Mission:Common - Rescue the Mensa members from the clockwork
Rescue the Mensa members from the Clockwork
I have an unconfirmed report of Clockwork invading a Mensa meeting. I'll bet the Clockwork King wants to force those intellectuals to help him with his mad designs. Will you rescue the Mensa members from the Clockwork? There's no telling what the King might do to them if they won't cooperate.
Mission Acceptance
According to reports, the Clockwork are being led by an especially strong robot called Ka-Chang. It'll be even more dangerous than the rest.
Unnecessary Solicitation
Those Mensa members are still in grave peril!
Mission Objective(s)
A sign directs Mensa members to a meeting in office 108.
- Defeat Ka-Chang and its guards
- 3 Mensa members to rescue
You rescued the Mensa members from the Clockwork.

You found these advanced robot parts in the offices of Grauman Technologies. It seems that the Clockwork robots were trying to destroy them.
- Ka-Chang (Clockwork Cannon Knight)
So, the Clockwork King wanted the Mensa members to keep him company? He must have thought those intellectuals would be a fitting court for a brilliant engineer such as himself! I guess the King must be pretty lonely, with nobody but robots for company. Actually, I kind of feel sorry for him.