Mission:Common - Keep the Freakshow from getting plutonium
Keep the Freakshow from getting plutonium (30-35)
My sources are in shock, Character. The Freakshow have learned where to find some plutonium, and are planning to try and get their hands on it. I don't know whether they're planning some sort of terrorist action, or if they want the metal for some new kind of implant. Either way, I don't want to find out. I need you to stop the Freaks' from getting their cybernetic claws on that plutonium.
Mission Acceptance
I really want to know how the Freaks acquired such dangerous material. There are two ways you can defuse this situation. The simplest method is just to defeat all of the Freaks. The City's hazmat teams can handle the plutonium then. If it's too dangerous, you can also concentrate on finding the plutonium, and some evidence of how the Freakshow found out about it.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Every minute we let the Freakshow keep that plutonium, we're risking a radioactive disaster! You have to either clear them out or recover the plutonium and find out how they knew about it.
Mission Objective(s)
The Freaks' loud techno music covers your entrance nicely.
- Recover plutonium from Freaks
- Recover plutonium, Search for clues
You prevented the Freakshow from using the plutonium.

This e-mail lists the exact contents of a shipment from Crey Technologies to one of its subsidiary companies. The return address is encrypted.

Plutonium Atomic Symbol: Pu
Atomic number: 94
First discovered by Glen Seaborg in 1940, plutonium is a highly radioactive and poisonous metal, usually used in the construction of atomic bombs. This sample contains 10 kilograms. If introduced into the air, a sample this size could have a significant effect on the city's cancer rate.
So they knew exactly where to ambush that plutonium shipment, huh? Very interesting. Even more interesting is the fact that Crey hasn't reported the theft to the police. That might involve explaining why they had that much plutonium in the first place. It was probably for some government work, but I wish I knew more. The important thing, though, is that the Freakshow don't have it. Good work, Character.