.
Whenever our friends show up, the Seers have detected a psychic surge as well. I know the Syndicate have some psychic ability to mask themselves from the Seers and augment their fighting abilities, but mentally controlling Clockwork is a staggering psychic feat.
Whoever is responsible for this is an extremely powerful and dangerous psychic master.
Be careful, Character, they will likely know that you are coming.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Head to the warehouse and put a stop to this mechanical madness.
Mission Objective(s)
If the Syndicate are here, you haven't seen any evidence of their presence.
- End the Clockwork Threat
- Destroy the Metronome Clockwork - 3:40
- Defeat Metronome!
You destroyed the bizarre prototypes being constructed by the Clockwork.
Notable NPCs
- Metronome Prototype (Rogue Clockwork Glitched Lifter) x5 (Boss)

You destroyed a prototype Clockwork being built by the strange Rogue Clockwork. Whoever designed it was brillant, if not a little unstable.
An army of strange prototypes? Someone calling himself Metronome and vowing revenge against Doctor Keyes for stealing his work and his life?
Wait... Metronome. Why is that familiar...?
Time... a metronome keeps time... time is 't'... < BR > plus 't'...
Character! That wasn't code, it was a name! Or rather, a signature! Let me explain.
Raymond Keyes had an assistant during the time he invented the Clockwork. A brilliant scientist in his own right by the name of Russell Brandt. Brandt died a month before Keyes unveiled the Clockwork to the world. He used to sign his documents with a combination of hacky computer code and a play on his own last name. '< BR >' '+' 't'... Br-and-t... Russell Brandt!
You said that the Clockwork claimed that Doctor Keyes had betrayed and murdered him. Maybe Brandt knew what Keyes was planning and planted a virus in the Clockwork to exact vengeance later?
But that doesn't explain the psychic energy we detected. Maybe Brandt is controlling the Clockwork from beyond the grave? Or maybe it wasn't Brandt at all, but a third party using his name to draw suspicions away from the true puppeteer.
Whatever the case, he's beaten. But I have a feeling that this isn't the last we've seen of 'Metronome.'