Mission:Clock Face - Part Three: Bait and Switch
Part Three: Bait and Switch
Character! It isn't a malfunction in the hard lines... Gah, hold on, let me explain.
I sent the schematics over to a friend of mine at Omnitek to take a look at them while you were getting these parts. We were discussing them over a secure chat channel when she suddenly went offline.
I tried to contact her over the hard lines but I couldn't get through. I figured there was a communication disruption due to Resistance activity down in the tunnels again, but now that I check, Omnitek has gone completely silent. Whoever is behind this knows I transferred those schematics to Susan and now they've gone after her!
Please, Character, get Susan out of there before it's too late!
- Check out Omnitek
If anything happens to her it's my fault. I'll alert the PPD while you're en route, hopefully they can lend you a hand.
And Character, please... please get her out of there safely. Susan doesn't know it, but she is more to me than just another colleague.
Check out Omnitek
Unnecessary Solicitation
I still can't get ahold of anyone over at Omnitek.
Mission Objective(s)
Omnitek may have gone silent to the outside world, but inside it is pandemonium.
- Check out Omnitek
- Rescue Susan Beck
- Lead Susan Beck Out
You rescued Susan Beck, but it appears that it was all a ploy to draw you away from Alec Parson and MICIR.
Notable NPCs
- Susan Beck (Escort NPC)
- Susan Beck is a colleague of Alec Parson. He sent her the Clockwork schematics that were discovered in the Signal Carrier you disabled in MICIR. Apparently that got the attention of whoever, or whatever, is controlling these Clockwork.
- Lifter (Rogue Clockwork Glichted Lifter) (Boss)

Before it was just creepy, but now you are pretty certain that all of these Clockwork are finishing each others' sentences. Something seriously wrong is going on here.

Susan Beck is safe, but it would seem that whoever is controlling these Clockwork used her as bait to lure you away from Parson.
Stop Clockwork in M.I.C.I.R.

You rescued Susan Beck, but the hostile Clockwork made it fairly clear that this was all a diversion just to draw you and the PPD away from Alec Parson and his lab at MICIR... where all the parts you got from Imperial Storage are currently held!
Unnecessary Solicitation
You get Parson's voice mail. Hi, you've reached Alec Parson. I'm probably neck deep in some sort of investigation right now, but I'll be sure to return your call as soon as I'm able. Have a great day.
Mission Objective(s)
It looks like Parson didn't get out in time, the place is thick with Clockwork, and you get the feeling that they won't be happy to see you.
- Stop Clockwork in M.I.C.I.R.
- Rescue Alec Parson!
- Lead Alec Parson out!
You stopped the rogue Clockwork and rescued Alec Parson!
Notable NPCs
- Alec Parson (Escort NPC)
- Lifter (Rogue Clockwork Glichted Lifter) (Boss)
Those Clockwork were... They were talking!
They knew I had discovered something of interest with my research and were trying to destroy it! We must be getting close to the source of what's really going on here, Character, or they wouldn't have reacted so aggressively!
I'm relieved that Susan is alright. But for some reason I don't think whoever is controlling these Clockwork actually wants to hurt us. I wonder what it is they are really after. Who would those Clockwork schematics and parts be so important to?
You have a good eye in catching technical aspects most people would ignore. I'd definitely like to work again with you in the future, friend.