Mission:Common - Recover the Talisman of Jiang Li
Recover the Talisman of Jiang Li (15-19)
We've got a problem, Character. According to the mystics of MAGI, the Outcasts recently got their hands on the Talisman of Jiang Li. It's a powerful artifact that gives the bearer the power to incinerate those with righteous souls. I can't think of anyone more righteous than the heroes of Paragon City! If the Outcasts figure out how to use that talisman, every hero could be in danger! You've got to recover the Talisman of Jiang Li!
Mission Acceptance
Try seeking the Talisman in Boomtown or Steel Canyon. Those are the zones where the Outcasts usually hang out.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Have you found that talisman yet?
Mission Objective(s)
- Recover Talisman of Jiang Li
- Defeat 15 Outcasts
On one of the fallen Outcasts, you found the Talisman of Jiang Li.

This evil talisman could easily be mistaken for a simple black pebble, were it not for the fact that it burns your hand.
Thanks for recovering this talisman, Character. If you hadn't acted quickly, the Outcasts might have figured out how to use it.